Look at this common sense and see how "clear" the rule is. This is coming from a veteran player(highlighted):
(05-25-2017, 12:57 PM)Auzari Wrote: It's not ambiguous at all. Stop trying to overly complicate things.
You died? Leave the system on that character, or swap chars, or log off.
You died but they died too? Don't go back. You're both dead.
They (all parties of the offensive side) log off? You can go back.
They log back on? Leave again.
You see them in another system? Don't shoot them.
They shoot you again in another system? Defend yourself. Or run, whatever you prefer.
They shoot you while you're trying to leave the system within the 10 minute allowance? Report them.
Too scared to go back incase they log in and maliciously report you? Log another character for two hours, do something else.
It isn't rocket science.
Where is this from? The rule say that if they log-off you can return in the system. Nothing about leaving if the aggresor(s) come back in that system.
I have nothing against this, but put it in the rule text, for God sake.
And as I said earlier, you can wake up in Bastille because of this (second highlight).
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4.1 If you die whilst in a PVP situation, in any form, that character/ship does not re-enter the same system for 2 hours and the Player, on any of their ships, cannot reengage the aggressors on any character for 2 hours. You are allowed a grace period of 5 minutes to leave the system with an empty cargo hold and you are safe from further attack during this grace period within that system. If the attacker(s) log off, you may re-enter the system you died in
Always wondering why does this thread has so many pages :thinking:
If you get killed, you can't reenter the system with any of your characters until the attacker stays in this system for 2 hours. You can only leave it and you have 5 mins to do so.
EDIT: Or chill out in Conn, you can die out there for the infinite amount of times until your opponents loggs off or your death time fades away.
If you are killed in PvP, you are not allowed to use that character for 2 hours.
You are not allowed to re-engage the player/players who you were fighting against when you died for 2 hours.
If you are killed in PvP, you are not allowed to use that character for 2 hours.
You are not allowed to re-engage the player/players who you were fighting against when you died for 2 hours.
Simple, no loopholes.
That's... Not how it works. If you log your other character in the same system for sake of killing the one who killed you before (until your death time fades away), that's reengaging.
What about trading, out of curiosity. It makes little sense if trader is completely unrelated to the character which was killed. However, on the other hand - plenty of corporate IDs have a line which allows them to join combat.
I'm asking, because I know plenty of people who have only one trading character (myself included) and, let's say, if their snub was killed in New York, their trader in order to get from Kansas to Colorado must invest additional 20 minutes to go around New York.
Edit: Most of the routes pass through the areas in which your snub is most likely to get killed. Hence the question.
Edit #2: I've just realized that different characters are allowed to get back into the system, replying my question fully. I didn't realize there was a change to the old rule.
This little bird went to sleep forever. So long.
Thank you for everything.
(05-26-2017, 02:16 AM)Vendetta Wrote: What's so difficult to get about something that has been common sense for years? Why is it only now that people are looking for excuses and loopholes to get around a very clear cut system?
Use common sense.
Again problem with common sense is it's not common, we all seem to agree that if you die you're dead and should go RP in another system for two hours. There are some on the server who will always look for ways to exploit and capitalize on the game to give themselves an unfair advantage. It's really just re-phrasing the rule to eliminate all of the What-if scenarios and stop the players that have been here longer from using loopholes. The rule was fine the way it used to be but then someone changed it and now we have this whole mess. If it isn't broke don't fix it. In short if they died in the system they can't enter the system on any of their characters for 2 hours and they cannot engage the aggressors for 2 hours.
I know this thread is 3 months old, but after having read all replies, I've noticed you referred, more times, to the following rule text:
<<4.1 If you die whilst in a PVP situation, in any form, that character/ship does not re-enter the same system for 2 hours and the Player, on any of their ships, cannot reengage the aggressors on any character for 2 hours. You are allowed a grace period of 5 minutes to leave the system with an empty cargo hold and you are safe from further attack during this grace period within that system. If the attacker(s) log off, you may re-enter the system you died in.>>
Whereas, by opening the link on the top menu of the page, "Server Rules", I find this one:
<<4.1 If you die whilst in a PVP situation, in any form, you are considered as ''PVP Dead''. A PVP Dead player must:
Leave the system the fight took place in for two hours. You must not carry cargo while doing so and must not engage in any player interaction while you are leaving. Other players must allow a PVP Dead player to leave the system.
Not re-enter the system they died in on any of their characters for two hours.
Not attack the player/players they died to on any of their characters for two hours.>>
And its "container" post was last updated on 2012.
The second text looks like clearer and more limiting.