Sender: Captain Julio Perez, Callsign: Serpiente Location: grand caravan galleon ''Buonocore'' Encryption:Strongissimo Recipient:The Corsair Brotherhood Topic: Merchantile Mission Report
Buenos dias hermanos y hermanas
The last few days I had the honour of captaining the interstellar grand caravan galleon "Buonocore".
It was my first time being the highest officer on a ship of this size, though I have commanded a Gunboat before.
Although this was not her maiden voyage, without a designated capitan the ''Buonocore'' sees few far trips across Sirius.
So with a generous startup fund provided by Elder Gutierrez, I managed to acquire a hefty shipment of artifacts.
I have made sure to buy these from several sources, as to distribute the credits fairly amongst the merchant guilds of Creta.
With our shipment secure in the belly of the beast, we made our exit from orbit.
I instructed the helmsman to chart our course through Bretonia, passing via Castile to Andalusia, and then onward to Cambridge.
The journey was bustling with traffic, predominantly other merchant ships operating under Zoner IFF.
The galleon proved its mettle under pressure, especially as we navigated a chaotic ion storm within the Grasmere Ice Cloud.
Once the storm subsided, we ventured far beyond the cloud and made our jump to the New London System through a jumphole in the Newcastle Asteroid Field.
As we flew well beyond scanner range of Bretonian installations the crew and I had a moment of rest.
I reflected on the namesake of this remarkable ship, the Elder Buonocore, pondering where he might be hiding in the vast expanse of Sirius.
Since he departed on his pleasure barge—taking with him much of the Brotherhood's gold reserves—we have seen no sign of him.
Though some despise him, many, including the crew aboard this vessel, still hold him in high regard.
His daughter, Eliza Buonocore, shares a similar fate. Both are considered traitors to the empire,
yet they are celebrated by countless Corsairs and some high-ranking officials alike. I could ramble on about the other Elders;
it's a particular interest of mine.
Elder Montoya, the valiant defender of Omicron Theta.
Elder Maniaco, the legendary conquistador!
Elder Sephardi, whose reforms significantly strengthened the Brotherhood against the Nomad threat!
I could go on endlessly—how fascinating it is to think that some among us may have once flown alongside them!
This diversion kept me entertained throughout our journey to Liberty, as the crew expertly managed the ship without my oversight,
allowing me to immerse myself in historical scriptures about their lives.
After a lengthy voyage, we reached the Junker base "Rochester" in the New York system.
I had envisioned the place as larger and less of a junkyard.
We struck a favorable deal for our cargo, using the profits to procure much-needed medicines for our return to the empire.
The helmsman plotted the same route back, and we followed without incident. Naturally, we sold our cargo for a handsome profit at Rhodes Shipyard.
Overall, this long voyage provided ample time to reflect on our history and experience a slice of the universe beyond our Corsair Empire.
I find enjoyment in my role as capitan, at least for the time being.
It certainly feels different than sitting in the cockpit; for one, I don’t have to pee in a bottle when the need arises.
There’s so much space and so much to do while commanding a ship like this one.
I do hope I made the Brotherhood, and the crew of the Buonocore proud on my first active duty trip as a Capitan.
Yesterday's border patrol resulted in several engagements.
Santa Muerte will be most pleased with the blood sacrifices.
It all started when we interdicted a foreign built heavy frigate near the Creta jumphole in the Napo Cloud of Ionia.
Its capitan, a certain Samuel Fuentes -who flew under a OS&C transponder- claimed to be of Corsair blood and on his way to visit familia in Malia, Creta.
Naturally I had to remind him to have his paperwork in order, since flying a heavy frigate of Libertonian design into the heartland could turn some heads.
Elder Gutierrez soon joined us, with the DTR cruiser Garras de Gatito close behind him.
As Guiterrez took over the conversation with the Capitan of the exotic Frigate, we noticed two blips on our scanners, closing in fast.
One was that of a Rheinland fighter, and the other was a small, agile nomchado.
Initially I assumed this Rheinlander was lost, perhaps accidentally finding himself triggering the ire of a school of the blue calamari,
though his behaviour was off, he was very aggressive, and his brains were clearly rotted with nomchado infection.
