Manhattan is a system prototyping tool for Freelancer. It runs in the browser. The point of this is to provide a simple tool which can be used to prototype systems and present system designs with as little work as possible.
If you have any feedback, questions, bug reports or anything, please submit them here.
Since this is a beta release, some things may not work and some things may be deleted. Anything stored up on the server should be treated as temporary and if you create something that you wish to keep for longer, I suggest you back it up yourself. To do that:
After you save your work, go to the api page of your map (replace # in the url with api).
I am looking forward for a release for this tool. It might be interesting to assign certain base entries for ''throwaway'' systems and rotate them around by a monthly period and populate the bases with gear via serverside sellpoints as needed. Perhaps even have these systems rotate on a monthly basis.
Are you going to allow it to import existing regular system inis?
Also, what about zones and npc patrols?
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: