Dec 9-15
The Conclave on Dec 15, 8PM UTC
The Exodus on Dec 14, 9PM UTC
The Nomad Mindshare has ever been interested in the expansion of dark matter, and has kept its various sources under sporadic observation. As nodes within the Mindshare prepare for another cosmic cycle, latest data from all ongoing studies is required to make informed Decisions. With data from various sources of observation ready for Consensus, one last project remains unaccounted for. While some have already pushed to enter Discussions to obtain Consensus, the bulk of the Mindshare is content to wait for a while longer.
One of the senior Entities within the Mindshare is known as Nergal. It has been tasked with protecting the latest Nomad homeworld in Sirius, but also performs "administrative" duties within the Mindshare. As yet another set of Discussions nears, Nergal has focused its energies on smoothing the flow of information necessary for a timely Consensus. However, sifting through incoming data has revealed a long-abandoned project, concerning dark matter observation.
In order to ensure a swift response to latest Requests, Nergal has authorized the expenditure of energy required to create another batch of Couriers. These diligent minor nodes will be sent out to collect the data cultivated by Observers operating far away from the homeworld. With senior forms not willing to risk themselves on such a minor Objective, it falls to the barely sentient Couriers to try their mettle in the dangerous reaches of Sirius. Nergal has granted limited access to existing locations of the Observers to the Couriers as a further test of their ingenuity to locate and report back in the minimal amount of cycles. As is customary, Nergal will reward the most assiduous of the latest batch with Ascension, involving greater Mindshare access, and the increase of the energy allowance required to field larger warforms.
Meanwhile, the increased activity of known Nomad positions has slowly trickled down from Order observation posts to various intelligence sources. Without clear information about the meaning of these movements, many senior intelligence personnel are worried about new alien technology developments, or another assault on vulnerable systems. Agents of these organizations embedded across Sirius have been tasked with uncovering what the Nomads are after, and whether there's any benefit to be derived from this activity. Naturally, all involved will jealously guard any scraps of unveiled intelligence, and will be more than willing to kill to preserve any newly acquired secrets.
Scavenger hunt:
Six Nomad cruisers will be placed in various systems, hidden from a casual explorer. They are accessible only to light Nomad craft.
The cruisers possess some Nomad Mindnodes, a commodity which has a 40-unit size. One cruiser holds a much larger amount.
Nomad Mindnodes are worth $2,000,000 on Dur-Shurrikun, and $200,000 on select faction bases.
The six nomad cruisers, each containing a Mindnode, will attempt to return to Dur-Shurrikun from their starting positions.
These cruisers must remain on-plane, cannot dock with any bases, and cannot cloak.
The cruisers will have 1 hour to return, with any who do not make it considered lost.
The Conclave:
On the last day of the event, senior Nomads will gather all the collected Mindnodes and offer them to Nergal.
The resulting discussion will be an opportunity to reminisce on previous Nomad developments, and potentially clarify Nomad lore.
The Conclave is restricted to Slomon K'Hara members, though they may permit others to attend. All other ships in the vicinity will be unceremoniously removed.
Rule Changes/Clarifications:
The location of the Nomad cruisers is only known by the Nomads, and cannot be "discovered" by humans during the event. "Camping" these locations or otherwise having knowledge about them falls under Rule 1.1 (metagaming). You may still attempt to intercept Nomad players away from these locations.
Rewards: Nomad Cloak (any type)
Requires at least 5 Mindnodes delivered to Dur-Shurrikun. The total can be combined across multiple characters.
Custom Title
Requires an INRP write-up about the event from the point of view of your character. Can be submitted as a report within a relevant faction channel, or as part of a story thread.
K'Hara Progression
Requires submitting your RP during the event to K'Hara faction leadership, or otherwise making them aware of your actions during the event. Progression specifics will be decided by K'Hara.