Initially the capitans of both the Cruiser and the Frigate fired off some defensive shots, but we managed to lure the enemy away from these ships.
It became clear to us, that there was more honour to be gained by facing this Rheinlander and his alien pet in a pitched battle.
After a short dogfight, both threats were eliminated.
With that taken care of, we escorted the Capitan along his journey, so he could visit his familia, and get the needed paperwork in order.
I retired myself on Ciutadella Outpost located in the Omicron Kappa system.
The reason I am sending this message is, I leave my post as Elder of The Brotherhood and from this date, until I decide otherwise, consider me gone. If someone is against my choice, then, you know what to do.
Let us dispense with pleasantries and get to the heart of the matter. Time is not on our side, and neither are our enemies.
I am pleased to inform you that, following intense deliberations, Elder Gutierrez and I have reached an agreement. As is my rightful place under Corsair law, I will once again stand as a voice of the Brotherhood within the Council of Elders. Let this be a testament to what is just and what is due in the governance of our Imperio.
Yet, as always, destiny does not grant us respite. Even as the ink dried on our renewed pact, a plea for aid reached us from High Elder Eurico Rivera. The Penitence, that proud symbol of Corsair might, had fallen into a trap laid by the Red Hessian dogs and was encircled deep within Rheinland. The ship faced annihilation. It was clear that a daring plan was required to save her. I acted without hesitation. Elder Gutierrez commanded El Cazadora and joined the relief armada dispatched from Petra Base. Meanwhile, I boarded my private yacht, utilizing its advanced cloaking systems to infiltrate the enemy's net.
Once aboard the Penitence, I joined the tactical operations, lending my expertise to ensure every maneuver and engagement served its purpose with precision. The Capitan and crew fought valiantly, though fate would soon test our resolve with a catastrophic jump drive failure that left us vulnerable.
Yet we Corsairs do not falter in the face of adversity! Through Ventru blood and fire, we linked with the relief armada, whose ranks were filled with the best and bravest Corsair warriors: Brotherhood, Deterrence, Sails, and many more. Together, we forged a path through hell itself: Rheinland, the Sigmas, and the Omicrons, battling Red Hessians, the Rheinland Navy, Outcasts, and even Zoners who dared to stand in our way!
However, glory always comes at a cost. The Penitence now lies crippled, barely clinging to life in the NFZ of Freeport 9. Its hull bears wounds the size of gunboats; its propulsion, weapons, and life support systems lie in ruin. Its Capitan, a true Corsair hero, nearly gave his life in a final act of sacrifice, ejecting the power core to prevent a meltdown that could have consumed the entire ship.
It is a bitter blow to our Imperio. The offensive in Rheinland, a senseless campaign I have long criticized as reckless and wasteful, will now grind to a halt. And yet, in our darkest hour, there is still light. The blood spilled today will not be in vain. The families of our fallen warriors will be cared for, their names etched into the annals of history as examples of true devotion. Santa Muerte herself has surely smiled upon their valor.
Now, compañeros y compañeras, we must look to the future. The Penitence, our proud ship, may find itself confined to Tripoli for weeks, even months. who can truly say the full extent of the damage? But let me make this clear: we will not sit idle. We will not lick our wounds and rest. No. Today’s battle proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that we Corsairs are at our zenith in battle, that we are strongest when we stand united as one.
Our task is clear: we must unite the familias and clans. We must bring strength and clarity to the Council of Elders. And we, as the Corsair Brotherhood, must stand at the forefront of this effort, leading by example, shaping the future with our own hands.
¡Viva el Imperio! ¡Viva los Corsarios! ¡Viva Penitence!
-Elder Juanez Gonzalez Perez Aguilar Garcia De la Santa Maria Buonocore
Listen closely, I have a very important mission for Battlegroup Creta:
Increase your patrols in Omicron Theta. We are looking for Zoner Jerard Voncloud. His ship was destroyed recently, and we have no word on his whereabouts. He could be floating in an escape pod, taken prisoner, or even dead. Whatever the case may be, we need information. This hombre is quite important for our operations in the system. What is more important is that it looks like we are looking for him.
