Except your system is simply unsuitable for FL and you re-heat the same thing over and over.
What part? Its the same mechanics as base sieges, so why is it not suitable in the same way? It would move at about the same rate. Its a reasonable place to start when it comes to using the game for something related to story. That shouldnt be so crazy a concept!
(06-25-2021, 07:14 AM)Paul S. Wrote: Accept that Discovery is dead (:
Upcoming changes will push even more people away, but the devs don't really care. It's their playground and you are allowed to play on it, so if you don't like it, leave this playground and join another one.
Also, importing such ugly ships... please, we are not in 2009 anymore where literally everything got ported into the game.
Ugly ships? which ones? Nothing wrong with taking some cheap and easy victories, and increasing our variety. New anything can help. The Vatakara is really nice but they don't have the 3D model loaded.
Truth be told I'd have given up on this long ago if Freeworlds was still up and running! As long as NPC's were turned back on, otherwise it felt even more empty without them and you couldnt go pirating for loot! And yeah I basically am gone except to notice the place seems to shrink but some think things are just fine. I think they are insane.
(06-25-2021, 07:42 AM)Relation-Ship Wrote: @TheShooter36 I mean Binski's Idea isn't so bad - some bases are not used much and could be contested
Like who ever used Rogue base in Kansas lol. Thing is Binski this is a rp server, not a pvp one - pvp players and mass siegers shouldn't really matter for big story changes on their own - you'd need some other way to or combination to decide fate of (a limited number of unimportant) bases.
Then you'd need player factions to decide what bases aren't used much and can be put up for contention - e.g. factions could be asked to put X% of bases up for contention, the ones where even one base would cross that threshold would be exempt. This has the same flaw however as @aerelm 's 90 to 75 thing - there's way too many factions without an OF and/or active HC.
Its not only an RP server though, we can have pvp and story outcome linked, I don't know why they don't just do it and tell people to suck it up, all of the clawing and scratching players do to avoid doing stuff is sucking the life out of the place over time.
As to the bases, if we let players decide that, they'd try to excempt every base and we'd be back to where we are now. Just take the chance, it can't go that disasterous that fast, and my system listed some exceptions to siegeable NPC bases. Imagine factions instead knowing in advance that they can steal access to other faction's ships by capturing their shipyard or a ship sell point, and use them as long as they hold the base. We could be adding tons of things like that, to spice up the RP and connect the pvp in a sensible (fair) way. Such a move would allow for awesome story to be written to coincide with the event as or after it unfolds, and justify all sorts of inrp changes. What better way to earn some things but a properly executed siege and commensurate RP?
(06-25-2021, 09:34 AM)Erremnart Wrote:
PvP contests between the factions aren't the solution. Just look on the PvP events - two factions clash, one gets/manages to scramble more numerous or competent players and just steamrolls the other faction. And then the PvP events usually die.
People are tired of getting killed by the same people over and over again, people are tired of being ganked and when you fight for something like PoB or faction pixel power, scummy tactics will be all around and you discourage even more players.
This system works in EVE, because EVE is one giant server with tens of thousands players, countless corporations and alliances with flexible diplomacy. Basically every war in there means new allegiances, but neither of those conditions are here.
Sadly I can't seem to shake the sense that this is only for EVE. I have been to an event or two in my day, even in the last few years (like the last Orkney battle of the Gallic War), events where there were a good 30+ people on each side. I believe for most actual battles over control of a planet, system or station, we could do that on average easily. If people knew that would happen again regularly and at random, the time in between would also have higher activity on average, and the activity cycle would repeat. The one thing players come out for we don't allow over some misguided belief around actual organized conflicts not being what people want. Really, it works as long as what is fair or not is outlined beforehand.
But without it the place is going nowhere and it quickly becomes a waste. If the devs do think this place is done and dead, let someone else try to do something with it. We can still have an RP server where we get IN GAME to get stuff done to change control of bases, planets or systems.
