(04-16-2015, 03:19 PM)Mímir Wrote: Does this mean that Cross is now the sole caretaker of the Outcast NPC faction?
On that note, please don't disband...
Input and feedback to my skype if you want to see something happen as Outcasts or just have an idea.
Complaining for the sake of complaining will be ignored, and is an easy way to get you blocked.
Kay? :)
On the subject of the disbandment as a whole, I am rather melancholy about it.
There was once a time that I would have been overjoyed about this notice; a much more naive time. With the pressures of Sole Outcast leadership on me and me alone now, I'm starting to wish for the days back that there was another faction I could ask for help for certain things.
Never once did I have a bad encounter with the 101st, and there are very few factions you can say that about nowadays. I'm just hopeful that's something I myself, and other faction leaders can look up to and emulate. I know I'll certainly try.
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
If the Cross have any chance to replace the 101st, I highly suggest Scourge takes a few lessons from previous outstanding Outcast leaders and make the whole faction a bit more aggressive, as you might expect from a species of evolved humans, who think that they are better than others.
(04-16-2015, 04:02 PM)The Liberty Rogues Wrote: If the Cross have any chance to replace the 101st, I highly suggest Scourge takes a few lessons from previous outstanding Outcast leaders and make the whole faction a bit more aggressive, as you might expect from a species of evolved humans, who think that they are better than others.
I have an idea along these lines, it's implementation is just the finicky part.
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
Sorry to rez an old thread but I only just saw this and feel the need to have my say.
I remember the glory days when I used to hang with 101st and take part in some great large scale outcast/corsair fleet actions on a regular basis. They were always very helpful to players and were one of my favourite official factions. I am sorry to see the faction has gone. I never had anything but a positive opinion of 101st and it's members significantly increased my enjoyment of the Mod when I played an Outcast. They will always have my utmost respect and gratitude.