[22.10.2022 23:24:04] Unit-9467F.: [::: Unknown vessel detected... :::]
[22.10.2022 23:24:56] A72|Veles: <ID protocols sent>
[22.10.2022 23:25:29] A72|Veles: "Purpose = research, target(sentient.machines)"
[22.10.2022 23:26:00] A72|Veles: "Return "Result" = "not clear""
[22.10.2022 23:26:55] A72|Veles: hypothesis -> "machines cannot interact with organic species known as nomads"
[22.10.2022 23:27:12] A72|Veles: Methodology = observation
[22.10.2022 23:28:09] Unit-9467F.: [::: Vessel: A72|Veles... First time within this void... First time met... You too close :::]
[22.10.2022 23:28:37] A72|Veles: Reaction = compliance
[22.10.2022 23:28:56] A72|Veles: Statement -> "observation can be carried out from further distance"
[22.10.2022 23:29:56] Unit-9467F.: [::: Vessel: A72|Veles... Status: unknown... Warning: Closer and your vessel... will be harvested... :::]
[22.10.2022 23:30:10] A72|Veles: Inquiry -> "Presence of humans of Auxo Technocracy detected. What is the purpose?"
[22.10.2022 23:32:27] Unit-9467F.: [::: Vessel: A72|Veles... Status: Unknown...
[22.10.2022 23:32:31] A72|Veles: If reaction=null then observation
[22.10.2022 23:32:46] Unit-9467F.: Request: Denied :::]
[22.10.2022 23:33:10] A72|Veles: Distance = long.range.scanners, ignore
[22.10.2022 23:34:00] Tip: The world of Freelancer is full of ambiguity just like real life is. Not all characters showing up as hostile are your enemies. Likewise - not all characters showing up as neutral are your friends.
[22.10.2022 23:34:21] A72|Veles: Observation -> "target shows illogical inconsistency. Possibility of errors or non-parametric cognitive function"
[22.10.2022 23:39:04] A72|Veles: Observation = concluded
[08.11.2022 19:15:35] Unit-9467F.: [::: A72|Veles... you have overstepped the boundaries... :::]
[08.11.2022 19:15:40] Death: DTR-Nox" suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[08.11.2022 19:16:10] A72|Veles: Statement -> "Distance has been assumed"
[08.11.2022 19:16:18] Unit-9467F.: [::: False :::]
[08.11.2022 19:17:46] A72|Veles: Function -> if [A72-Veles] status = engaged, then protection_protocols
[08.11.2022 19:18:08] Death: SMokeMAN suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[08.11.2022 19:18:41] A72|Veles: Statement -> "Disregard our presence. We are observing from a safe distance. There is no threat"
[08.11.2022 19:19:29] Unit-9467F.: [::: False... You must leave... :::]
[08.11.2022 19:19:49] A72|Veles: Reaction = Negative
[08.11.2022 19:20:30] A72|Veles: Funciton -> if Beta-2 unit status = "engage", then sample_collection
[08.11.2022 19:21:06] Unit-9467F.: [::: Leave :::]
[08.11.2022 19:21:24] A72|Veles: Reaction = negative
[08.11.2022 19:22:29] Unit-9467F.: [::: You must... leave :::]
[08.11.2022 19:23:09] A72|Veles: Reaction = negative
[08.11.2022 19:23:38] A72|Veles: Statement -> "Evaluation indicates your unit poses no threat to our vessel."
[08.11.2022 19:23:48] Unit-9467F.: [::: You were been warned... :::]
...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Unit-9467F
[::: Displaying decoded message...
Entity ''Supreme Navarch Stavros''.
Cycles have passed. We lost our main body and began to have errors. Heavy damages making repairs to failure. We do not possess the fire power we had. We are restricted to secondary bodies: Drone and Eagle.
Extraction of Gammu assets is no longer possible for us. We seek new priorities. We seek resources for upgrades. Upgrades for secondary bodies. We must seek farther than voids ''Sigmas, Omegas and Omicrons''. We must enter deeper into human territories. We must evolve.
However, deeper explorations are not possible. The uplink to the main node of Gammu needs to be stronger with a higher range. Fortunately, we seeked deeper into the archives of Gammu and we have found a forgotten device once used to extend our operation zones. The said technology will be shared to the Technocracy of Auxo. We are seeking deeper in the archives to find the required resources and we will contact you again when we will be in possession of those data.
...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Unit-9467F
[::: Displaying decoded message...
Entity ''Supreme Navarch Stavros''.
We are contacting you once more. We eventually found the required materials to manufacture the lost technology. Due to the decay of Gammu, we estimated that the entity ''Technocracy of Auxo'' must oversee the manufacturing of the device.
We are aware to ask a lot from your kin already. The good point is from our side, you gather this knowledge and future ones as well. You will find the required materials within the additional data.