Bring back outcast bases or deploy more BCs in OC Zoi.
PS. Also Corsica is a joke compared to the size of Sairs' TWO shipyards.
The Outcasts don't need as many bases as the Corsairs because they aren't progressing most of their goals through direct violence. They aren't building a marauding empire and don't need to find a more suitable planet for their population.
However, that doesn't make them weaker than the Corsairs, despite their limited presence outside of Omicron Alpha. They're more challenging to deal with as they don't commit to costly battles and are far more unpredictable and elusive than their siblings.
Bring back outcast bases or deploy more BCs in OC Zoi.
PS. Also Corsica is a joke compared to the size of Sairs' TWO shipyards.
The Outcasts don't need as many bases as the Corsairs because they aren't progressing most of their goals through direct violence. They aren't building a marauding empire and don't need to find a more suitable planet for their population.
However, that doesn't make them weaker than the Corsairs, despite their limited presence outside of Omicron Alpha. They're more challenging to deal with as they don't commit to costly battles and are far more unpredictable and elusive than their siblings.
The point is Corsairs and Outcasts are traditionally the 2 faces of the same coin. They should have some sort of balance of power in rp and in game.
OCs having a significant amount of fewer bases DOES INDEED make them weaker. An extra hidden base in oc zoi doesnt mean they would commit to costly battles, it would mean they would have an extra foothold to smuggle cardamine from/do research or whatever + a real in game place where i can dock like the corsairs do to resupply , I dont need to explain obvious basic stuff to story dev.
>Limited presence outside of Alpha;
pack it up boys, pls remove most OCs npcs from 80% of Sirius then so its inrp accurate.
Tenshi the Technocracy of Auxo is not considered unlawful by both of these houses and they have prior roleplay with both.
For example with Gallia
For Rhineland
Auxo is allied to BDM
And here is Rhineland telling Bretonia that the Technocracy isn't hostile to Rhineland
On the other note Liberty and Bretonia tech was added to Auxo on stellar location not on there actual diplomacy.
You quoting me a 2 year old post? actually?? some more than "4 years in sirius date time" (it is somewhere between 4-6 years
plus post of 2021 ... if that is means "activity" i belive for some reasons there are other people doing this in the cause of such no reasonable changes, so @Wildkins belive it or not, but review the process, as for me they had not done "sufficent" RP for such permit (and posts larger than 1 year isn't gonna bring anything since we talk of more than 3 sirian years)
But what the hell ... knowing there are some "things" for not saying other words ...
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And so shall they fall, all who bear our mark. No matter who they are, no rank, nor title, nor power shall shield them. When the mark finds them, their time is nigh.
Maquis and gaians have tonnes of RP, events, literal canon mentions on bases, rep sheet allies, Official and unofficial events together, auxo has a couple outdated player RP threads. One gets denied, other gets put in. Maquis don't even get Sirian civilian after running things from the taus and literal hundreds rp posts, projects, events, contracts.
Is this surprising? No, just how current staff process works.
EDIT: that list is hilarious, something awesome came out of the futile attempts of changing things.