I originally started in the very early days of Discovery's existence. I played a vanilla version before that on (I think) the UK IGN server, until the servers all vanished! (Thanks MS).
I'm sure I had another account on here under the name of '6316' which I can't find a trace of anywhere - but this back up account I had from 2012 has let me in at least!
I've jumped into space and everything has changed. The NavMaps, the station locations, the ships, the costs of everything(!) but I'm happy to see the starting ship isn't a Starflier and that it has some decent kit! So for the last few hours I've just flown around system to system to see what's going on. I was enjoying the adventure of all the new systems and places until someone pointed out that there's a Navmap available on here! (I'm trying to ignore it, lol)
Anyway, it's a bit lonely out there with no real sense of direction. Back in the day I ran a border clan/group - but I can't really remember the dynamics of it. If anyone would like an old newbie under their wing out there - let me know!