Allow me to introduce myself - I am Captain Fabien Blackhand, honored to serve as the commander of the esteemed Battleship "Grande Victoire." It is with great pride that I lead our valiant crew into the depths of space, where we uphold the honor and strength of the Gallic Navy.
Throughout my years of service, I have dedicated myself to honing my skills in both leadership and combat. With a steadfast commitment to our cause, I have earned the privilege of commanding one of our finest vessels, the "Grande Victoire."Under my command, the "Grande Victoire" has stood as a symbol of triumph and resilience. Through strategic brilliance and unwavering determination, we have emerged victorious against formidable foes time and time again.
Do you swear allegiance to the mighty, corruption free and just military state we call the Gallic Union:
I, Fabien Blackhand, do solemnly swear my allegiance to the mighty, corruption-free, and just military state we proudly call the Gallic Union. I pledge to uphold the values of honor, integrity, and duty that define our noble cause. With unwavering loyalty, I dedicate myself to the defense and prosperity of our great nation, serving with courage, diligence, and unwavering commitment. May my actions honor Galia and bring glory to our cause. So swear I, Captain Fabien Blackhand, Commander of Grande Victorie.
Out-of-roleplay information What activity(ies) do you enjoy the most in the game:
- I mostly enjoy Battleship and cruiser duels, and RP.
How much experience do you have in Discovery:
- Discovery Freelancer is the first game i ever played, it has a special place in my heart as a game, i played it 8-9 yrs ago and i returned on 1.1 2024,i have been playing seriusly for a few months now.
How often do you plan to play with us:
- I can play at anytime if i get the time details atleast 12hrs before.
What roleplay are you interested in (Navy/Military Police/Research+Intel or all):
- All, but if i have to pick one id say Navy
Biography: Born on Planet Orleans, 26th of August - 808 A.S.
Graduated the Gallic Naval academy at the year of 831 A.S.
Since the year of my graduation, I’ve been wandering in Gallia space, looking for a suitable position in the Gallic Naval Forces, I have finally decided to apply. For me, there is nothing more important than the beautiful space of Gallia, which I promised to my family to protect, at all costs.
I already have several battles under my name in our space, defending Gallia from the Outcasts fleet on several occasions, also stopping their Cardamine smuggling convoys, busting up most of their Cartel schemes in our space - which are desperately trying to poison our people with their toxic materials for many-many years now.
I have already seen first-hand, what the Cardamine drug can do to our bodies, my brother was heavily addicted to it; sadly, he passed away several years ago in pain and suffering, at the early age of 19 years old. Since then I have changed a lot and during my years of service in the Naval academy, I have decided to take on my brother’s unfulfilled dreams and make my family proud with my achievements and future goals. I am hyper motivated, ambitioned, loyal and grateful as a person, I have already learned my lesson and I have realized that being in the Naval fleet is not a simple task, but yet again, I do believe I am fit for it, especially with the achievements behind my back!
Do you swear allegiance to the mighty, corruption free and just military state we call the Gallic Union: I have been of service and I will be of service again. I, Celine Calvert Beaufort – swear my allegiance to the Gallic Union and the Gallic community itself!
Out-of-roleplay information What activity(ies) do you enjoy the most in the game: PvP, Team Fights, Connecticut activity. How much experience do you have in Discovery: Not much - Newbie How often do you plan to play with us:Regularly and whenever I am needed. What roleplay are you interested in (Navy/Military Police/Research+Intel or all): All of them.
Your discord:#Alucard0540 - I am already in the Gallic Discord servers.
Celine Beaufort! Despite the eyebrow-raising usage of the Sirian calendar in your application, you have been accepted to the Flotte Combinée by a unanimous vote of six officers! The Main Fleet rank you receive is Aspirant (Crewman). As such, more senior staff will be transferred aboard the Lera and you are to serve as part of the crew until you prove you are worthy of your own command.
You are to report to the Languedoc system from which our attempts to regain control over the Tau regions are being staged, your hatred of the Outcasts will be put to good use.
Name, Surname: Alyssandra Legall Biography: I am Alyssandra Legall, I was A Capitaine under Directeur des services actifs Theo Decass when he took over the Gallic Royal Police and turned it into the Police Nationale with the sole purpose of removing the systemic corruption and restoring the honour and respect the Police force sorely needed. I was active during Gallia's war with Bretonia, stationed mainly at the Entry points to our house, ensuring our boarders were protected from those who wished harm to Gallia. That of course doesn't mean i didn't tussle with the Brigand Issue we had back in those days. Do you swear allegiance to the mighty, corruption free and just military state we call the Gallic Union: I swear my life to the Gallic Union
Out-of-roleplay information What activity(ies) do you enjoy the most in the game: A bit of everything, combat, trade, Rp. How much experience do you have in Discovery: Dear god I have to much.. How often do you plan to play with us: As often as I can. What roleplay are you interested in (Navy/Military Police/Research+Intel or all): Military police. Intel.
