Kusari Naval Intelligence Division
On 823 A.S. the Kempeitai Agency staged a massed defection to the Imperial Restoration movement, creating a huge gap in the Republic of Kusari information and defence capabilities. at the same time, a few thousand former agents and staff of the agency that remained loyal to the republic remained imprisoned or otherwise unauthorized to perform any of their former duties, as the KPT had been outlawed.
Realizing the need of advanced data gathering and intelligence operations, and to prevent the squandering of the highly specialized manpower and knowledge present in the Kempeitai Agency remnants, the Kusari Naval Forces decided to reorganize internally some of their recon and analysis units into a new Intelligence Division, and pleaded to the Republican Government to allow for the incorporation of the former agents who had been found not guilty of conspiracy against the state.
Kusari Naval Intelligence Division, also known as KNI, is a division within the Kusari Naval Forces whose mission is to collect, analyse, and exploit information and intelligence in support of law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives.
With less operational capabilities than the former KPT, and dealing with the incorporation of agents and transferred military staff, the KNI is working hard to build its mark on the republican war effort, and expand its assets and options.
The KNI operates under the command of the KNF admiralty, and the continuous watch of the Tokkeitai military police.
INRP Objectives:
-Provide the Naval Forces with updated intel on the enemy forces threatening Kusari and it’s government, elaborate advice on matters of foreign affairs, information control and management (counter-intelligence, propaganda), and actions of covert nature outside of Kusari borders.
-Coordinate with outside organizations and armed forces the deployment of unofficial military actions and joint actions.
-Assist the Kusari Naval Forces main units with combat and logistical power whenever needed.
-Acquire increased autonomy from KNF High Command.
-Perform actions of disruption, sabotage and assassination on behalf of the Republic interests.
OORP objectives
- Perform the duties and roles of the intelligence faction of the Republic of Kusari. Acquire a proper ID for said role (official faction and specialization)
- Expand the avenues for development of the House and its rp, on our own or in collaboration with allied factions.
Zone of Influence:
-The KNI operates throughout Kusari and the surrounding borders assisting the main KNF units, but operations can extend sirius wide.
KNI diplomacy follows the current Naval Forces diplomacy chart, with the following changes
[KNF] +1.0 (Ally)
RM +0.5 (New contacts need to be established)
BDM +0.5 (New contacts need to be established)
GRN/ONI +0.5 (New contacts need to be established)
Core +0.4 (Resume of contact needs to be performed)
BIS -0.4 LSF -0.6 (Due to recent actions) KPT -1.0
Ships and Equipment
The KNI currently employs the following ships and equipment
KNF snubs and gunboats, Civilian snubs and gunboats
RP is required before the use of Destroyers, no number limit
RP is required before the use of Battlecruisers, only 1
No Battleships are allowed for faction use
Structure, Ranks and Naming Convention:
The Kusari Naval Intelligence Division was reformed into a single chain of command, headed by the Division Commander assigned by the KNF Admiralty.
Low tier ranking members are incorporated into a common pool tasked with the performance of common policing and enforcing duties. Once they reach a certain rank, they are assigned to a specific section of their choosing, which is referred therefore as their speciality. Highly qualified agents can gradually take up additional assignments, eventually being able to operate in all fields of KNI operations.
Junsa (patrolman) -[ KNI|Jun>Codename ] Requirements: Transfer to the Kusari Naval Intelligence department Access to: Kusarian Naval Snubcraft, Transports
A Junior agent of the Agency, the Junsa are tasked with regular patrols and peacekeeping akin to the Naval Forces. They are observed and their knowledge and actions are examined during their tasks. The Junsa usually stay in sovereign Kusari space, with the exception of participation in special operations that they are authorized to participate in. They are often seen accompanying Naval Forces patrols or assisting senior agents in their missions.
Junsa-Cho (chief patrolman)-[ KNI|JC>Codename ] Requirements: Agent profile recorded Access to: Kusarian Naval Snubcraft, Transports Special: Ashikaga-class
Junsa-Cho are graduated field agents who are granted limited authority to supervise the operations within Kusari space, and the field coordination with KNF and KSP officers in times of need. Junsa-Cho are often tasked with supervising the junior Junsa and ensuring they are appropriately performing their duties.
Keibu (inspector)-[ KNI|Codename | Covert.Alias ] Requirements: Agent profile recorded; Successful participation in KNI assignments;, Approval by the Division Command Access to: Kusarian Naval Snubcraft, Ahoudori, Ashikaga-class, Transports Special: [Covert Mode], Takeda-class
The Keibu are the agents employed by the KNI to investigate and elaborate reports on hostile organizations and activities in and around Kusari. They serve as the first line of overt operations of the KNI outside of the Kusari sovereign space. The Keibu are often tasked with surveillance and investigation.
They are also authorized to take up a forged persona with the appropriate documents to remain covert during their assignments.
Chouja (spy agent) -[ KNI|Codename | Covert.Alias ] Requirements: Agent profile recorded; Commendation of high-ranking personnel; Approval by the Division Command Access to: Kusarian Naval Snubcraft, Ahoudori, Ashikaga-class, Transports Special: [Covert Mode], Destroyers, External Office of Operations Mission Creation
The Chouja extend their role from the duties of the Keibu to operate in an extended autonomy from the Division oversight. Following their mission and the general directives of the KNI, the Chouja use their established spy ring to infiltrate, disrupt and neutralize threats to the Kusari Republic. The Chouja are dedicated to infiltration and sabotage.
They are authorized to arrange assignments to Keibu, use a forged persona, and act with great autonomy.