I have just visited the medical bay of Casablanca to get some mine fragments out of my skull.
This made me think real hard while I was shouting in pain.
We need more capable pilots that have been trained well throughout their life.
No more payaso starflier for you señor.
A brand new Titan with the Brotherhood emblem painted on it is awaiting you at Battleship Prox.
3.Your skills: Titan Combat, Bomber Combat & Piracy, Transport Piloting/Smuggling/Piracy
4.Reason why you chose us: With Sails disbanded I'm looking for a new family/home
5.Your biography:
A pirate frigate somewhere out in the Omegas.... That's all I really remember. My parents were pirates. My friends were all pirates. All I grew up with were pirates. That's all I ever knew. We were close. We were a tight nit crew. A family, but the pirate life is a dangerous one. The obvious eventuality caught up with us in the form of a BAF ambush. Not many of us made it.... Not my parents... Not many of my friends.
Made it back to Crete and earned myself a Titan and a lucky spot on the front-lines fighting the Outcasts. I survived.... gained a bit of a reputation and eventually got noticed and recruited by the remnants of the OPG as the were forming Sails. Those times were good... As you all might remember... Lots of cargo pirated... Credits extorted... Plenty of Outcasts, Bounty Hunters, Hessians, and many others killed... Those were good times. But like all good things they come to an end. The light that burns the brightest dies quickest; or some kind of metaphor... take your pick. Time is the greatest enemy... Some of us dies, others got tired and retired. Me... I was bored... and tired... and retired. You can only go hard for so long until you need a break.
In the end Sails drifted apart and I found myself needing a change of scenery. Zoners, Freelancers, and Junkers were more than willing to pay for a good pilot and muscle. It was good for me. It was relatively peaceful. I still fought the good fight and around Bretonia and the Omegas, but it was different... It was calmer. It wasn't as crazy as my years with Sails. But it wasn't me... It wasn't Crete... It wasn't my people. I was just muscle to them.
The recent events with Gallia and there war against well, almost everyone has led me back to Crete and looking to put my skills to use... For good of us all. I'm ready and willing to dust of my Old Titan and bomber for the Brotherhood if you will have me.
Sounds like you've lived a busy life, hermana, and you're experience and skills from flying with the Sails will be put well to use in The Brotherhood. Consider yourself ACCEPTED- Head over to the Prox to get your ships checked out for active service again.
Welcome aboard hermana!
4.Reason why you chose us: I want to have fun and be part of a cool faction
5.Your biography:
Diego was born in Crete, his mother died giving birth to him , his father was a fighter pilot of the Imperio and was killed by Rheinlander mercenaries working for Daumann when Diego was at the age of ten. After this sad events he needed the help of others to survive, especially from an old senora called Olivia Perez which Diego called abuela (grandma). She used to give him food whenever she had it, this developed in him a great sense of gratitude for his compatriots and especially for senora Olivia. Five years later Senora Olivia died of old age .Diego took care of her on her last months, she was a very wise woman and taught him very important things such as honor and courage. She knew that Diego dreamed about becoming a pilot since he was a kid, and so she said: "Mi querido if you really want to become a pilot do it to help your people , not for revenge!" His struggle continued until he turned 18 years old , he enlisted in the Corsair Military and the next 7 years served with dignity and honor. When he reached the age of 25 the so awaited opportunity arrived, he became a recruit pilot and started his training . After the first year of the training program, a Guardian came to him and offered a chance to join the Brotherhood , in his mind this would be the ultimate way to honor the memory of his beloved papá and abuela.
Mein größter Traum war und ist, wie ein Corsair zu leben.
Stolz und anmutig in den Kampf gegen den schlimmsten Feind, die Ausgestoßenen, Hessen,ect.
Ich habe mich für die Brotherhood entschieden da ich meine Heimat Omicron Gamma, den Planeten Kreta beschützen und die Gesetze der Korsaren durchführen möchte. Ich habe relativ viel Erfahrung im Kapf sowohl mit kämpfer als auch Schlachtschiffe.
Ich freue mich schon die Befehle der ältersten zu befolgen und wenn es sein muss mein, mein Leben für die BROTHERHOOD zu geben.
Heil CorsairEmpire!
Name: Daniel, ingame: Corsair Defender
Age: 24
Origin: Vienna
Ship: Legate
My biggest dream was and is to live like a Corsair.
Proud and graceful in the fight against the worst enemy, the outcasts, Hessians, ect.
I chose the Brotherhood because I want to protect my homeland Omicron Gamma, the planet Crete and to enforce the laws of the Corsairs.
