Now the last time I checked, this IS an RP server. So why does it matter what a player makes his ship. The Neph can be used for what ever we want to use, if we want to use it as a mobile research station we can, if I want to fly around as Red Light district, I will. Everyone has their own play styles and they control what their character does. So why should it matter what one player does to another?
But the reason that the Neph has that weaponary, was for it original role in the Zoners . It needed protection. But just because some guy makes an Info cards and says certain things its law and the masses have to follow the great info card maker
I don't understand this discussion at all. Another one of completely useless waste of time.
Kartlotta is right.
Just do as she said.
Why wouldn't colony ship be allowed to dock on core house planets?
What is illogical (RP wise) in ship full of civilians docking on House planets?
What?!? Civilians are prohibited to be on planets?
They shouldn't be allowed to trade,have drinks,be tourists or whatever... ?
Prohibited to go to banks,shops,games,holidays...?
Is there some metaphysical/esoteric genius reason for that?Some RP that we dont understand?
Preventing potential abuse??? With 30 ppl on server that argument is totally meaningless.
For trading ships and bs and carriers OK-argument is valid them being Zoners but civilians?
Change weapons if you must etc...
Protecting gameplay of server??? Server is ruined cause exactly same bull**** crap like this,seen it 1000 times.
Endless meaningless tweaking of weapon and ships stats,trading stats,mining stats,jump hole there-jump hole back,add this,revert that,introduce that then revert it,forbid this-forbid that...?
And yet nobody forbid morons to make server decisions...
Whose brilliant idea was to make Nomad remains essential for building human bases????Whose?
Can we get a name here?
Totally,totally OORP method was implemented in core of base building.
How the frak would ordinary player build a base without circumventing any reasonable Nomad RP?
And then wondering how we can make server/gameplay better,how can we bring players back...
Waste of time all around with this kind of thinking.
Allow it.Allow docking of colony ships.
This and many other things.
Why? Cause this way doesn't work.It doesn't.
Players are not coming back,new players don't stay here...
We can't expect different results while making same mistakes over and over again.
(01-31-2018, 05:44 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: But you speak of terraforming as if it's a process that can take seconds.
Lythrilux please do not insult my intelligents. In RL I am a Aerospace Engineer. I know it takes more then seconds to terraform a planet in either RL or on a make believe server. IT TAKES HOURS!!! But!!!! You speak of taking five more years on the sever. Really!!! You honestly think the server will survive 5 more years. When people that have been here already years speak about the server traffic is on a decline. Maybe they should think about the time table modification. This is the future.
(01-31-2018, 05:45 PM)ColKlink Wrote: Now the last time I checked, this IS an RP server. So why does it matter what a player makes his ship.
Because much like IDs, ships have roles to fill. Role. Play. You are playing a role. Therefore, on an RP server it's even more important that ships and factions play their role properly.
(01-31-2018, 06:02 PM)Wizard. Wrote: Why wouldn't colony ship be allowed to dock on core house planets?
It's not to prevent them docking on planets. It's a deterrent to stop people flying them in House space and causing issues with Battleship guns. If not for those, I'm sure the restriction would be lifted.
(01-31-2018, 06:02 PM)Wizard. Wrote: Whose brilliant idea was to make Nomad remains essential for building human bases????Whose?
It's actually a cool concept when it works. You get to do a lot of roleplay, build diplomacy, and create activity with farming. Unfortunately, it's plagued by a myriad of issues. I've suggested a solution here.
(01-31-2018, 06:04 PM)MotokoSusu Wrote: Lythrilux please do not insult my intelligents. In RL I am a Aerospace Engineer. I know it takes more then seconds to terraform a planet in either RL or on a make believe server. IT TAKES HOURS!!! But!!!! You speak of taking five more years on the sever. Really!!! You honestly think the server will survive 5 more years. When people that have been here already years speak about the server traffic is on a decline. Maybe they should think about the time table modification. This is the future.
You can look at the wiki and look at the lore for Cali Minor, and it will tell you exactly how long the terraforming is taking for it.
I don't know if the servers will or won't survive five years. In my opinion, there's a small handful of really easy steps we could take to ensuring the server can beat the five year mark easily and get it's players back (more or less address all the concerns in this thread). That aside, if we suddenly make Planets become terraform-able within a much smaller period of time than what has been established in lore, we're going to open the floodgates and end up with everyone and their mother grabbing (or trying to) grab planets. I think your idea is good in essence, it just needs to be tweaked in a way that keeps it sensible, potentially.
