Perhaps even a [tr=#XXXXXX] if we want to set the same border color for the whole row in one code.
Alternatively, since text inside the cells do not inherit external formatting, color codes around the [table], [tr] and [td] tags could also color the table and cell borders.
EDIT: I've just noticed though, that when replying (not quick reply) below the text box where you can review the lates n posts (afaik 10) table boundaries aren't displayed and text is like just floating there.
I guess I've found where in which .css I can edit this specific table, but I still got no clue how to connect it with php and bbcodes. Anybody any idea?
The only way I know how to dynamically change a .css is through a java script. But I'm not sure how that would integrate into bbcode or if it's even relevant.
THE IMBALANCE OF POWERis a construct ofTHE MINDsystemic to the reactions between the subjects of the system.POWERis given by those who acknowledge such power.REFUSALto acknowledge power removes that power forTHE REBEL; however, it produces anomalies in interactions throughout the system. TheseANOMOLIEScause theUNPREDICTABLEnature of the system that all usersCRAVE.
THE IMBALANCE OF POWERis a construct ofTHE MINDsystemic to the reactions between the subjects of the system.POWERis given by those who acknowledge such power.REFUSALto acknowledge power removes that power forTHE REBEL; however, it produces anomalies in interactions throughout the system. TheseANOMOLIEScause theUNPREDICTABLEnature of the system that all usersCRAVE.
I'm not sure, maybe. It would also be useful to know how plugin code looks like. And of course being sure if global.css is indeed what I think it is, and according to it's name it really applies to the whole forum.
I guess I've found where in which .css I can edit this specific table, but I still got no clue how to connect it with php and bbcodes. Anybody any idea?
You will need someone to implement a custom bbcode for this, or modify the current table bbcode to add support for this.
Your best bet for this will be King Boo, I have no idea when I'd be able to spend some time on this.