(06-17-2023, 10:59 AM)Czechmate Wrote: Why would you nerf the ID so brutally, there seems to be no real upside
This is due to the RP this faction has gained over the last 2(?) years I've developed them. Also, I believe that factions that have a certain specialty should have an ID that reflects that specialty.
Making a tight -"specialised" ID may make it fun. It is too easy to waft over into a trading modus operandi and a specific genre that restricts the parameters to a narrow style is a good thing. Trust it goes well buddy!
Oh they joy in death, those who undertake to remove the corpses of ship and sailor.
"With the skimpiest of RP, so skimpy in fact that if it was underwear, it would make a nudist blush..." Facts1Crew1
(06-17-2023, 04:29 PM)TonyB Wrote: Only one remark : Partners : Auxo and at the same time AI: flee if seen. Strange no ?
The diplomacy and relationships are based on in-game interactions with the listed Official Factions. I have had a handful of interactions with Artificial Intelligence, none of which were from any official group. I listed AI separately only because they appropriately fit under one subheading when it comes to relations with us - Flee if Seen. @Shinju answered it perfectly.
If anyone else has any other questions, please do post them as I am happy to answer them.
An interesting niche group with a specific goal and agenda. I would definitely recommend them from my personal experience. They also played a critical role in the early DTR days, acting as intermediaries between DTR and HS during the The XI Peace Summit. It ended up being an interesting piece of RP, different from the usual black and white interactions that one encounters on more frequent basis.
Discovery needs more of that - hope you get the official status and stay active. Good luck!
Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.
Nothing personal and I apologize in advance if this sounds rude (I saw some of these comments from other players not so long ago, but did not find anyone writing this to you directly):
Your group is made up of freelancers, but in this case, how did it happen that in your work as cartographers there are such locations as in Alaska system (for example) - Juneau Shipyard, Battleship Concord (and cruisers around it), Prudhoe Skunk Works (but not sure about it), Prison Station Fairbanks, Battleship Carcassonne.
Because these are secret and regime objects! And in my opinion, your ship would have been destroyed only by approaching the distance of bases radars...
In my opinion it looks like Metagaming / Powergaming. I would understand if only debris, wrecks or jump holes were found by you. And I've only looked at one system out of many that you've explored.
Maybe I do not have all the information, because I returned to the game recently and did not see some parts of the forum.
But I sincerely wish you good luck and the best RP.