==================== Type: Something Bug: CTD upon respawn ====================
I can't really go into detail, since it's not really detailable.
Every single time the game registers the chat message New Player: *insert name here* for my character, I have CTDd like any regular CTD happens with FL. Death and respawn- CTD. Change character- CTD.
Narrowed it down, and for now it only seems like it's the LA Mooring fixture that's doing this. Everything else is fine.
==================== Type: Systems/Ship? Bug: Crash to desktop when docking at stations/planets. ====================
I'm currently flying in a L'ane and after departing from Texas towards Keningston in New London upon docking I crashed to desktop. When I entered the server again I was back in Texas, all cargo was still on my ship.
I flew over to Roussillon hoping that was an isolated incident but ended up with the same issue when I docked on Toulouse.
(01-21-2018, 10:34 PM)Thackeray Wrote: ==================== Type: Not sure. Bug: Crash to Desktop when docking on Hacker Bases ====================
Not really sure what else to explain.
Please specify which Hacker bases you docked on. -Xalrok
Right now I've checked Mactan and Cochrane both of those caused a CTD
Tested on a new ship on Mactan, Cochrane and Montezuma. Did not CTD.
It might be probably something wrong with your ship. Suggest trying to do on a non-LH base to confirm.
Trying to undock with an Anzu still crashes you to desktop. It is the same problem that the Coalition Battlecruiser had when it was first introduced, it seems.
==================== Type: Systems Bug: Phi-Psi JH not visibru ====================
The Unstable Jump Hole in Omicron Psi leads to the right exit point in Phi (I guess it is supposed to lead there, at least) but the jump hole object in Phi for the exit is targetable and leads back to Psi to the Unstable Jump Hole. The actual Phi-Psi Jump Hole that leads to the icefield in Psi however doesn't have that exit object, so I guess the exit jump hole object in Phi is a bug.
And sorry to the TPM guys for ignoring you, I was checking the data in three different tools.
Fixed. But it's not possible to make an untargetable jump hole. -Xalrok
==================== Type: Systems Bug: Black screen instead of Bar at Plymouth Outpost ====================
When I go to Bar while docked at Plymouth Outpost base, it shows just black screen and mouse cursor. No other graphics or text shown. Only way out is to relog the char: it returns to undock screen. Other rooms work fine.
==================== Type: Infocard Bug: planet Guadalajara, on vespucci system, has the wrong infocard ====================
==================== Type: Systems Bug: the two weapons platforms that are call destroyers, on new london system next to Southampton Shipyard, shoots you even if you are green to bretonian police and bretonian armed forces ====================