Are we using a service which allows for custom hardware?
I thought that was the reason why we stopped using the old one, with the superclocked singlecore - nobody wanted to take responsibility for that....thing.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
(05-03-2016, 09:56 PM)Skorak Wrote: Isn't it so that the old server had a powerful single core? And now we have a multi core were the single cores are weaker?
Yes, but that was back in the days things were weaker. Nowadays you can easily OC something like an I5-2500k to 5.0ghz if you have watercooling.
The joke is that my old computer is just that and we could use it to have a better server, but we'd have poorer internet and any DDOS would knock my net down, so it's not happening.
Give it about one year and the cpu problem won't be a problem anymore thanks to some magic.
(05-03-2016, 09:50 PM)sindroms Wrote: Yeah, but nobody wants a negative outcome.
Because oh no, bad things can happen.
I don't see a problem with letting the people involved shed one or two tears. If their RP is so important for them they can RP things and have their faction rebuild to make up for what it lost, right? If they can't be arsed to deal with the consequences of their oh-so-precious RP then the whole "hurr players don't have any impact on the server rp durr!" thing becomes nothing more than a joke made up to piss off the story devs or w/e.