What if until we can figure out an in game clock..
we put a clock on the forums?
Maybe on the top of the forums, there are tons of html and I think BBCode clocks. I'm sure the admins could set it up right at the top and have it read Sirius Standard time etc?
I found a useful app that replaces the standard windows clock, and is capable of displaying other time zones. Mine is set to display US Eastern (GMT -5) and GMT itself.. I posted about it here: http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19905.
It doesn't do anything about displaying the time in-game, though.
Or in a fight.
LSF "pew pew pew pew SN dodge drift pew pew"
Death: {OoRP} Lulwat has died by =LSF=Malignant.Tumor
Departing player: {OoRP} Lulwat
New Player: Laser[M]
Death: =LSF=Malignant.Tumor has died by the hands of Laser[M].
LSF "..." /clock *print Scr*
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
The time is UTC/GMT, of course the year will auto increment. If someone could clue me in as to what the current year(in game) is so i can change it. At the moment I am coding it up to use directdraw so it will be above all windows when ran(*cough* including full screen games *cough*)
If everyone thinks month/day should be included also please tell me so I can include it before releasing final copy. I will be releasing the source code also for any developers that want to take a look into it. It is coded fully c/c++
I should have it done within the next day or two and will commence testing as to making it auto start with freelancer.exe