I do like this faction as creation but you could make encounters with other people less... disappointing. I won't go in details, I believe you, since you seek official status will fix that.
I encountered so far you on my Commune only, so you will know what happened.
(06-25-2017, 04:53 PM)Traxit Wrote: so lemme get this straight
GRN| and all of its members are now converting to MRG|, I assume? This is some sort of... evolutionary mutation?
GRN| was unofficially disbanded like a month ago or something. Assets deleted and the chat kicked out. This is just a reboot of it.
Interestingly enough, we only have three members from ye olde GRN, one of which is myself. The rest are new.
(06-25-2017, 05:04 PM)PRJKTLRD Wrote: I do like this faction as creation but you could make encounters with other people less... disappointing. I won't go in details, I believe you, since you seek official status will fix that.
I encountered so far you on my Commune only, so you will know what happened.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
"We realise you have waited a while, which in some respects allowed the potential to vigourously strengthen your submission, however currently your approach in game and on forums is not setting the levels of example we would hope for in an Official Faction."
The MRG| certainly has flaws, but I myself can't notice anything decisively wrong with the faction, except one thing. You don't appear to be active enough. Just some feedback from a random, hopeful member.
Concerning the smaller flaws, I have noticed a trend in your battle reports. They look more like propaganda news than reports. I think that there should be less of, for example, "the King's unstoppable war machine ground through the Sirian dogs as the dogs they are", and more of, for example, "we won and disabled XX enemy ships, but at the cost of XX of our ships, those being [names]. I can commend the performance of [equipment or person] for [reasons], but I think that such losses can be avoided if we do XY next time".
Great post style, though. Maybe even better than of the old GRN|.