(01-15-2016, 02:53 PM)Texas.Red Wrote: they dock on a Rogue base. The second they lose those bases, they go to Kepler or Bering.
Which would be way better. Then they don't just spawn behind Manhattan and the stations are all quite far away from Trade Lanes so they can't do hit and run maneuvers with Battleships.
Except they shouldnt have battleships there in the first place.
(01-15-2016, 02:53 PM)Texas.Red Wrote: Theres genuinely no reason an Outcast cap should be in Liberty in the first place. The second they lose Rochester, they dock on a Rogue base. The second they lose those bases, they go to Kepler or Bering. This entire situation is why I shoot Outcasts that fly anything gunboat or larger. As a Rogue, we dont need them on our turf, stealing and killing. They belong in the Omicrons shooting Corsairs.
I have suggested an ID line that prevents Outcast caps from going to Liberty before. I have no idea if it was ever considered. It needs to stop, and the distance between Gamma+Alpha fixed, now that theres occasionally some Corsairs around. Spark up the old rivalry.
Now that I think about it that thread was locked for a really dumb reason. But yeah OC caps shouldn't really be in NY tbh.
(01-15-2016, 02:57 PM)Laura C. Wrote: I don´t think this would make bigger difference when majority of times incidents happen when no official faction members are around. And admins will hardly give nodock to any indies.
I used to log my JM during the big cap fights in NY to catch people. I stopped doing it for reasons I've already stated in this thread (lack of real tools to deal with it). Giving it to the JM and the Congress IDs would be an ample solution.
Such a thing exists. But these guys don't RP. So it is a bit bad. But I also don't really want to ignore everything that happens just because I believe it is not RP. Then I might also miss the stuff that I just evaluated wrongly.
dude please eat your own words if you state all of the group doesn't RP.
Most of them dont. Not all of them.
Huge difference.
you act like such a hero yet there is evidence showing that some RP still comes through from them.
If you dont mind then, stop squandering the truth just to make your point more sounding cool.
Sad to say someone can choose not to rp with you.
Met a cross in taus. Chased him with no CD. It was a great one sided conversation and he even stated he deliberately ignored.
I do not see why indies should not be able to fr5, certainly it should require more effort than it does from a faction so that abuse is avoided, but just because a player decides not to join a faction does not mean that they are any less capable than anyone else.
Signatures may not be bigger than 700x250, 1MB. ~Skorak
(01-15-2016, 03:56 PM)Findarato Veneanar Wrote: I do not see why indies should not be able to fr5, certainly it should require more effort than it does from a faction so that abuse is avoided, but just because a player decides not to join a faction does not mean that they are any less capable than anyone else.
Because FR5 is short for (Official) Faction Right 5 ? Also, there would be problem of authority. Official faction is technically head of the respective NPC faction, has right to change diplomacy etc. It has authority given by rules. But when it comes to indies, how are you going to identify who has authority to request punishment of someone and who doesn´t? Admins would end flooded by FR5 requests from every regular Joe which thinks someone deserves to be kicked from his faction bases for this or that.
(01-15-2016, 04:08 PM)Laura C. Wrote: Because FR5 is short for (Official) Faction Right 5 ? Also, there would be problem of authority. Official faction is technically head of the respective NPC faction, has right to change diplomacy etc. It has authority given by rules. But when it comes to indies, how are you going to identify who has authority to request punishment of someone and who doesn´t? Admins would end flooded by FR5 requests from every regular Joe which thinks someone deserves to be kicked from his faction bases for this or that.
A line certainly had to be drawn somewhere, but as it is power is far too unbalanced, but oh well.
Signatures may not be bigger than 700x250, 1MB. ~Skorak
I'm still strongly in favor of simply ignoring indies, out of all the recent comm threads to the Congress only one (as far as I can tell) has come from another official faction, the rest honestly should be ignored as its nothing more than mindless indies screaming into space that they lost a blue