I need you to act with caution, but with intent. Do not engage any Zoner targets unless the following conditions are met:
You are acting in self-defense.
The target is from the Phoenix group. If you are to engage them, make sure it looks like you acted in self defense. We must isolate these Phoenix Zoners from the others, and we need to capture evidence of their hostility towards Corsair assets. If you have to fabricate it to get it done, do so. I don’t care how, just make it happen.
The Brotherhood will pay one million credits for each Phoenix ship you destroy, up to a total of five (5) ships. This is a serious reward, but remember: This is about the bigger picture. We are on a search and rescue mission, yes, but we are also there to deliver a message to Phoenix, influence the public opinion, and keep it on our side.
We do not wish to destroy Phoenix, but keep them weak, in conflict. In the future, they will provide a good distraction for payasos like the Sails to shoot at, they deserve each other.
Do not disappoint the Brotherhood, muchachos. We need results.
Good hunting.
-Elder Juanez Gonzalez Perez Aguilar Garcia De la Santa Maria Buonocore
You know me: I like to keep my ear to the ground, see what trouble is brewing before it knocks on our door. So today, I took my Evocatus out from the Battleship Delos hangar for a little vuelta around Freeport Eleven. Just a quiet patrol, or so I thought.
Upon arrival near the Freeport, I nestled myself within some wreckage, granting me a prime vantage point over an interesting gathering of ships. Among them? One I recognized right away: Cloud-9, that fancy Orbital Spa and Cruise liner we’re told to leave alone because of some decree from Elder Gutierrez about the capitan's mother. It appeared to be engaged in business with an Auxesia vessel and several Phoenix Zoners. While I couldn't make out the finer details, from the way they talked, it smelled like deals being made.
[03.02.2025 21:15:20] Lancer|S8: Don't take it personally, Cloud 9. I just don't like the idea of the ignorant feeding our enemies.
[03.02.2025 21:15:38] 2025-02-03 20:15:38 SMT Traffic control alert: E\V/-OCV-Bennu has docked
[03.02.2025 21:16:07] OS&C|TE-Cloud-9: Sam: dont worry we are not that greedy or Stupid. It would be a bad buisness model to lead our Customers to there demise.
[03.02.2025 21:16:26] Lancer|S8: Not /that/ greedy. Good to know.
[03.02.2025 21:16:52] OS&C|TE-Cloud-9: Sam: well a Happy Customer is a Returning Customer.
[03.02.2025 21:18:17] 2025-02-03 20:18:17 SMT Traffic control alert: (\^/)Sophos has docked
[03.02.2025 21:18:28] OS&C|TE-Cloud-9: Sam: you should book a Cruise at Orbital Spa and Cruise. Belive me its the most Relaxing thing you ever doo.
[03.02.2025 21:19:01] Lancer|S8: Orbital may hire Cretans, but I doubt they take wanted terrorists on as customers.
[03.02.2025 21:19:45] OS&C|TE-Cloud-9: Sam: oh well as long as no one knows. *smirks and puffs his Ciggar* You would be simply another John Doe.
[03.02.2025 21:20:17] A/)-Venus;: It might actually do you good, I'm sure they can help you with that stick problem.
[03.02.2025 21:20:41] Lancer|S8: Maybe I'll find a better use for the stick by beating it over your head.
[03.02.2025 21:20:54] A/)-Venus;: Now now, that's not very nice.
[03.02.2025 21:21:10] E\V/-OCV-Bennu: Michael: In other time. Lancer.
[03.02.2025 21:21:25] Lancer|S8: Looks like we have trouble approaching, Bennu.
Then things got interesantes. A Core strike group rolled in, numbers on their side. Sat back and watched while things got heated between them and some visiting Order ships. Didn’t take long before the shooting started. The Core took down some of the Order vessels and even an unlucky payaso Zoner in a ship called Lancer|S8 got smeared out over the hull plates of a Core gunboat, or so I believe, I was not close enough to see if the cabron lived.
[03.02.2025 21:21:52] Wolf.Abel: look who it is on the horizon, I'll scan it for you.
