(11-15-2016, 03:22 AM)SkyNet Wrote: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread...4#pid43794 Rule violations because...
"- POB's built in non-House space that are bordering a House system, as listed below, are not allowed to be engaged for lack of payment, should one be issued."
I've looked in rules section and found only
Quote:Outer Regional Space
- House Military, Police, and Intelligence factions may enforce roleplay consequences upon any players and factions found breaking House Laws within Outer Regional Space, only if they are personally there to witness to the legal infraction while uncloaked and equipped with a House Military, Police, or Intelligence faction ID.
- House Military, Police, and Intelligence factions may not enforce roleplay consequences upon non-hostile POBs, breaking House Laws or not, within Outer Regional Space.
Last time I've checked, Red Hessian Army wasn't House Military, Police or Intelligence faction.
It was a stopgap rule put in originally as greentext IIRC after La Mona Castra was blown up and concerns were raised over attacking POBs in non-House space. The issue was since permanently rectified with the new base ZOI rules, and afaik that rule isn't enforced.
(11-15-2016, 07:07 AM)Sanja Wrote: Keep claiming that it was ooRP, when Kruger did some RP along with RHA on this siege sounds even somehow surrealistic. Most of the people (including me) came there just for fun, not because it was located in the mining field or something.
You even see where wesker and others said they made the attack for it being in mining field. You support it and join their oorp motives. You are even guillty, you participated with him on these motives.
And if wesker did care for rha as faction Leader, why was it him who docked and undocked from img base in omega 7 too for the first Siege? It is clear he has No interest in rha progression or the progression of other factions. You even risked img be banned from rheinland with your actions. That were wesker and some others,done oorp for base oorp destruction motives. So you not only risk your OWN faction but the others too. Work people have done for years, trowing It away for what? What if we do the same to rha? Take their ships away, put it back to vanille freelancer. Boost factions as unioners or vwa, ones that do reserve it. And do care for other faction their roleplay.
(11-15-2016, 09:04 AM)Kruger Wrote: why was it him who docked and undocked from img base in omega 7
If it was him, then he clearly made a mistake. You're free to submit screenshot with [RHA]Anna.Heinrich undocking from that base here.
(11-15-2016, 09:04 AM)Kruger Wrote: That were wesker and some others,done oorp for base oorp destruction motives.
While some people might have joined the siege for ooRP motives, the motive RHA has is perfectly inRP - destruction of the base belonging to sworn enemies of the Army(aka Kruger Minerals)
(11-15-2016, 09:04 AM)Kruger Wrote: Work people have done for years, trowing It away for what?
We haven't thrown away anything, except for cerberus salvos. Can't speak for the others, but I've participated in that siege for fun, just like I play any other game for fun. Haven't been part of 10+ jorms fleet in ages.
(11-15-2016, 09:04 AM)Kruger Wrote: What if we do the same to rha?
Who're "we"?
(11-15-2016, 09:04 AM)Kruger Wrote: Take their ships Seat, put it back to vanille freelancer.
I would be perfectly fine with flying Saber only as long as Rheinland Military would be limited to Valkyrie, Corsairs to Titan and DHC/Kruger to Humpback. Would you?
Your pob wasnt supposed to be invulnerable thingy, RHA had numbers to overwhelm it and your tears wont change anything @Kruger. Move on. Nothing to see here
(11-15-2016, 07:07 AM)Sanja Wrote: Keep claiming that it was ooRP, when Kruger did some RP along with RHA on this siege sounds even somehow surrealistic. Most of the people (including me) came there just for fun, not because it was located in the mining field or something.
You even see where wesker and others said they made the attack for it being in mining field. You support it and join their oorp motives. You are even guillty, you participated with him on these motives.
And if wesker did care for rha as faction Leader, why was it him who docked and undocked from img base in omega 7 too for the first Siege? It is clear he has No interest in rha progression or the progression of other factions. You even risked img be banned from rheinland with your actions. That were wesker and some others,done oorp for base oorp destruction motives. So you not only risk your OWN faction but the others too. Work people have done for years, trowing It away for what? What if we do the same to rha? Take their ships Seat, put it back to vanille freelancer. Boost factions as unioners or vwa, ones that do reserve it.
Like... do you honestly believe that Hessions would NOT attack it inrp? You do realize that they are a bit of a mortal enemies, right? I do realize that Wesker or some other people can have ADDITIONAL oorp motivation, then it's not against any rules. At least he is not hiding himself behind the faction account.
@OORP Action: I find it surreal that some want to discuss the validity of a Hessian action against Kruger. These factions are enemies via lore. They are red to each other in game. They have a history of hostility for as long as I play the game. The claim that the attack was oorp is completely unfounded. What is true (and that's where the "oorp attack!" notion comes from likely) is that many more players decided to join in on the RH side. And I assume that the motivation for this choice may have been influenced by Kruger leaders' behaviour and decisions. But the decision to participate on one side in a conflict and not the other does not make the action oorp. It is not linked to validity in any way.
@RH docking at IMG station: That was solved very fast. I searched for ways to avoid unrealistic ingame behaviour (e.g. by having RH ships regen on Freistadt) and in cooperation with RM and Admins a sustainable solution was found that all participants can live with (= a temporary rephack, so that RH ID cannot dock at IMG bases until the plugin allows to define docking access station-wise). As this was taken care of swiftly and effectively, I do not see how it makes sense to mention it here.
@Limit Numbers to irp levels: No. That's impossible. It would mean that every interaction has to be checked for "would that be realistically possible?". Rogues would be told "you own 3 Scyllas, you cannot field 3 in NY at the same time. 1 is your realistic maximum" and LN in Magellan could only field 1 BS, 1 BC, 2 Gunships, while GRN was allowed a maximum of 8 Valors. No. That's not possible, no one wants that and that's not how this game is played, nor is it meant to be played like that.
While I must say that everything concerned the Reutlingen siege was legal and logic, and that it is great to see someone like @Wesker to be able to gather such a number of Rheinlander (be it lawful or unlawful), there is still something that bothers me a bit about that siege:
Going after the HQ of a faction that is struggling to stay active may actually harm the server. I know it's completely absurd but for a faction like Kruger (a more than a year old trading faction), having that HQ was the only thing that was attractive for new players to join them. Otherwise, there isn't much else to do for the remaining players in Kruger: once your first billion is reached, what else would you need Kruger if you're not into the trading RP?
Yes, base builders expose themselves to its destruction. But as a community of reasonable people, we should also acknowledge the opposite side of that statement: base destroyers can destroy other factions if they are not careful.