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Joined: Nov 2014
Staff roles: Art Developer
Just an FYI, it's been 'off topic' for weeks. None of the other staff on that server moderated people for what is supposedly off topic. Additionally, the channel got renamed from "Cat pics and discussion" to general discussion again.
Everytime I have observed him coming in, is him to randomly say, "Get back on topic." and then the channel renames, and then the subsequent mutes/kicks.
Look at the time stamps. I believe it would be beneficial for everyone's sake to make a dedicated flood channel for 'off topic' discussions, rather than appearing out of the blue to tell people to stop. Yes sure you can have different servers, but they wont have the same people. I don't know what's so harmful about cat pictures, some weird gifs and a YT link. There was no discussion for a day.
I'd like the staff to give this thread a read : How To Save Discovery Freelancer. I'm not looking for an overnight reply, but I would like to know that this thread and one linked within were taken into consideration! I offer to help in any way needed! Thanks.
Not happy with the sanction processing. It's not Den Haag Tribunal that everything needs to be screenshoted from every single angle. A simple chat log from the server can tell a lot. It takes just fraction of the effort and good will to see what actually happened. Makes me wonder if some people have special treatment. Now, i could post on faction feedback and rant forever but i'll just leave it on this. Bye
(04-02-2021, 01:52 PM)StyleR Wrote: Not happy with the sanction processing. It's not Den Haag Tribunal that everything needs to be screenshoted from every single angle. A simple chat log from the server can tell a lot. It takes just fraction of the effort and good will to see what actually happened. Makes me wonder if some people have special treatment. Now, i could post on faction feedback and rant forever but i'll just leave it on this. Bye
The Admin Team are not psychics. Countless information is recorded on the Server every minute of every day. Hence why Screen shots, Videos, especially with timestamps really help when ensuring the right call is made when handing out punishments. Trust in the process.
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
(04-02-2021, 01:52 PM)StyleR Wrote: Not happy with the sanction processing. It's not Den Haag Tribunal that everything needs to be screenshoted from every single angle. A simple chat log from the server can tell a lot. It takes just fraction of the effort and good will to see what actually happened. Makes me wonder if some people have special treatment. Now, i could post on faction feedback and rant forever but i'll just leave it on this. Bye
The Admin Team are not psychics. Countless information is recorded on the Server every minute of every day. Hence why Screen shots, Videos, especially with timestamps really help when ensuring the right call is made when handing out punishments. Trust in the process.
Thx for the generic admin team public statement response. Without giving details this involved more then 2 people and was witnessed by others. It really doesn't matter at this point.
But even back year ago when i last reported someone i had to PM some of the admins and ask what happened to my report and only then it was processed! The Den Haag had to convene and ponder on it for weeks.
(04-02-2021, 01:52 PM)StyleR Wrote: Not happy with the sanction processing. It's not Den Haag Tribunal that everything needs to be screenshoted from every single angle. A simple chat log from the server can tell a lot. It takes just fraction of the effort and good will to see what actually happened. Makes me wonder if some people have special treatment. Now, i could post on faction feedback and rant forever but i'll just leave it on this. Bye
pm sent explaining, hopefully, what you were intimating.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
Name(s) of the violators
DiscoveryGC Administrators and Moderators
Server Rule(s) Being Broken
Rule Being Broken Wrote:Server Administrators are obliged: To develop and safeguard the health of the Discovery Freelancer community, official server, and forums.
To be fair and treat all players equally independent of their level and faction alignment.
Not to mix server roleplaying with server administration in any way.
Not to ignore any cases of server rule violations that are reported.
Sanction Context or Background
Given the current status of the server community, it's understandable that there would be some people on edge when it comes to server control. Not too long ago, staff was overhauled in order to clean out what remained of a bad leadership. Of course, there would be some slippery stepping stones along the way. It would be the same with any change of government.
A few times, of course, would be reasonable. However, at this point it's become more of an obsession. Administrators and moderators use the powers given to them to do their duty to simply take shots at people they don't like, and defend it with false claims of benevolence. A little bit of lying isn't all that much, right? Of course, if it ended there, I'd just settle for being pissed off. But it didn't. Instead, you all stumbled on another lucky break. Someone was mad about not getting the last laugh, and filed a report based purely on there being no rules regarding a thing. Of course, since it was someone critical of you in the past, you were happy to sanction away, using your server administration to control server roleplay, and when challenged to your face about the shoddy rule upkeep, you remained silent, having realized that having administration powers means that only someone else with administration powers can do something about you. Your power has gone to your head, and you've began ignoring the health of the Discovery Freelancer community.¹²³⁴
But, your little list of crimes doesn't even end there. Taking shots at the Russians is a fantastic game plan, of course. New players that immediately cause problems are normally Slavic, and of course, most people would think "Oh, it's just those Russians again. Probably can't even speak English." But two harassment sanctions, each based off one word, against two long-standing Slavic players? Don't you think your intentions are starting to show through a bit? At least the old team could make their lies convincing half the time. Let's keep the racism to irony poisoned memes, please.
And that doesn't even begin the list of things that were simply overreaches. Many recent sanctions should have been warnings instead, but the sanction report template does say "Just a little summary, please.", so I'll leave those out for now.
In conclusion, the admins have abandoned their duty, and are no longer fit for their position. They have broken the rules that bind them on multiple occasions, and show a grand total of zero signs of remorse for their actions. Unfortunately, I'm not pissed enough to begin naming names, but those of you admins who abide by "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down", please remember that "just following orders" doesn't save people from judgement.
I'll do something about my superiority complex when I cease to be superior.
"Whatever happened to catchin' a good old-fashioned passionate ass-whoopin and gettin' your shoes, coat, and your hat tooken?"
I've seen some of the sanctions - and agree with @The_Godslayer that some should have been warnings instead - seemed too harsh in my opinion and made two people quit he game sadly it seems.
Like he dectare one for one word, the taurus guy for defending his convoy in a transport - those seemed very minor. Maybe even the Wellerman one