I have a lot of experience in the Fight with both, fighters and battleships.
I'm looking forward to following the orders of the most senior and, if need be, giving my life to the BROTHERHOOD.
Heil CorsairEmpire!
Full Names:
Iago "Azura" Guacimara
Iria "Crystal" Guacimara
We are twins, brother and sister. Age: 28 Skills:
Iago "Azura" is an experienced bomber pilot.
Iria "Crystal" is an experienced fighter pilot, slightly better than Iago. Reason:
Always liked the Corsairs, back from Vanilla. Now, the faction is active and fun to interact with. Ships:
Born on Crete, in a working family. They were forced to move to Gran Canaria due to their parents business opportunity. The father was a ship mechanic, while their mother was a local freighter pilot. They were schooled on Gran Canaria. Iago has a technical and tactical mind, inheriting their fathers skills for ships and analytical thinking. Iria is a hot headed Hispanian woman, whom most men call a "Devil behind the board" when they see how she handles a fighter ship. During their stay on Gran Canaria, they have come in contact with Zoners and Gaians. After finishing flight school, they both enlisted on their mothers freighter to help her run the shipments. After learning as much as they could, they got a lucky strike when the Gaians came looking for pilots to fly escort missions for their transports. Serving with the Gaians all over Bretonia and the bordering systems, they polished their skills as pilots. It was all going well until a random encounter in the Omega 3 system, when they were returning from an escort mission and found 2 Gaians chasing a ship for its cargo. Joining in the pursuit, when they reached in scanner range, the ships ID showed "Lady Guadalupe"; their mothers freighter. After a tense discussion with the other ships to disengage, as they entered the Burgess Ice Field, Iria opened fire and destroyed one of them. Seeing this, Iago swiftly dispatched the other Gaian ship and saved their mothers ship. Somehow, those 2 Gaian pilots were never found and the twins ship logs did not show any encounter with them, only a misfire on Iago missile launcher. Iria learned a valuable lesson that day: she was hotheaded and deadly when it comes to protecting the family, and one should never try her. Iago, on the other hand, learned how to erase the ship logs and hide the power consumption of weapon fire. They were forced to flee Gran Canaria when the Bretoanians arrived, using this as an excuse to sever all the ties with the Gaians. Now they are back on Crete, with their old parents and an uncertain future ahead. Will they manage to survive and take care of their parents or will famine and war claim them? Joining The Brotherhood will help.
Sender: Salazar da Palma Oliveira | Recipient: Guacimara twins | Encripted: Si
Your application
Guacimara twins... senorita, senor. *nods*
Your application is ACCEPTED. Head on to Pattleship Prox, por favor. There you will be registered, tested and re-trained as much as needed. There is that thing going on in O-49 with Bretonians and we need pilots able to fly our powerful, but cumbersome ships. There are three things you should know:
1. You never were shooting on Gaians. It never happened. Ever.
2. If you shoot on Gaians, we will shoot on you.
3. Your parents will be taken care of. In the best way, I mean. ...hey, don't look at me like that! We will take care of them... in a good way!
Caramba... those Gran Canarians... all loco.
Muchos gracias,
Salazar da Palma Oliveira
El Portavoz del CoE
AGE: 20
BIO: I was born inside my parents freighter ship who after some years when i was 6 years old the died on a transport flight by the red hessians. Our familly friend Nicolas found me alone on the house we were lived and took me and raised me telling me the story of my parents and what caused their death . I was so mad and promise that my entire life i will chasing the killers until i die. when i was 15 i learn to fly all kind of fighters ships and fighting like a pro. When i was 17 some pirates didnt know the what kind of kill my friend Nicolas and from then im flying alone an old freighter ship to make some money and live. Now im practising everyday to raise up my fighting skills and the only wish i have is to be one corsair fighter for the rest of my life. Im willing to give my life for the corsair family.
Sender: Salazar da Palma Oliveira | Recipient: Xavier Del La Crual | Encripted: Si
Checking your background
Senor Del La Crual... *nods*
For Corsairs born out from Crete we must follow el special procedures. So far we've found no one to confirm your story, but we will not let you lie down and do nothing while we are checking you. We need every pilot we can get. You will serve Empire as auxiliary addition to Furiosa wing. Old hags were demanding for fresh meat anyway, someone who actually can read small letters and see targets on scanners.
I will pass all reports about you to Elders directly and they will read when having time. So consider your temporarily acceptance as el test. You may use your own untagged ship until further notice, Senor. Hasta la vista, hermano.
Muchos gracias,
Salazar da Palma Oliveira
El Portavoz del CoE