"Liberty's Finest" Thats what they call those who protect and serve, and thats what we in the Liberty Police Inc. Do on a daily basis. Are you ready to become an Officer of the Law and catch the bad guy? Do you have a natural calling to protect those who cant protect themselves? Do you love Sunbucks and Donuts? Well we are looking for more recruit officers like you! Come on down to One Police Plaza in Colorado to fill out an application!
Name: Alban Jankowski Gender: Male Age: 46 Previous Jobs:
LPI Officer Pittsburgh Precinct
LPI Detective Pittsburgh Precinct
Spaceport Cargo Lifter Pilot
Private Investigator
Probational Officer in the New York Traffic Division
Pilot's License
Small Arms Handling Certifications
Hand to Hand Combat Certifications
Field Operations Training
Brief Biography:
Born on planet Pittsburgh to parents Arkady and Emily Jankowski, Alban was one of three siblings who spent much of his youth running amock amongst the vast industrial complexs and labyrinthe alleyways of the plant's capital. Not wishing to follow in his father's footsteps as a boron miner, Alban along with his brother Micheal Jankowski, enlisted in the local LPI recruitment program and later graduated to serve as Officers in the local LPI precinct planetside. Growing up in one of the poorer residential districts of the city, places where the forgotten often went missing and illegal addictive substances were only a dealer away, they brought with them a keen sense of idealistic altrumism, a desire to make Pittsburgh a safer and better place for all.
As time went on Alban continued to show an increasing proficency for deductive analysis and forensic work and was soon elevated to the rank of Detective. However after a botched investigation involving the alleged falsification of evidence to indict a several prominent local DSE officials and the subsequent in the death of his brother in the line of duty, Alban was culled from the ranks. After this he drifted from job to job, ranging from freight handling at the local spaceport to private investigation work for independent clients, never feeling satisfied for too long. Eventually after pulling a few strings and making use of some old contacts Alban was able to secure a position amongst the traffic division of the LPI New York Precinct, where he as served under probation ever since.
Reasons for Joining:
Despite having a very disparaging, cynical and often combative outlook on life, the state of Liberty, and everything in general, behind it all still hides a desire to keep innocents safe, stop the bad guys from winning and most importantly track down the bastard that took his brother from him.
Name: Artemis Northflank Gender: Male Age: 26 Previous Jobs:
Convoy Guard
Advanced Scout
Private Courier
Courier of Important items/information
Fastest delivery time from one corner of the universe to another
Successfully defended a crippled battleship using own ship as a torpedo soaker
Selfless Defender
Brief Biography:
I'm a bit of a freelance but I've been trying to "find my place" this this unforgiving universe; I'm more than ready to defend humans from any foe and always ready to go Above and Beyond the call of duty. Unfortunately I cannot clock off as I'm a working person and as such have drifted into may Debris fields while on shift; although that seems like a bad thing I can be alert at all times
Reasons for Joining:
Too many pirates have been running Rampant in the Liberty sectors and also the fact more and more contraband items are slipping through the crack in all system is becoming appalling, what we need IS an actual police force ready to be on patrol near 24/7 and I am more than up for the challenge to say "I'm here and I will defend my system with my life!" and also so that there is SOME sort of presence in the systems against pirates and vagabonds
We here at the Liberty Police Inc. take our applicants very seriously and the screening process is very difficult. We are pleased to say you both have been accepted at the rank of Recruit Officer. Make your way to One Police Plaza to receive your standard issue weapon, Badge, and ship of your choosing up to a Bomber Class. you are being assigned the Colorado precinct as your primary precinct all other systems will be your secondary. Good luck!
Name: Will Gorski Gender: M Age: 25 Previous Jobs:
LPI Huntsville Appointment (3 months)
Rigorous 4-year Cadet Program at Houston Police Academy
Advanced Criminal Justice Coursework
Adept Fighter Pilot
Brief Biography:
Asked 5 years ago if I wanted to become a policeman, I'd probably call you crazy and laugh it off. But, as usual, opportunities present themselves when you least expect them. An incident occurred in one of the college towns on my home planet, Houston, which steered my life towards law enforcement.
