Welcome to Disco. Hope to see you in space! And use all the suggestions given. They will help.
Hunter Out.
I wish I had so many helpful suggesstions before my char got sanctioned twice in one day then my Disco mod was screwed and then I had to restart...................................................................................................................................................
' Wrote:Welcome to Disco. Hope to see you in space! And use all the suggestions given. They will help.
Hunter Out.
I wish I had so many helpful suggesstions before my char got sanctioned twice in one day then my Disco mod was screwed and then I had to restart...................................................................................................................................................
I remember that day, man.
You truely improved a lot lot lot lot since then.
Welcome to discovery by the way, prepare to make friends.
*/hack thread : the USI is still recruiting !*
Playing on disco is really addictive:)and reading all those topics and biography of player really add stories and background to this universe:P
Now I can play on the evening / night and read the forum during the day ^ _ ^
From a more ingame pragmatic point of view, I wanted to have your inputs about following matter:
I was wondering about creating a secondary ship for trade purpose.
In fact I have the feeling that (maybe due to me being blowed quite often on space) I hardly get enough money as a Fighter to give back my loan and eventually gather enough money for equipment (those nuclear miens for example).
How do you do on your side? Do you have one trader ship in order to generates the incomes needed to equip your other ship(s)?