I think what people are tired of is no story movement, and nothing meaningful to do in game with the vast majority of our ships. Tired of no way to change things in game with what would otherwise be an easily adjustable and customizable environment, and tired of no one being in game to just log on and get involved with, because there is no reason. The siege system is also to generate associated activity like trade. Each siege would also create real need, as in you could always log and have a chance to fly as a Freelancer and find something to do, find a supply line who could use an escort, or help with supply, etc. I just want a real supply line to pirate, an active one. We can come up with new situations and scenarios using this huge mod for years still, the ships are fine, but we only can do so much with them in the long term. How could you know we could have way more going on, more people online, and not do whatever it takes to make it a reality? Otherwise we arent trying fully to keep the place alive, and all of the work going into the mod is a waste.
(06-25-2021, 12:10 PM)Karlotta Wrote: The thing is if people really enjoyed a base/territory conquest system, they already have the option to do it.
They could build a pob in a place that is bound to get it sieged, and get it sieged, and the stronger party gets to build there. But they dont do it for reasons, maybe it really is a lack of making up and writing down rules (more like conventions of war) and trying it. But seriously, if you think it will work, try writing down those conventions completely yourself and getting people to participate in it on a consensual basis in locations where they wont bother anyone who doesnt want to get involved, instead of compulsively repetitively trying to make someone else write down the conventions and force them down the throat of the entire population, who have told you again and again that they dont want it, and why.
Oh but there are certain factors to making the game gaurantee opportunity to everyone equally that creates a sort of perpetual motion machine out of our activity. It turns the game into what its potential ultimatley allows for. Without officially associated links to the value of the activity, no one will care, and that system only ensures doing nothing keeps things the same. Also, a POB isn't recognized inrp so while you think you are capturing a junction or entry point or station, they won't acknowledge it. Yet it escapes them that if you make a game where you can do stuff like that, people enjoy it. Here, its prevented solely to avoid someone else's incovenience. Which defeats the whole purpose or proves someone uses this place to feel like a god or ruler and doesn't care at all about what goes on outside of their bubble.
No one would want to bother in that scenario. Seriously, at this point we either allow some unpredictability or we accept there is little to no reason to actually play anymore. You either force the birds from the nest or they'll always choose the path of least resistance and be lazy. Our activity purpose here is short circuited. Its like most people just want to RP. Well maybe they should be the ones to go just RP elsewhere.
Also remember what this place is like. Everyone sees what happens to players that go against the sacred grain. Many undoubtedly keep quiet to avoid being ostricized like myself. I knew it would happen, still don't care, because I'm not the one in the wrong. As far as I'm concerned, many likely agree but won't risk saying anything. This place can be like a drug, the devs are like dopamine drug dealers, and are the type of dealers to make the junkie wonder if they'll be cut off if they get out of line. I really can't believe people aren't willing to try anything more to avoid this place from becoming a waste, and needlessly dead. I have only ever suggested what seems pretty logical for what he have in the game, and what we do.
Not to worry though folks, one day, when I'm head of the US Space Force, I'll be coming for Discovery Freelancer. Coming to save it, or set a Low Orbit Ion Cannon up with coords for wherever they house the servers, and I don't mean software!
A lot of this are "guests" which are commonly bots. Ever visited a forum where you don't have to make an account before being able to post? Oh maaaaan. The real rough estimate of players we have would be around 150 of which a majority are just "checking in from time to time". Animating these to come back won't work with a siege mechanic enabling even more fool play (the original reason most of them don't play at all or regularly).
(06-25-2021, 02:36 PM)Emperor Tekagi Wrote: A lot of this are "guests" which are commonly bots. Ever visited a forum where you don't have to make an account before being able to post? Oh maaaaan. The real rough estimate of players we have would be around 150 of which a majority are just "checking in from time to time". Animating these to come back won't work with a siege mechanic enabling even more fool play (the original reason most of them don't play at all or regularly).
Just a daily reminder that reverting to 4.85 will bring nothing but horrible balance, wack systems and silly story with Phantoms, Reapers of Sirius, and Hellfire Legion.
(06-25-2021, 03:23 PM)Groshyr Wrote: Just a daily reminder that reverting to 4.85 will bring nothing but horrible balance, wack systems and silly story with Phantoms, Reapers of Sirius, and Hellfire Legion.