I keep batting around the idea of returning, but then I get another max form ping from my EVE alliance. Most of my time playing space games is taken by EVE, since I am in a leadership position. Maybe I should log in and burn around Rheinland some, I always enjoyed my time with the [RM].
(03-17-2022, 12:48 PM)ACER_SPACER Wrote: I keep batting around the idea of returning, but then I get another max form ping from my EVE alliance. Most of my time playing space games is taken by EVE, since I am in a leadership position. Maybe I should log in and burn around Rheinland some, I always enjoyed my time with the [RM].
We would be happy to see you on the other side of our guns. Or perhaps on our own side. You truly should consider returning, especially if you enjoy shooting at stuff in Rheinland.
The singular assured destruction. I knew that the faction I was running could never win a fight due to a combination of bad balancing, difference in skill of the regular players, and the back and forward bickering it resulted in.
Just wasn't fun anymore to try and make something out of it. for a long time I kept on coming back to this game until I discovered that other roleplay communities are way less pvp driven and toxic.
There's little wrong with the game, it's the competative circlejerk that made a lot of people turn their back on this game.
The obvious answer is that we're all really looking for that feeling of synergy between players-- for both alliances and enmities to feel alive. That means to attract players you have to have a critical mass of good players (authentic RP and PVP). But to get to that critical mass you have to attract players first. Its a Catch 22.
All of these specific reasons for leaving or not playing boil down to lack of camaraderie among players. To recruit and keep the right kind of players would take, IMHO, a lot of effort and careful cultivation of talent-- like scouts and trainers for Freelancer. It would also probably have to be a more exclusive community with a high bar to pass (bouncers), not the egalitarian free for all some think it should be.
In order to develop that core group a lot of listening would have to happen. Folks are obviously living out their heroic fantasies on this server and should be heard out, but there should be some Editors and decision makers who shape it into something actually good. Think of all the throw-away Star Wars novels of the past decades and then compare them with what Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni have done, starting with the Mandalorian. A bunch of great directing talent has been recruited because they got serious about canon and making impactful characters and backstories that resonate like the original Star Wars characters did.
I think the Freelancer universe deserves the same thing.
(05-31-2023, 02:24 PM)Darius Wrote: With all due respect and considerations, how the heck does one complain about no RP traders (I said pirates but I'm not negating the problem being two sided) then goes on to mention that Eve is a better choice?
In Discovery, when I log in, there is an expectation and a standard of roleplay that I have. Sometimes I come across a player, even pirates, that hits the hammer on the nail perfectly. Even if I'm on the losing end of the interaction, it's still fun based on the interaction. Lately, at least 6 months to a year ago as I have not played much aside from drunken missions with friends in indies, it's been overwhelmingly the other way.
If I play a game that has no expectation or standard of roleplay that is more in depth with it's economics and battle strategy, I choose Eve. People say Eve is more toxic than Discovery, but I have not experienced that even in null sec. I'm not saying it doesn't exist or devaluing other player experiences, I have heard stories. Most times, I log out of Eve happier and less agitated than Discovery. That is why I heck dare to mention Eve as a better choice.
It ain't about what you are capable of, it's about what you're willing to do.
bro thinks he's going to get depth out of F1 simulator in an economy driven entirely by bot accounts
unless youre finding small gang fights and not getting dogpiled out of faction warfare like was the norm in the many years i played EVE, youre full of it
even the last bastion of fun and dynamic gameplay (wormholes) was getting destroyed with the advent of citadels. everything else has been 15 years of local box watching and docking to avoid giving your corp a red mark on zkillboard and getting instakilled the zeptosecond you undock in highsec because you didnt know your corp was wardec'd
(05-31-2023, 05:51 PM)Racerdude Wrote: People say Eve is more toxic than Discovery, but I have not experienced that even in null sec. I'm not saying it doesn't exist or devaluing other player experiences, I have heard stories.
Again, not the experience I have had *shrugs*
It ain't about what you are capable of, it's about what you're willing to do.
Is this gravedigging? It's only been a month or so.
But, honestly? The community has gotten even more toxic and I've been lurking for a year. I've had ships and characters ready to RP, but, all I see is just fucking toxicity and hate. NOW, when I was active, there was always toxicity and hate, but, it wasn't THIS obvious and horrifying to watch.
I feel that a lot of you really need to take a break and focus on something else for a bit, clear your heads.
As I said in another thread, a lot of you are obnoxious and it's really damn sad to see.
I've also had issues getting involved in RP or starting my own, but I got a project on the backburner I may start again just to see if the RP leads anywhere.
But, really, community, be nice to the Devs and Admins, they're doing an ungrateful job with no pay for the community itself. There will always be some selfishness involved, no one is perfect, but at least see the positives in what they're doing.