that was literally pointing out the flaws in the [LN] and 5th|'s mismanagement of their assets on a lesser entity when they have 3 major conflicts and several major incursions on their hand
if it was sent to rub it in their faces then i would've worded it entirely differently. had you actually read the comm you would've seen the various statements involved.
I already said you're free to paint it however you like, although I don't see how collecting three blue messages and allowing the one player who just happens to be in Auxesia as well to leave constitutes 'letting the guys go in the end'. I'm sure you can forgive my cynicism regarding the exact intentions of the message - even if I don't buy it at all, there's undoubtedly a few who can get on board with your explanation. After all, I'm far from free of bias
(08-24-2016, 01:23 AM)sindroms Wrote: high-skill PVPers have more influence on RP than the people who do said RP
Depends on what you're looking for. The two aren't mutually exclusive, although there are a lot of RPers who seem to feel as if PvP is beneath them, and vice versa. My full opinion on the great 'RP vs PvP' debate isn't something I feel like treading out again right now, but I'm still a firm believer that anyone with a decent grasp of the game's mechanics and at least a passing ability to fly a ship should encounter next to no difficulties in being able to play out whatever they want in-game.
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(08-24-2016, 01:41 AM)Omicega Wrote: already said you're free to paint it however you like, although I don't see how collecting three blue messages and allowing the one player who just happens to be in Auxesia as well to leave constitutes 'letting the guys go in the end'. I'm sure you can forgive my cynicism regarding the exact intentions of the message - even if I don't buy it at all, there's undoubtedly a few who can get on board with your explanation. After all, I'm far from free of bias
I don't remember who it was, but I only remember it was some [LN] guy and a 5th player. ALL of them had a chance to leave, but some of them decided to fight instead and said it in local too, but the others near the end wanted to leave, so we let them.
I only know the 5th player. Not the LN. Nor did I have any oorp interaction with them. No skype messaging, no PMing, I was expecting to fight them too tbh but up to them. I can't control everyone.
Then again, this isn't an aux thread so w/e let's not get into it
I still stand on my point that PVP IS a major part of the game, but people should still respect the fact that this is still an RP server.
(08-24-2016, 01:50 AM)Auzari Wrote:
I still stand on my point that PVP IS a major part of the game, but people should still respect the fact that this is still an RP server.
And nobody is really giving them any genuine reason to do so.
(08-24-2016, 01:41 AM)Omicega Wrote: already said you're free to paint it however you like, although I don't see how collecting three blue messages and allowing the one player who just happens to be in Auxesia as well to leave constitutes 'letting the guys go in the end'. I'm sure you can forgive my cynicism regarding the exact intentions of the message - even if I don't buy it at all, there's undoubtedly a few who can get on board with your explanation. After all, I'm far from free of bias
I don't remember who it was, but I only remember it was some [LN] guy and a 5th player. ALL of them had a chance to leave, but some of them decided to fight instead and said it in local too, but the others near the end wanted to leave, so we let them.
It was Spectre on the 5th which I didn't find out until a few hours after the fight happened and I sent that comm as he corrected me on the char name on Skype (spelled it as Melissa instead of Alissa).
And then [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino who was allowed to escape. It was stated at the beginning to ceasefire. They didn't, so we drained Alan Jones, and offered him a chance to leave. He didn't accept. He died. Offered again once another 5th showed up. Two of the 5th died. The remaining 5th and [LN] player accepted and left, after a very brief RP period of turning over the escape pods.
You can paint it what you want to paint it as, but I wrote it and I know what it was intended to be. So don't twist it with you 'hurr durr every1 aux is bias !!!!' attitude. That isn't even the point of this thread.
PvP is a part of the game. This is an RP community. Both need each other to function in a fun way, but letting the former overshadow the latter isn't fun for those who aren't here to PvP. Some people won't take that in to consideration because they care solely about their enjoyment of the game. That's their problem. I don't really care.