Alyssandra Legall
The Officers of the combined Fleet have cast their votes, and with a unanimous 8 votes for and none against you are hereby accepted to the Flotte Combinee, the Gendarmerie ([GN]G-) branch with the rank of Deputy.
We have reviewed what remains of your record very closely from your duty as Gardien of the Gallic Royal Police to your rise to Capitaine. We have also dusted off the records of the Police Nationale itself, and, long story short - they were right all along, and the current state of Gallic Policing is exactly what they envisioned. There are no civilians, every single Gendarme receives their full military training and is part of the Gallic Navy Combined Fleet umbrella.
This decision by the Grand Marshal of Gallia to abolish civilian police didn't come without difficulties, however. It is expensive and takes a long time to train a Gendarme, as we need to be trained for both policing duties, auxiliary combat duty, and military detachments. We have no corruption and no tolerance for it, but we have lost tens of thousands of former civilian officers who were not willing to enlist, with scores of the corrupt ones joining our ever-present rivals the Brigands.
The Main Fleet with their Valors and Amirals always receives priority when it comes to funding, and most of our officers have to resort to using civilian vessels they are accustomed to from their former civilian police duty. To top it all off, our last Director General has been killed in action during the destruction of Issoudun by Aliens and we have had acting leaders since then.
We have no doubt someone with your experience will rise through the ranks quickly, and help Gendarmerie reach it's potential, but in line with our no-corruption policy, you will have to start where everyone else has - as a deputy.
Name, Surname: Nathanaël Samuel Michaux Biography: I born at Planet Quillan at the year of 702 A.G.S. into a family miners. My family was a classic worker family whose whole earning depended on the Gallic Metal Services existence on the planet. I know from my very early years that I want more than this, to serve my nation better and to see more of it. At the age of eighteen I signed up voluntarily to the Royal Gallic Navy.
Since then I serve my nation honorably and slowly rose through the ranks in the secondary fleet. During these years, the nation faced many perils and grave dangers, but together, we fought and survived. I want to continue this as the captain of the Valor class battleship "Arcachon" in the primary fleet. Hopefully you see the value in an experienced captain like me who knows nothing but the navy.
Do you swear allegiance to the mighty, corruption free and just military state we call the Gallic Union: I Nathanaël Samuel Michaux swear my allegiance to the Gallic Union and its people and pledge to uphold its values whatever the cost may be.
Out-of-roleplay information What activity(ies) do you enjoy the most in the game: RP, Trading, PVP Battles How much experience do you have in Discovery: I started on Discovery in 2012 but have been away for a few years, back since January of this year again. How often do you plan to play with us: A few times a week atleast. What roleplay are you interested in (Navy/Military Police/Research+Intel or all): All.
Your discord:amethran(already in your discord)
Nathanaël Samuel Michaux! The Gallic Royal Navy were the lower step in our evolution. We now directly control Gallia rather than the complacent and corrupted nobles that called the shots when you enlisted. And with such great power comes great responsibility. You have been accepted to the Flotte Combinée by a unanimous vote of seven senior officers, The [GN]GNS-Arcachon will fly our flag, and the main fleet rank you receive is that of an Aspirant (Crewman).
You will continue serving aboard the vessel, but senior staff will see to its upgrades and command until you prove you are ready to captain the vessel under our prestigious rules and operational guidelines. Welcome aboard!
Biography: Nathalie Lilou, is born in burgundy system in a normal family, she been raised proudly by her mom and dad, and then she turned 18 she was asked by her dad what she wanted to be and her words was: I will fight for Gallia in the gallian navy. and went up to recruitment office sended a application, hoping she gets accepted.
Do you swear allegiance to the mighty, corruption free and just military state we call the Gallic Union: Yes I swear allegiance to the mighty, corruption free and just military state we call The Gallic Union.
Out-of-roleplay information What activity(ies) do you enjoy the most in the game: I love to trade, talk and rp with any kind of people, i like to make rp so its fun for everyone not only myself, and ofcourse having fun in the battles.
How much experience do you have in Discovery: Around a year now i guess.
How often do you plan to play with us: As much as i can in my free time.
What roleplay are you interested in (Navy/Military Police/Research+Intel or all): Im really interested in navy, and research+intel, if its recon.
Nathalie Lilou! The Gallic Navy and Gendarmerie are what hold our society together. It is your generation that will elevate our house and secure its future. You are accepted to the Combined Fleet, and will start your career in
the conventional forces of the Flotte Principale! Congratulations, Aspirant!