[03.02.2025 21:21:54] 2025-02-03 20:21:55 SMT Traffic control alert: (\^/)Sophos has docked
[03.02.2025 21:22:00] Mobula: On the radar contact
[03.02.2025 21:22:01] Matthew.Ghost: Sigma-1, entering action zone.
[03.02.2025 21:22:09] A/)-Venus;: Wow, look at all these cultures coming together...
[03.02.2025 21:22:16] WV-Howdah: Multiple tresspasing vessels on radar.
[03.02.2025 21:22:20] Mobula: Sigma-2 reporting. Round them up.
[03.02.2025 21:29:59] Lancer|S8 was obliterated by Mobula(40%)
This was merely the beginning, for just like that... BOOM! chaos everywhere!!
[03.02.2025 21:32:24] (\^/)Ares: ??:Who are you to be insulted? Go away boy.
[03.02.2025 21:32:26] OS&C|TE-Cloud-9: Sam: Hey Dickheads this ship is full of Passengers. Stay away from us.
[03.02.2025 21:32:46] (\^/)Elpis: J: Order, Core. Can you at least show decency and move...
[03.02.2025 21:33:02] <ARM>WV-Lockdown: Duke: Status report, what the hell is going on?!
[03.02.2025 21:33:03] (\^/)Ares: ??: Seems like they do not have that.
[03.02.2025 21:33:28] (\^/)Ares: ??:Tell your boys to fight away from Civs!
[03.02.2025 21:33:43] <ARM>WV-Lockdown: Duke: The hell....
[03.02.2025 21:33:51] Mobula: Fire in the hole!
[03.02.2025 21:34:01] (\^/)Ares: ??:Yeah you know, random fighting like always.
[03.02.2025 21:34:07] <ARM>WV-Lockdown: Duke: Order vessels, I'd suggest you stand down, -now-.
[03.02.2025 21:34:12] E\V/-OCV-Bennu perished at Matthew.Ghost's hands(55%)
[03.02.2025 21:34:12] Assisted by: WV-Howdah(19%), Mobula(17%)
[03.02.2025 21:34:15] Matthew.Ghost: For Orion!
[03.02.2025 21:34:20] <ARM>WV-Lockdown: Duke: OR I can dispatch your ships and take you all down.
[03.02.2025 21:34:23] (\^/)Elpis: J: They can't be more down than that
[03.02.2025 21:34:26] WV-Howdah: Enemy warship eliminated.
[03.02.2025 21:34:38] <ARM>WV-Lockdown: Duke: Pah, they had their chance.
[03.02.2025 21:34:41] (\^/)Ares: ??:Not for anything, fight away from the Freeport is all I am asking!
[03.02.2025 21:34:52] <ARM>WV-Lockdown: Duke: To fighter craft, docking bays are open for those wishing to restock.
[03.02.2025 21:34:53] Matthew.Ghost: Make me fight not around Freeport, you dumbass.
[03.02.2025 21:35:02] Matthew.Ghost: Shut up and don`t mess with us.
[03.02.2025 21:35:10] MCV-Saraswati: CIC: Here you go - NFZ does not exist afterall, Ares actual.
[03.02.2025 21:35:16] Neiti: you know what Phoenix, I think you should assemble an army
[03.02.2025 21:35:21] Neiti: for things like this
[03.02.2025 21:35:21] MCV-Saraswati: CIC: Your Cruiser's own words.
[03.02.2025 21:35:24] Matthew.Ghost has begun docking on <ARM>WV-Lockdown
[03.02.2025 21:35:45] (\^/)Elpis: J: We have our hand full with corsair and nomad atm
[03.02.2025 21:35:45] OS&C|TE-Cloud-9: Sam: well that was a nice show. But i think i take my Leave before there is another fight.
[03.02.2025 21:35:47] (\^/)Ares: ??:Of course, you are going to be childish. Going to write your name down to not be able to dock on this Freeport again, and-
[03.02.2025 21:35:51] <ARM>WV-Lockdown: Duke: Hmm, Spa and Cruise ships? Interesting.
[03.02.2025 21:35:53] (\^/)Ares: to be shot when you come close.