I'm unaware at which point the subject of the thread turned from "Do you RP your char(s) the same as yourself or differently?" into a debate discussing whether Auxesia's and LN's recent comm exchange was an e-peen contest or not, but I'm not sure if said discussion should continue in this thread, or on public platforms at all.
I'd like to ask you - in white, for now - to return to the original subject.
This thread is not me trying to justify solitaire's destruction. Please don't assume it is and keep on topic. I've owned up to being wrong for the most part on that little "event". Yes the person does have SOME influence on the characters actions but not all of them. I especially keep my personal views out of foreign relation topics now more than ever.
(08-24-2016, 02:01 AM)Vendetta Wrote: Both need each other to function in a fun way, but letting the former overshadow the latter isn't fun for those who aren't here to PvP. Some people won't take that in to consideration because they care solely about their enjoyment of the game. That's their problem. I don't really care.
Funny thing.. RP and PvP are completely interchangeable in this paragraph while still delivering a legitimate point. It goes both ways, and I absolutely do not fault anyone who plays here just to fight in a large scale, dynamic environment - they won't find another Freelancer server to do it on, so telling them to stay on HHC or stay in conn is a BS argument. Everyone here knows it, and nobody wants to admit it.
There isn't any 'wrong' way to play the game, only differing perspectives. People who are so focused on their text based interaction that they think combat based interaction is beneath them and do everything in their power to ruin it for those who are more interested in fighting than sitting in a single system for hours on end are just as much a detriment to the server as people who just want to kill everything because they can. Both sides need to realize there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, and neither rarely ever cares.
(08-23-2016, 06:16 PM)Vendetta Wrote: I don't think you guys are getting the concept of the question.
Do you play the character or are you portraying yourself as the character?
Is the character you or is the character its own individual?
Are you simply giving yourself another name or are you acting?
The question is pertaining to self-inserts and giving characters a unique personality and thought process different from that of your own.
I used to care and I used to put a lot more effort into it, but these days I find it very difficult to roleplay in an environment where my immersion is constantly broken by people who are, frankly, rather below the metaphorical realism water table. Without naming names, I was flying [HF] yesterday and I actually ran into an indie LNS who wanted to do something other than blow our brains out on sight. Unfortunately the thing he wanted to do was defect with his dreadnought, and when asked very important questions such as.. "What about the crew?", had nothing but vague responses such as "don't worry about it."
If this weren't the norm it wouldn't bother me so much, but it tends to be par for the course these days. That makes it extremely hard to get motivated to log when spontaneous, real interaction is more or less a thing of the past. Don't misunderstand, the quality ratio hasn't gone down, but the server population as a whole has. There isn't any "Oh well, I can go fly somewhere else and do something else with someone else" anymore most of the time, especially for factions without Sirius wide ZoIs. [/0.2¢]
(08-24-2016, 01:06 AM)Petitioner Wrote: I unironically think statements like this should be punished with a permaban.
Do you care if I sit at conn most of the times and only jump in on my official ships to go shoot something because I was/we were called for support/a raid?
Don't think so. Can't speak for the other guy though.
I will admit, that I am of the party who inflict their internal selves onto their character. But this is to be expected - Nodoka in disco is a extension of my Avatar in SL (If that wasn't already blatantly obvious) , who is in turn, a extension of my real life self.
Does this make my character, nay, any character that is designed in this way less worthy? I don't think so.
(08-24-2016, 01:08 AM)Ace Razgriz Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 01:06 AM)Petitioner Wrote:
(08-23-2016, 04:42 PM)Sanctions Wrote: Only here for blues, nothing else.
I unironically think statements like this should be punished with a permaban.
Agreed, Thinly veiled "roleplay" to be able to PvP and blue is no reason to be able to get a passing grade on Discovery RP 24/7
Seconded. As much as I love shooting my guns, I'd rather go back into Nomad Space with Marisa (Petitioner's Character) and run for our lives from Nomads or "steal" a Liberty Navy Cruiser and use it to defend Freeport 11, a place I've come to consider my home. You want to jerk your PvP Gherkin, be my guest - take it to Connecticut.