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I just love have the debate about Zoners continues. I'm well known here and I've only ever played a Zoner. Why? Because I'm good at it and not too mention that I don't have the mindset for playing the criminal element, I'm already a soldier IRL so I really don't want to play house militaries or police, my PVP sucks and I'd rather use my mind than guns.
That said, I've had a colony ship forever. It is called Med Force One and lives pretty much in Omega 49. I wasn't yet an admin when the decision was made to prevent the Zoner Whale from docking in house space but I supported it. Zoners live where no one else wants to and generally avoid house space unless they need something there they can't get. Whales were viewed as a power trading ship in which house shippers saw as a threat. I use my BWT exclusively and it was my first ship and it's still the same as the day I bought it. I fly through house space en route to places but try to keep my trading as Zonerish as possible.
Back to the Colony ship. In Zoner lore, it is considered secret tech and sometimes legend. If that's the case, why would any self respecting Zoner WANT their Nephilim to be so much as seen in house space? In RP, MF1 has a lot of secret equipment and tech on board and it's always changing. I'm sure not all Zoners see it that way. Some think they're a great gun platform. First of of all, if a someone wants it for that, they really aren't much of a Zoner. Talk/negotiations are first, NOT guns!
Also, there are a lot better ships of that size for battle. Core, Corsairs, Outcasts, BHG and Order ships are a few examples.
Lastly, for those who think that Zoners MUST have enemies, you don't know Zoners. If a player follows Zoner lore, that person keeps to his or herself. They left a house military, they left a criminal life or just wanted to live on the edge. They SHOULD know how to deal with all regardless of what side of the law they walk or with whom they are affiliated. Granted, some non-Zoners will be jerks to them or just assume things like "You're friendly with Outcasts so you must be carrying cardamine."
I'll keep playing a Zoner until Freelancer goes away. I take a lot of pride in my work.
(01-31-2018, 06:35 PM)Doc Holliday Wrote: I just love have the debate about Zoners continues. I'm well known here and I've only ever played a Zoner. Why? Because I'm good at it and not too mention that I don't have the mindset for playing the criminal element, I'm already a soldier IRL so I really don't want to play house militaries or police, my PVP sucks and I'd rather use my mind than guns.
That said, I've had a colony ship forever. It is called Med Force One and lives pretty much in Omega 49. I wasn't yet an admin when the decision was made to prevent the Zoner Whale from docking in house space but I supported it. Zoners live where no one else wants to and generally avoid house space unless they need something there they can't get. Whales were viewed as a power trading ship in which house shippers saw as a threat. I use my BWT exclusively and it was my first ship and it's still the same as the day I bought it. I fly through house space en route to places but try to keep my trading as Zonerish as possible.
Back to the Colony ship. In Zoner lore, it is considered secret tech and sometimes legend. If that's the case, why would any self respecting Zoner WANT their Nephilim to be so much as seen in house space? In RP, MF1 has a lot of secret equipment and tech on board and it's always changing. I'm sure not all Zoners see it that way. Some think they're a great gun platform. First of of all, if a someone wants it for that, they really aren't much of a Zoner. Talk/negotiations are first, NOT guns!
Also, there are a lot better ships of that size for battle. Core, Corsairs, Outcasts, BHG and Order ships are a few examples.
Lastly, for those who think that Zoners MUST have enemies, you don't know Zoners. If a player follows Zoner lore, that person keeps to his or herself. They left a house military, they left a criminal life or just wanted to live on the edge. They SHOULD know how to deal with all regardless of what side of the law they walk or with whom they are affiliated. Granted, some non-Zoners will be jerks to them or just assume things like "You're friendly with Outcasts so you must be carrying cardamine."
I'll keep playing a Zoner until Freelancer goes away. I take a lot of pride in my work.
If there was ever a Zoner you should listen to, its this one.
(01-31-2018, 06:02 PM)Wizard. Wrote: I don't understand this discussion at all. Another one of completely useless waste of time.
Kartlotta is right.
Just do as she said.
Why wouldn't colony ship be allowed to dock on core house planets?
What is illogical (RP wise) in ship full of civilians docking on House planets?
What?!? Civilians are prohibited to be on planets?
They shouldn't be allowed to trade,have drinks,be tourists or whatever... ?
Prohibited to go to banks,shops,games,holidays...?
I'm quite certain it has more to do with having capital-grade weaponry with a capital-grade powercore and the general threat-assessment policies of house militaries, than carrying tourists. We have liners for that, less threatening and vastly more efficient than the Nephilim. Use liners, or downgrade the Neph into a liner if you want to stick to a Neph so much. EDIT: You know what? Don't. Just use liners.
Other than that, what Doc said. I can't name anyone playing Zoners any more authentic as him.