The Nomad Couriers successfully transferred all but two Mindnodes back to Dur-Shurrikun. One was lost to the very dark matter observed by Mel'rand in Kepler, but another was able to be recovered by forces of the Technocracy. Despite these minor setbacks, a pleased Nergal initiated the recall of the Observers, all of whom are now fully reunited with the Mindshare. The Conclave initiating the next Cycle may now commence.
Based on the above numbers, the following players are eligible for a nomad cloak:
Please reply here or pm me which cloak you want and where to put it.
Please respond in this thread with all of your characters' names and scores if the combined total makes you eligible for a reward. You may also pm me with this information if you wish to remain anonymous.
I think this is a wonderfull idea to Honor @Connor. Sadly i dont Play as K'hara or Nomad. And my only Infected Char is a Vagrant. But i wish all Players a Wonderfull Time.
Having read through the event post a couple times, I do have a couple questions.
- Other nomad player ships used to help transport the mindnode commodities. Are they allowed to bulk carry larger numbers of these nodes, or must they be moved from A to B using the same ship?
- Can ships cloak and move the nodes, or must they be transported without cloaking?
- Do we store them for the final day or are we selling them to Dur-Shurrikun directly as we move them?
Aside from these questions, It is heartwarming to have an event in Connors memory. May his soul rest in peace.
(12-08-2024, 09:50 PM)Eternal.Journey Wrote: Yay Nomad event!!!
Having read through the event post a couple times, I do have a couple questions.
- Other nomad player ships used to help transport the mindnode commodities. Are they allowed to bulk carry larger numbers of these nodes, or must they be moved from A to B using the same ship?
- Can ships cloak and move the nodes, or must they be transported without cloaking?
- Do we store them for the final day or are we selling them to Dur-Shurrikun directly as we move them?
Aside from these questions, It is heartwarming to have an event in Connors memory. May his soul rest in peace.
If you transfer the node from your fighter to another ship, you will not be scored in the config. However, the sale price on all bases isn't tied to the config, mainly to allow nomads to recover nodes after fights. So you will make money, but not points.
At this time, nothing is preventing you from using cloaks.
You will sell to Dur-Shurrikun. During the Conclave, the Nomads will receive all acquired nodes up to that point for RP purposes.
(12-08-2024, 09:50 PM)Eternal.Journey Wrote: - Can ships cloak and move the nodes, or must they be transported without cloaking?
The indy Nomad ID only allows the light fighter to leave ZOI to explore and locate the cruisers; Putting a cloak on one drops the cargo space below the required 40 to carry a Mindnode.
An idea, though maybe unneeded as an event buff - Dur Shuriken has Nomad Power Cells for sale; Could add a bonus to run one of those to the Cruisers? Just a thought.
Casual Flier: Returning Player. Forum-PM me if you require my attention
With all available data collected from the Observers, they have been called back to Dur-Shurrikun, to receive their next Assignment. This Exodus must happen soon, for human forces draw ever closer to discovering their positions...
Due to the quick completion of the scavenger hunt part of the event, I am adding a "mini-event" where all six cruisers fly back to Iota - the Exodus.
The Exodus will start this Saturday and last for an hour. All of the nomad cruisers must reach Dur-Shurrikun within the hour, or they will be considered lost. The cruisers each have a single Mindnode, representing their own structural/sensor data about dark matter that cannot be easily transferred outside the "body".
I will be setting these up with a standard Nomad cruiser loadout, so if you would like to fly one, reply here or PM me. Keep in mind that the cruisers will start at their current location, so if you're not confident in navigating certain areas, leave those to other players. Nomad, vagrant, and wild players (in that order) will be given priority for flying the cruisers. When volunteering to fly one, please post your availability on Saturday so that I can organize a good start time.
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Joined: Aug 2007
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Speaking not as a dev but as a player, I'd personally ask that people consider making Nomads to join the procession and be involved in the memorial that way, rather than trying to attack the convoy. Just something to consider.