「o」Reason for applying:
「o」Personal info (name, age, personality, etc.):
「o」Brief background:
「o」Relevant experience:
「o」Preferred department(s):
James looks at the application form, unsure exactly of how to begin. His pride worn on his sleeve, he decides to attach a transmission message instead.
:::::New Transmission Incomming:::::
::::::Target found...Uploading to [DSE]Neural Net Upload:::::::
Message From: James Preston
Message Source: Outpost Ozymandias
...Begin Transmission...
Greetings! My name is James Preston and I'm the owner of Outpost Ozymandias.
I'll be honest, I'm not sure where this will lead but the reason I'm contacting you is... well... We have fallen on hard times. I'm not sure what a Freelancer has to do to 'change his stars'.
The only real difference between me and my station here along with all of our hard workers... is the fact we are 'just Freelancers' - Not part of a large corporation with professional branding and advertisement.
We have many, many skills aboard our station, a wealth of knowledge. I guess our branding isn't right. We were almost forced to sell entirely, hell, we made advertisements and everything!
This is one last effort for us to make a decent future. Not just for me, but for all those who live and work here.
We're asking for help, at your mercy.
Would you be willing to guide us? What would it cost us?
All the best & my thanks in advance, James.
...End of transmission...Open for response
「o」Reason for applying: I wish to take this char, base and RP to the next level. I've gone as far as I can go with it as it is.
「o」Any prior RP you'd like to share: A few comms threads, nothing major...
「o」Your discord: Sent in PM
「o」Neural Net uplink established...
「o」Decrypting message contents...
「o」Displaying message contents...
George E. Rolf, CEO
LOCATION: Red Rock Refinery, Colorado
SUBJECT: Applications
Howdy there Mr. Preston.
I am certainly aware of your installation, and I'm sorry to hear that you folks are fallin' on hard times. Not to worry though, I'll be sure to set you and your people up with the roles that best suit your hard-earned expertise. If we're talkin' a full buyout, I'm even sure of convincin' the shareholders of moving up the timeframe for certain projects.
Well, no sense in plannin' before we had a good chat, eh? Why don't you make your way over to our home offices on Pittsburgh, and I'll show you and your team around? While we're there, we can handle all the fiddlin' details about this here buyout. I'll also get a chance to introduce you to some of the top folks in our modular shipbuildin' program, which I'm sure you'll get involved in real soon.
Mean, I'll set you up with some limited access, so that we can transition more smoothly to gettin' you the gear you'll need.
「o」Personal info: Frank Castle, born on planet Pittsburgh
「o」Education: Basic gunboat combat training, and learned the basics of trading.
「o」Relevant experience: Fought Nomads in Omicron Delta around Freeport 1, traded across every house as a freelancer.
「o」Preferred office posting: Do not really have one, it is time to look for real employment, if you need an escort, I can do that, if you need me to bring supplies somewhere, I can do that too.
「o」Reason for applying: I want to try something different then the standard, military/rebel RP. That is all I have done since joining Disco.
「o」Links to prior RP: to many to ling, there are things in CIS and TSK that I have RPed a lot in.
「o」Your discord: John
「o」Neural Net uplink established...
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「o」Displaying message contents...
George E. Rolf, CEO
LOCATION: Planet Pittsburgh, New York
SUBJECT: Applications
Howdy there Mr. Castle.
I gotta tell ya, we're always lookin' for experienced Freelancers, especially folks who are originally from Liberty. And I don't doubt a simple background check will reveal the extent of your experience. In short, we could use you.
However, I would stow the jokes about them aliens. We've already had folks get taken away by our friends at LSF, and I wouldn't want you to have the same unpleasant experience. What's worse, I'm always on the hook for these things when the talking happens while you're flyin' in uniform, as it were.
Why don't you swing by our Home Office at Pittsburgh, and I'll discuss where we could use you. I'm of a mind to have you join one of my folks looking into Kansas, but there'll be plenty of haulin' for you as well. But we'll see what works best after our chat.
「o」Personal info: I was born into a miner family at Ulster station. Raised in New London and migrated with my family to Manhattan.
「o」Education: Extraction engineer.
「o」Relevant experience: Mined in Penn and Galileo.
「o」Preferred office posting: Mining and transport, so preferred offices Pittsburgh and Scottsdale.
「o」Reason for applying: DSE is a major player in mining.
「o」Links to prior RP: Personal mp if required.
「o」Your discord: TonyB
「o」Neural Net uplink established...
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George E. Rolf, CEO
LOCATION: Planet Pittsburgh, New York
SUBJECT: Applications
Howdy there Mr. Collins.
We are always looking for graduates with some ore extraction experience. However, in order to impress me and the other shareholders, you still have much to learn. Make sure to carefully read through the employee manual, and don't be hesitatin' to ask questions from other folks at the office.
I'm confident that as long as you show up on time and put in a good effort, you'll make it far in this here company.
「o」Personal info: Tom Bombadil of Planet Erie
「o」Education: Secondary, Flight-Training School
「o」Relevant experience: 10 years flying for various trade companies in Liberty Space, including a 3-year stint as a freelance trader / sole-proprietor.
「o」Preferred office posting: Pittsburgh
「o」Reason for applying: I'm looking for a way to start playing with other players and like the RP aspect of trading for a company.
「o」Links to prior RP: First RP
「o」Your discord: NastyNate808
「o」Neural Net uplink established...
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George E. Rolf, CEO
LOCATION: Planet Pittsburgh, New York
SUBJECT: Applications
Howdy there Mr. Bombadil.
I should tell ya that we're always looking for experienced folks who've been out and about. But if you managed to build a bad rep out there, you'd best let us know from the start, instead of usin' an alias. Our folks will still find you eventually, and then I'll need to have a difficult conversation.
Here's what we'll do. You'll present yourself to the Pittsburgh office, and we'll have ourselves a talk, man to man. If I like what I hear, you get to keep your alias, and I tell the folks at security to take it easy. But if there's a problem, it'll be like I never head from ya' at all, eh? No harm done, but you can say goodbye to your chances of employment in Liberty.
「o」Personal info: Sven Ots, born in Manhattan
「o」Education: Engineer
「o」Relevant experience: I've been flying around as a freelancer for 15 years, trading with different nationalities.
「o」Preferred office posting: Scottsdale
「o」Reason for applying: Mining, trading
「o」Links to prior RP: Some RP done
「o」Your discord: You have it
I am not a native English Speaker, so i make grammar errors.
But it annoys me when people make silly comments about that... especially brits who for the most part can't speak their own language let alone anyone elses!
「o」Neural Net uplink established...
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George E. Rolf, CEO
LOCATION: Planet Pittsburgh, New York
SUBJECT: Applications
Howdy there Mr. Ots.
I guess you finally came around to joinin' our ranks, eh? I'll be sure to find assignments agreeable to your level of experience. In the meantime, continue doin' what you've been doin', and we'll continue gettin' along together just fine.
I should mention though, that the handbook has some details you may wanna go over. You're representin' our whole organization now, and I expect that your conduct reflects this. Not that we've had any issues in the past mind you - but the shareholders don't accept lax discipline, and neither will I.
Feel free to celebrate the occasion at Ricketts'. Davis will be sure to make himself free for some imbibin', and the drinks are on us!