(11-22-2023, 08:30 PM)Czechmate Wrote: What happens if someone like @Haste gets sanctioned who has low net worth? Money doesn't matter to him, to make it hurt, should he be banned for 7 days if there's not enough money to take?
All his weapons should be deleted.
Delete all his weapons and change all his ships to Persephones. That will teach him a lesson.
(11-22-2023, 08:30 PM)Czechmate Wrote: What happens if someone like @Haste gets sanctioned who has low net worth? Money doesn't matter to him, to make it hurt, should he be banned for 7 days if there's not enough money to take?
All his weapons should be deleted.
Delete all his weapons and change all his ships to Persephones. That will teach him a lesson.
And lock them, so he can't sell the ships.
When contending with a monster, you'd be wise to give the devil his due.
First and foremost I just want to share that I'm a generally positive and fun-loving person who enjoys laughter and joking around.
I've noticed that my expressions might come off as a bit strong, but I attribute that to the nuances of my native language, Portuguese.
My main goal is to have a good time, and I genuinely dislike getting into arguments.
On the flip side, I do find joy in fully exploring conversations, taking them as far as they can go (if there even is such a thing, hehe).
Naming rules that actualy make sense by well known companies:
The Role Play Naming Policy is available on the Battle.Net support site.
World of Warcraft Role Play (RP) servers are intended to provide players with an added level of immersion in the game world. Character names on RP servers must adhere to Blizzard's Code of Conduct, and also must avoid being disruptive to the world.
Examples of common unacceptable or disruptive RP names include (but are not limited to):
Non-medieval or non-fantasy names (for example: Slipnslide, Robotman, Technotron)
Names that reference well known people, characters, brands, places, or icons (for example: Britneyspears, Austinpowers, Mcdonalds, Georgewashington, Newyork)
Names that consist of multiple words (for example: Inyourface, Welovebeef, Howareyou, Sixtyseventy)
Blizzard reserves the right to assign a random name to any character violating our RP naming policy. For more severe or repeat violations, we may apply additional penalties to the account.
Behaviour that intentionally detracts from others' enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect, and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behaviour is determined by player reports and Blizzard's decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.
While we encourage you to report players that are behaving in a disrespectful manner, falsely reporting another player with the sole intent of restricting their gameplay is also unacceptable, and will result in penalties to your account.
If you're unsure if your actions violate this code of conduct, reconsider them. We reserve the right to restrict offending accounts as much as necessary to keep Blizzard games a fun experience for all players.
"Names that reference well known people..."
Dylan Hunt isn't a widely recognized character, as only one person in the community seems to know its origin (shoutout to you, bro <3). Despite eight years of dedication to roleplaying and numerous interactions with players, old and new, I find my name stained by a warning.
While I agree that the team deserves high regard for their voluntary efforts in providing us with an enjoyable game, the same appreciation should extend to certain players. Take, for instance, St. Dennis, who consistently offers prompt support to players in need, even when not in an admin role. Then there's Doc Holiday, not a well-known historical figure but a significant contributor to roleplay and community activity. Similarly, Xenon, though his name may raise eyebrows, is a recognized community pillar thanks to his contributions (thanks, Aux).
It appears that what's lacking is basic common sense and, above all, respect for long-standing players. We, the players, are the community, and individuals like DonSam, Hopewell (like really? 10B?!? Rules should be the same for everyone, regardless of giving back the cash, regardless of what they have, he has money and things cause he played the game and has more flight hours than most here have of actual real life driving),
ADN, MEPHISTOLES and many many more have been integral to Discovery survival for all these years.
Idea to the team in the forums you guys could make a "Years of Service" kinda thing so its easily seen by new players wh the veterans are?
While some players borrow names and images from other sources, most do not replicate the characteristics, positions, or moods of the original characters. The key is the intention behind the action. Obvious copying, like wanting to be Dylan Hunt and rebuild the Commonwealth, should warrant a warning. However, for others with genuine intentions, a rule revision might be beneficial, especially as the player population grows. We wouldn't want to discourage new players with unclear or troublesome rules. Let's improve this and maintain transparency in all communications.
(11-22-2023, 10:43 PM)Cpt. Dylan Hunt Wrote: Idea to the team in the forums you guys could make a "Years of Service" kinda thing so its easily seen by new players wh the veterans are?
You do know that a persons account creation month and year are literally displayed on every post, right, that's literally what you're talking about.
(11-22-2023, 10:43 PM)Cpt. Dylan Hunt Wrote: Idea to the team in the forums you guys could make a "Years of Service" kinda thing so its easily seen by new players wh the veterans are?
You do know that a persons account creation month and year are literally displayed on every post, right, that's literally what you're talking about.
When I mentioned "so it's easily seen," I was referring to something like, if you have Steam installed, the "Years of Service" under your character is prominently displayed.
It's not merely a matter of "date format mambo-jambo"; it's a clear and highly visible indicator.
If my initial statement was unclear, I apologize for any confusion. Rather than coming across as a "know-it-all," I aim for a more constructive attitude.
If there are still aspects that need clarification or improvement, feel free to let me know, and I'll be happy to address them.
"brought up" significantly differs from receiving a Sanction Warning.
I dont know about you but at this point i think it's crucial to emphasize that being warned by admins is not taken lightly by me, BMF, or any players within my circle.
When you're part of our group, adhering to the rules is non-negotiable. Particularly when no one is actively monitoring your actions, that's when upholding the rules becomes even more essential. In my country, we refer to this as "having character."
For us, being warned or sanctioned in any way is, simply put, dishonorable.
I think it's also important to highlight that none of the responses, including the one I'm offering now, appear to be contributing constructively or productively.
In essence, if ForumLancers don't have meaningful input or insights to share, it would be more advantageous to avoid non-productive comments that stray from the core issue.
My sentence was spoken, Discorules of justice will be served.
I think there Should be some sort of Exeption for Chars that have as many Years of RP as John Holiday and Dylan Hunt have. I mean its realy not fair to Force them to redcon everything just because the Staff didnt Enforced the Rules Properly.
They are a Valuble and Established Part in the roleplay Cosmos of this Game and it would be wierd to have them call at Diferent Names now.
(11-23-2023, 01:30 AM)Lord Helmchen Wrote: I think there Should be some sort of Exeption for Chars that have as many Years of RP as John Holiday and Dylan Hunt have. I mean its realy not fair to Force them to redcon everything just because the Staff didnt Enforced the Rules Properly.
They are a Valuble and Established Part in the roleplay Cosmos of this Game and it would be wierd to have them call at Diferent Names now.
In the Teams defense and from my understanding we do not have to Retcon anything, we just need to change it hence foreword.
Its ok, i always whanted to be a Lord...
Lord Hunt has a ring to it does it not?
At the end of the day i am BMF 1 IC it would make sense inRP.
(*screams can be heard on Bret Gov House of Lords* yay, yay yay,)
(sits patiently waiting the Crown Lordship nomination)