On a certain day, at dusktime, I was having a great time at a gathering with my school friends in a bar - we were celebrating each other's acceptances into universities, private corporations, merchant factions, or what have you. All of a sudden, a patron from a neighboring table pulls out a gun and starts waving it in the air, threatening to shoot anybody who moves. The place went quiet; everyone started putting hands in the air behind their backs, careful not to draw the fury upon themselves. It was a scary moment for all of us. Several warning shots were fired. As it happened, our group was directly behind the shooter, and luckily not in his immediate attention. My friend, Gabe Cunningham, a youngster of same age but already with experience in the Navy, whispered to me, 'We're gonna take him down', and gave me clear instructions on what to do. I admit that that moment I thought I was going to die of a heart attack, but something clicked in me like an autopilot switch and in a few instants the shooter was successfully disarmed, by yours truly, and then incapacitated, by Gabe.
What followed after is a bit of a blur, but long story short, the police officers arrived at the bar and were quite impressed with our work. They praised our courage and swiftness, though not without slightly condemning our hot-headedness. The detective (whose name I unfortunately can't remember) said to me, 'Kid, you did great work here. Consider joining the Liberty's Finest. We need the brave ones like you, especially in these disturbing times.' His words stuck with me. It was enough to inspire me to go to Houston Police Academy, which I have just graduated with flying colors. And this is where I am: brave, hot-headed, and prepared to fight crime in Liberty.
Reasons for Joining:
To begin my field training as a full-fledged police officer is the next logical step in my career path. Ultimately, my goal is to become an experienced officer skilled on the field and in detective work; and, in upholding the law of the Republic, to ensure the stability and prosperity of the citizens we are sworn to protect.
it is with great pleasure to say you have passed the initial stages of employment with the Liberty Police Inc. and we are accepting you as a Recruit Officer. Make your way to One Police Plaza in Colorado to receive your standard Issue Weapon and badge. You are being assigned to the Colorado Precinct as well, we are stepping up our presences in the system and this gives you a good opportunity to prove yourself.
Name: Andrew Ashford Gender: Male Age: 46 Previous Jobs:
LPI Officer, both planet side and in space.
Advance pilot tactics training
Police cadet Academy training certificate
Criminal track and capture training.
Brief Biography:
I used to be in the Liberty Police Inc. 12 years ago. After the death of my wife Ellie Ashford, i had to leave my job as a LPI officer to stay at home and look after my son who at the time was 12 years old. John has now gone and joined the Universal Shipping Inc. and now I'm just sitting at home watching all the news, I have deiced it is time for me to get back into the awing of things and do something meaningful and to put my good old tricks and skills back to work in the Police forces in Liberty. TIme to start hunting down criminals and to keep the civilians safe again.
Reasons for Joining:
To protect the civilians of liberty and those that enter Liberty, hunting down criminals to make it as safe as we can get it to be, and to finally get of my backside and start working for the LPI again.
it is with great pleasure to say you have passed the initial stages of employment with the Liberty Police Inc. and we are accepting you as a Recruit Officer. Make your way to One Police Plaza in Colorado to receive your standard Issue Weapon and badge. You are being assigned to the Colorado Precinct as well, we are stepping up our presences in the system and this gives you a good opportunity to prove yourself.
Originally born aboard an OSC cruise ship to a Libertonian born woman working as an attendant aboard the ship, young Rick Hogan spent his youth not knowing his father, who had swept his mother off her feet during a brief romance. His mother would tell him stories of him, of his deep voice with its tilted rheinlandic accent; although it would take many years, he would eventually try to track down his father, without success. Despite his notable absence, however, he did not lack for anything during his childhood - shortly after his birth, money began mysteriously appearing in his mothers accounts, stopping only with her death years later. The result, some would say, was the boy grew up spoiled - lacking impulse control, and getting himself in trouble more than once.
Leaving home, he decided to take up what he thought would be an easy education, half-assing his way through his work and his studies, eventually finding himself with pointless degrees, and no more money in the trust fund. Deciding that a career in the Navy would have to do, he signed up - though his service was short. Despite not making any waves throughout is basic training, he soon left because [Case closed by Court Order]. He would spend the next decade working variously as a freelancing bounty hunter, private investigator and occasional body guard or convoy escort. On finding out, in a chance conversation, the pay rates of the Liberty Police, he immediately went to find himself a recruitment office...
Reasons for Joining:
Good pay, good hours, and its work I do anyway, may as well get paid properly. Seems a good fit.
//Discord Username:
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.