[03.02.2025 21:36:01] Reminiscent-1: Wow what the Hell
[03.02.2025 21:36:02] <ARM>WV-Lockdown: Duke: Civilian vessels, what is your status report?
[03.02.2025 21:36:20] OS&C|TE-Cloud-9: Sam: well some shield damage but nothing serious.
At that point, I knew we had a shot to hit them where it hurt. Noticed the Core command ship had strayed too far from its pack, bad mistake. Put the word out, and before long, a Deterrence and Brotherhood strike wing arrived. We went in hard, fast. They won, sí, but not without paying in blood. We took their jefe down before they forced the rest of us to retreat. Pyrrhic victory, if you ask me.
Now, listen. Freeport Eleven is turning into a nest of problems. The Core and Phoenix are playing their little games, making money, getting cozy. This isn’t good for us. Maybe, just maybe, it’s time we have a little charla with the Order. I don’t like them, let's be honest, nobody does. But out here? The enemy of my enemy might be worth talking to.
Transmission origin: Crete
Transmission ID: Soldato Esteban Bandera
Transmission Target: The Corsair Brotherhood
Encryption: Medium
Hermanos y Hermanas del Imperio,
I would like to turn your particular attention to the fact that security in Omicron Gamma is failing.
Today I was taking a stroll in my brand new Centurion, and as soon as I exited Cretan atmosphere, I noticed three lost Outcasts blocking my view of the sun. At first I thought, maybe it was just that spare drink of mezcal that I drank?
But no, they actually started mocking Corsairs, the Brotherhood and me personally. My honour was insulted. That wouldn't stand.
I took the initiative into my hands, and with help of hermanos Luna and Zalanji we dispatched the first two. Unfortunately, they damaged the Luna's ship, but we managed to beam the escape pod. Nothing a few weeks of proper tequila can't fix.
As we fought, other hermanos came, but they observed a fair and honorable fight rather than join the carnage. With the last Outcast (at least she looked like one) standing, I took her down in a duel, which resembled a gladiator fight of sorts, with hermanos watching and betting on the odds of victory. My ship almost exploded at one point, but Corsair engineering and instincts never gave up, so surely I came out of this fight victorious.
However, we must keep in mind that the enemies of the Empire play all kinds of dirty tricks and relentlessly try to invade OUR space. These Outcasts were supposed to be dead upon reaching Theta. We need to tighten up the security.
¡Viva el Imperio! ¡Viva los Corsarios! ¡Viva Penitence!
Transmission origin: Crete
Transmission ID: Soldato Pedro de Alvarado
Transmission Target: The Corsair Brotherhood
Encryption: Medium
Buenos dias, hermanos.
I managed to strike a deal with a certain anonymous party on Halifax Freeport in Leeds to supply us with Bretonian military surplus in exchange for artifacts[1][2]. Supplies were abundant - I made five runs between Crete, Halifax and Omicron Delta before the supplier ran out. And then I also bought enough supplies for another run with my own credits. I believe our needs in Omicron Delta should be covered for next few days.
Shipping manifesto is attached below. I have proof of delivery[1][2][3][4][5] for each Bretonian military surplus shipment save for the last one.
It is also interesting that on my way to Omega-41 I ran into a Barge stuck in Malvada and loaded with artifacts. It seemed abandoned, someone should investigate.
Halifax Freeport
3 150*6
Military Surplus
Halifax Freeport
Battleship Delos
Battleship Delos
Tripoli Shipyard
3 150*6
Tripoli Shipyard
Between those deliveries, I looked for other opportunities to earn. Initially I planned to load up with artifacts and proceed to Trafalgar, however our DTR- hermanos warned me to avoid Omega-41 due to high Hessian/SCRA activity in Omega-41. As such, I decided to do an artifact run to Pacifica base in Independent worlds - and what can I say? I ran into a couple of corporate ships on my way. Corporations do not mind the jumpholes, not at all. They even readily paid tolls for protection[1][2].
We should take note that Rheinland has abundant targets for extortion.
¡Viva el Imperio! ¡Viva los Corsarios! ¡Viva Penitence!