Operation Lead: Omer Darche Supporting Figures: Vatan
Buildup of the Pollux Cell. Current interests surround Maltese and Auxesia within Inverness and surrounding region. Additional interests lay in the various Independent worlds of Bering, Hudson, Kepler, Galileo, and Coronado.
Formally a mobile battlegroup, Auxesia is one of the few who find it acceptable to work with. They claim control of the Inverness system, housing out of a Valravn Citadel. Culturally and scientifically advanced in Sirian terms. Agent Darche under "Associate" contract with them.
The system of Leeds was, at a point, highly contested when the Royal Navy invaded the system, then forced themselves onto the planet. Currently Leeds operates as a wasteland following the planetary bombardment. Heavy smog and debris is found within this system from years of polluted industrial operations and conflict. System connects to Edinburgh and Dublin for outer routing. Leeds also connects to the Taus Sector, as well as to the Megellan System via a hole.
Technology mix between Gallic and Sirian marks the system, displayed by revamped stations and replaced damaged trade lanes. A newly built jumpgate of Gallic design is constructed in similar location as the former New London connecting Gate. No remaining Gallic presence is in the system.
A fortress around the Planet Elgin in Inverness. It consists of residential and military facilities, with addition of a drydock. The station is noted to be a main supply point for Auxesian vessels. A large restricted zone surrounds it, with unrestricted permissions to shoot down any vessel that comes near.
Rumours that it houses the ability to service a planetside colony of some regard.
Location: LD-14 Sector: Outer Barrier Nebula, Upper Bretonia, Leeds System Affiliation: Royal Forces
Station surrounded the LD-14 uranium field, and is the main source for the fuel source known as "MOX". Secluded, the station itself is being managed by the Royal Navy, though through observation shows a higher security. During observation, it is suggested a different wing of the Navy operates this station. Either a supply division or otherwise. Questionable tactics to keep a generally unneeded station so highly defended. Requires further investigation.
Location: Perth Station Sector: Outer Barrier Nebula, Upper Bretonia, Edinburgh System Affiliation: Bretonian
A near-forgotten station within the Edinburgh system. The station existed as a place of storage for war materials and other needed supplies for the Royal Navy until the Bretonian forces forced the Gallic's presence out. Defended by token battlecruiser with a minor battlegroup.
Location: System Omicron Mu Sector: Edge Nebula, Edge Worlds Affiliation: Order
System heavily patrolled by Order assets. High caution advised.
Location: Battleship Atum Sector: Unknown, Unknown Affiliation: Order
Battlegroup originally operating in the Inverness System, then to Coronado system. Currently withdrawn after expedition into Drake system, exact location unknown. Details unknown.
Title/Rank: Captain, Directeur
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Ill-De-France, Montreuil District
Health: Alive, Unknown
Details: Stern yet compassionate man of Gallic origin. Studied for a military career as an officer with interest as a space-borne officer. Joined with the Royal Police and quickly rose through the ranks until taking the position of Directeur. After commissioning the RPC Vatan as the new forward command vessel to replace the former ruined flagship, he saw the Royal Police rise to new heights, overseeing operations during the Battle of Tau-44 and various domestic operations.
Unrecorded reasons given for taking the command vessel Vatan into closed operation, as is the nature of covert tasks. During this time, the Vatan, including Directeur Gerald along with the entire crew, was pronounced as having defected. During this investigation, study into records discovered covered up narcotic involvement as well as other potentially incriminating actions against Gallic Military, Police, and regulated law. Currently it is recorded that Lucas Gerald lives, though his condition is unknown.
Anton Giles
Title/Rank: Helmsman, Former Royal Police Commander
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Ill-De-France, Montreuil District
Health: Alive, Unknown
Details: Motivated yet dull personality, Giles is of Gallic origin. Studied as a career pilot and ship captain. As a peer of Gerald, he was lead into the direction of the Royal Police and found a place as a captain of transports before being promoted to warships. He was hand-picked by Gerald to be the Helmsman of the Vatan, serving since the ship's maiden flight.
During the Vatan's closed operation and the announced defection, the status of Anton Giles is unknown publicly. Internal records state Giles remains alive.
Omer Darche
Title/Rank: Fighter Pilot, Operative
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Nevers, Tellie District
Health: Alive, Healthy
Details: A laidback yet skilled pilot, Darche is of Gallic origin. Due to the geography of Planet Amiens many learn the craft of piloting, Darche being no exception to this. As an attempt to get a better quality life, he signed up for the space-borne Royal Police after hearing how relaxed and "lazy" service would be. A rude awakening happened as he discovered that even though rumours of corruption surround the Royal Police, they were still a militant operation. He was assigned to the division under Directeur Dupont, then was transfered to Directeur Gerald. After service in the forward unit to help police the Tau sector, he was recruited directly to servicing as a pilot escort for the Vatan.
When the Vatan was announced to have been defected, Omer Darche was partially named, though on record marked as MIA. Currently, he has been spotted flying a junk Lynx with modifications to take Sirian fuel.
Julia Grant
Title/Rank: Logistics Coordinator, Operative
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Space-borne, The Free Post
Health: Alive, Healthy
Details: An Edgeworlder, Grant is one of the many born either adrift on a ship or one of the handful of Zoner installations within the Edge Nebula. She led a modest life as expected of one who would be on the move. Working as a dock hand on one station, a crew member of this or that ship. Born and bred in the enviroment she was quick to pick up the cues of how the logistical network worked out in the Edge. Yet, space is dangerous.
One vessel she was working on, a motley cargo hauler called the Tupletine was assaulted by the wandering nomads. An unlucky break. The Tupletine wasn't slated for destruction however. Once it was disabled, another vessel of human origin revealed itself, a tug-hauler of some sort. It captured the wounded transport and brought it to the furthest reaches of known space. Much is unknown what happened to the crew of that ship, however years later Grant once more reentered the Edge Worlds. Not that anyone out there noticed or cared.
Alberto Reitano
Title/Rank: Security/Labour, Operative
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Malta, Kordin City
Health: Alive, Healthy
Details: Burly and tall, Reitano is of Maltese origin. He was raised as any low to middle class family on Malta did. Short education before joining the work force, toiling away at mostly construction jobs. His company assisted in the repair and maintenance of Maltese stations and caught a lucky contract to service Ruiz Base out in Beta. He was picked to be one of hundreds to be sent out there for a year long repair job. The transfer from Malta to Ruiz went smoothly, with Reitano looking forward to the year on a station. However, Ruiz was not what he expected. A simple post, an outlook in Beta. Nothing about this asteroid base was luxurious.
Boredom and exhaustion quickly overcame Reitano only a month in. The work was demanding, and there was little to do except go to the dingy bar. So he went. At one station-side evening, a few off-station men were taking up a table at the bar. Nothing unusual, many traders stopped off at Ruiz before making the last trek to Alpha. However, after a few too many drinks, the group at the table approached him, concerned. Voicing that they were friends, they paid his tab and walked the drunk out of the bar. From that evening, Reitano was reported as not showing up to his shift, and having skipped off station. Typical of overworked labour, jumping aboard a ship to escape the grinding job. The only exception was he had left all of his belongings in his quarters.