My former commander, Driedrik Sterr, has sent a message to the Rheinwehr, which entitles him as admiral. Please confirm if there has been a change of leadership. I have not been notified.
Herr Sterr, if the above is correct and you see this message, please understand that I do not mean to disrespect any military procedures about addressing one's commanding officer, but instead need to know who to take orders from. Please use proper means to notify personnel of changes in leadership, instead of suddenly appearing as admiral.
Flottenkapitän Kossuth Wolfgang von Thielau Von Thielau Residenz Port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET █ █ █ █ ░ RE: Question about Herr Sterr RFP Oberkommando
Guten Tag Flottenkapitän,
The Oberkommando hereby assures you, there had NOT been any changes. Herr Ronald Hetzer is still Admiral of the Rheinland Militär. Herr Sterr is NOT an Admiral recognized by the Rheinwehr Oberkommando.
Now, I hope this has made the situation more clear. Thank you for informing us, Herr Kossuth, now please get back to work, Flottenkapitän.
Wolfgang von Thielau
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Konteradmiral Wolfgang von Thielau Rheinwehr Oberkommando
Stellvertretener Befehlahaber Kampfgruppe Vallentorm
Kommandant der RWK Bad Nauheim
► Submitter:Admiral Driedrikk Sterr ► Recipant:Kapitän Klemens Kossuth, Flottenkapitän Kossuth Wolfgang von Thielau ► Subject:Scolding
I am ADMIRAL Driedrik Sterr in the flesh, previous absolute commander of the Rheinwehr, owner of the Knights Cross Second Class, Gold Liberty Warfare Ribbon, Silver Combat Excelence Ribbon, Bane of the Red Front, Destroyer of the VWA, Slayer of Liberty, Left hand of the Intelligence Corps, accounted for long past one hundred takedowns in combat and Paladin of our Nation.
It deeply embarrases me that you'd use a 3 years old port, even if it isn't under my instructions that you employ it. It's no wonder the Red Hessian Army and the kusarians continously intercept your transmissions. I do not remember training such incompetent men, which would explain why I don't remember you in particular either, herr Wolfgang.
After the rotund success of operation MRGA and the negotiations with Core, I instructed the men in charge to undergo operation Bärenfalle while I went undercover as codename Hanswurst, a duty in which, as I've been able to see thanks to your lack of proper encryptation, mostly failed.
In my supposed absence, the Rheinwehr has lowered both its standards and combat prowess to unprecedented levels.
Given the attitude of the current command of the Rheinland Militär, I give you one last chance to recognize both my rank and leadership in the Rheinwehr as your superior. Otherwise, the soldaten that served under me in the past and those who wish to do so now will, under the flag of the newly assembled Kaiser's Rache, continue our previous operations as members of the Rheinwehr's secondary fleet in both the Rhein and its boundaries against the enemies of our people. It is my only wish to restore the previous might of both our forces and the Rhein.
Admiral Driedrikk Sterr
#edited a phrase out, i just noticed the fields aren't missing but rather the format of the post is just broken
(06-19-2016, 12:06 PM)Mao Wrote: inb4 Sirius gets renamed to XTF.
"Admiral" Driedrikk Sterr Ronald Hetzer Rheinwehr Oberkommando Port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET █ █ █ █ ░ RE: Question about Herr Sterr Oberkommando
Guten Tag der Herr.
It seems that your dementia finally has overwhelmed you. You are talking about fairy-tales i`ve never heard of. Listen, I dont know who you think you are or who you want to be, but i can assure you one thing dear Herr Sterr: You are not in charge of ANYTHING in Rheinland, and that wont change aswell. So i give you the good advice to stop with that nonsense and to go back to the mental home you`ve managed to escape from. In the meantime i will make sure the security-guards will get an extra fee to strenghten the inner securities of the mental-homes in Rheinland. Schönen Tag noch.
Ronald Hetzer
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Admiral Ronald Hetzer Rheinwehr Oberkommando
Oberster Befehlshaber der Rheinwehr
► Submitter:Admiral Driedrikk Sterr ► Recipant:Kapitän Klemens Kossuth, Flottenkapitän Kossuth Wolfgang von Thielau, Kaiser's Rache ► Subject:Scolding
Herr Hetzer:
You are an embarrasment to the Republik and the once proud Rheinwehr. If the stories of the fine herren und fräulein of the Militär that safeguarded the Rhein for years haven't reached your ears, perhaps the sound of your own petulant voice has deafened you.
Allow them to clear your eardrums, then. Who do I command?
Admiral Driedrikk Sterr
(06-19-2016, 12:06 PM)Mao Wrote: inb4 Sirius gets renamed to XTF.