1. - Are SciData rewards still part of the game? I don't see much of them around. (Cruise inhibitors and NEMP launchers...)
2. - The range of sound a cloaking device emits? I'd like to use a countermeasure but I'd like to know the precise range of cloak sound first
3. - What's the command for a police character to stop a ship from docking for 2 minutes?
4. - Where are screenshots stored? Documents/Images/FreelancerShots is empty for some reason
Thanks for helping me again with your answers! Really appreciated!
1. Yes ,still on.
2. Not sure, 3 or 5 k range.
3. /nodock ,(full list of commands here: https://discoverygc.com/wiki/Server_Commands ).
4.search folder where is discovery installed , not where freelacer is installed.
Still can't find the Screenshots though. They were never stored in the game folders afaik but rather in Documents/Images/FreelancerShots folder. But it's empty!
Screenshots are definitely taken because the game pauses for a moment when I take a screen. Any help?