Thank you all for the kind messages. I, and my family, are steadily recovering. It is a shame however that I cannot see one of my friend IRL this week as we planned, but eh, can't fight it. I am able to get up and move around more easily than how it felt at its peak, so I should be back soon
Thanks again, and cheers!
Edit: It isn't getting better actually, but it is stable enough. Nothing serious but still quite annoying. So, I resume my disappearance for a while again because I just can't. See ya later
Hello again!
As of today, my Windows installation shat the bed thanks to GTAV, so I am using a very poor laptop right now to try to repair, and if it doesn't work, reinstall Windows and start from quasi-scratch again. It may also be a problem from the computer, but I really, really pray it's not, and that's one of the reasons I'm going slowly, so that I can't mess up.
This left me incredibly frustrated and exhausted (and the heat really doesn't help), so, because of all these factors, I won't be partaking in Discovery shenanigans, both play and forumlancer, so, sorry to those who wait a reply, even this has been a tremendous effort for me, I'm really sorry and even ashamed for it. I just can't put my mind to work right now.
So yeah, consider me a bit away for a few days again, and I'll try to work on my computer with a fresh mind, so, again, sorry, when possible, I will fullfill my duties and will respond to the comms, and will do the roleplay, and play the game, etc. etc. etc. Don't worry, but I really insist on the sorry part, really.
It's still bricked!!!!!
It's just the hard drive now, my PC is back, up 'n runnin'.
it should be done tonight. Sleepless night #2, here I go - special thanks to Microsoft and their Windows 10 OS for suddenly deciding that leaving a computer alone and working during the night is a bad idea and making me lose an entire night of processing data! Good job, M$FT!
Either way, I should be back very soon and play again. And since my PC is up, I will now at least to reply to the comms I've been sent. Once again, I am deeply sorry for not responding in time.
That's just archiving the already-recovered files on the recovery hard drive so that I can save them elsewhere, and do the actual recovering once it's done
(08-14-2022, 12:00 AM)Kherty Wrote: It's still bricked!!!!!
It's just the hard drive now, my PC is back, up 'n runnin'.
it should be done tonight. Sleepless night #2, here I go - special thanks to Microsoft and their Windows 10 OS for suddenly deciding that leaving a computer alone and working during the night is a bad idea and making me lose an entire night of processing data! Good job, M$FT!
Either way, I should be back very soon and play again. And since my PC is up, I will now at least to reply to the comms I've been sent. Once again, I am deeply sorry for not responding in time.
That's just archiving the already-recovered files on the recovery hard drive so that I can save them elsewhere, and do the actual recovering once it's done
Yep, M$ is proving time and time again that Windows is not suitable for work. Good Luck!
EDIT: Which leads me to second guessing my decision to update the damn thing. But I guess if I make an image backup it might be fine, maybe.
Thanks! I hate Windows so much it's unreal. I can't believe 300 measly Gb is responsible for almost 100 hours of work that's now mostly useless. And I'm being saved by free third-party softwares. God damn it! AhahahahahaHAHAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Edit: Just backup on external drives and you'll be fine, really.
(08-14-2022, 12:14 AM)Kherty Wrote: Thanks! I hate Windows so much it's unreal. I can't believe 300 measly Gb is responsible for almost 100 hours of work that's now mostly useless. And I'm being saved by free third-party softwares. God damn it! AhahahahahaHAHAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Edit: Just backup on external drives and you'll be fine, really.
Yeah, I should be fine. I'm actually not afraid of the update itself, that can be solved with the image backup (Acronis/CloneZilla).
I'm more afraid of some change I will not like or worse, that something stops working. That can take some time to realize and downgrading (restoring backup and then merging new data I gathered between the upgrade and downgrade will be a huge pain)
Luckily I'm not using windows for work, so it would be just annoying. (but it would take the time, as you are now painfully aware)
I have multiple yet-to-be-answered comms directed to me, and I am 1iC of a faction, as well as being part of GalGov. This serves as to give those people who are waiting for me to reply, to log, and to give my opinion amongst other things - this is the reason why I didn't answer yet, even small threads, and I can't broadcast it any other way efficiently.
So yeah. I would advise you to be a little more understanding, about why I sent these messages. More understanding to me, and to the people who were indirectly slowed by this problem.
I also plan to use this thread to notify if I ever has another problem that threatens my online presence on Discovery, such as when I had COVID-19. I don't believe anyone asked. But I wanted to be sure everyone knows I won't be available, and here's why.
(08-14-2022, 12:48 AM)ronillon Wrote: Yeah, I should be fine. I'm actually not afraid of the update itself, that can be solved with the image backup (Acronis/CloneZilla).
I'm more afraid of some change I will not like or worse, that something stops working. That can take some time to realize and downgrading (restoring backup and then merging new data I gathered between the upgrade and downgrade will be a huge pain)
Luckily I'm not using windows for work, so it would be just annoying. (but it would take the time, as you are now painfully aware)
Yeah, I'd never use Windows for work either way heh, the laptops I've used for college didn't have Windows on them, or at least it was dual-boot (shout-out to that moment where I had to help save a POB in the middle of class, thanks dual-boot), that's for certain. I think I also understand why the Physics department in my college uses Linux distros instead of Windows, heh. Honestly, a problem of this "size" never occured to me before, and it all has roots in my stupidity to be honest. Formatting the wrong partition while trying to install Windows 10 on a new SSD, which, coincidentially, has roughly the same size as the previous one - at least I learnt a lot. I'll also do a lot more backups now.
I am suffering AGAIN from COVID-19, and I might be completely away for a few days.
To everyone I need to do forumlancer, supplies, work, RP, and the likes, please excuse my absence, unless you're willing to take away the burdens I'm currently left with.
For once, I am hoping that I won't die.
Cheers, and see you soon!
^ Edited today.
See ya soon hopefully. I can already feel this is harder than the first infection.