If you've just been banned by the server, please post here so we know who you are. Do not complain do not whine, just post your character name. Before you do this however please follow the steps below.
1. Check the sanction threads if your name appears there and you've been banned, you won't be getting unbanned here
2. Unistalling X-fire is a great idea, it ahs a well known conflict with FL, for some people it works fine others have serious issues.
3. If you're carfrying a sanctionable loadout or an ID infringement, then you can expect to get a sanction in addition to your unban.
4. If you appear too often here, we'll be checking your ships for cheating if we spot it, you'll be banned outright, no appeal.
If you're clear and green then post away. Thank you.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.