That was something a friend told me some time ago. A lifetime of hesitation has taught me little, so its about time I stop. A feedback thread for me, my roleplays, my impact on the community, anything about me that you think I should know, be it good or bad. Here, your opinions are welcome in all shapes and sizes (yes, even yours Darius). Its about time that I heard the community’s opinion of the things I do and have done in the past. Below is a list of my roleplay characters, some of you will likely know these characters or have interacted with them sometime within the last few months. There is also a separation between more “serious” characters and my “funny fly around and just spout stuff around the sector” characters.
My more serious, better known characters in roleplays (some links attached, for completeness sake):
Wilde.Vernunft - A thrall, low-ranking grunt. Has been dotting around lately, and begun to develop into a more individual story rather than the general "replacement Human Valkyrie" that they initially were. Forum stuff will be updated as and when that happens.
Less serious characters, less developed, but can be alotta fun:
Wild-Ryde - deranged, weak-minded individual. No incubi, but definitely influenceable by Nomads with little effort. Tries to give away propaganda to everyone except the MND, as they would recognise its stolen from their agents. Also has “friends” aboard from time to time.
The .Bucket collection - Buncha nervous chattering, eyes-wide-in-wonderment kinda people. Primarily Hegemons. (Not all the Buckets are mine, but a fair few are.)
Malicious.Intents - not a people person. Will fight for any side if they pay well enough.
A Character list and a couple links (where appropriate) is enough. I would write a short info page for each character, but that’d turn out more like a long novel of a forum post, and thats less in line with what this is for. There’s likely characters or names I’ve missed off, likely due to my poor memory (I have asked the Nomads for more Cloud space. No response as of yet…), so expect updates to this list as time moves forward. Granted, theres not been much recent forum activity currently on the threads (at the time of Original Posting), though that is partly due to my own reluctance to spend my time here in favour of being in game. I am hoping this is going to motivate me to be a little more proactive instead of just procrastinating.
Anyone who doesn’t feel like posting here, but does want to share their opinions, Discord is the best way to reach me (@hopealinafaith).