The original(not Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter where they complicated everything up)as well as the two expansion packs. I didn't really like too many of the mods people created, most were just down right stupid that created overpowered guns and aiming.
I hosted a dedicated server for about a year and played the game for over 3 years.
The fact that there is no grind what so ever made it great. Every one is completly equal and it's all about skill in the PvP. I did a few of the CO-Op missions on servers, but mostly it was the PvP.
Search and Rescue format was my favorite, its what my server always ran. That format really prevented spawn camping as the opponets spawn was no where near the hostages.
I played alot of Guild Wars as well, but far and away I've enjoyed Ghost Recon better than anything.
literally i could not sleep with the lights out, and i made sure my computer was unplugged lest shodan get me....seriously i was like 8 the first time i played it
runners up would be:
AVP.....was like scary....turn out the lights, turn up the volume, and play it...on the hardest setting.....running doesnt quite summarize the fear you felt looking into the eyes of an alien as a colonial marine....the motion tracker beeping.....can anyone say heartattack?
goin way back....I think commander keen 1-6 need to be mentioned here along with his bean and bacon rocket...come on a kid jacking his brothers football helmet, making a rocket out of aluminum cans, and saving the universe with a blaster and pogo stick is frackin awesome....
Advent Rising was classic, epic, and freaking sweet....but overall too short and kinda redundant, but i have been awaiting advent rising 2....but i doubt it will ever come out...
hmmm and for nostalgic reasons:
duke nukem 3d( i still have it, and it still works on my pc)
Freespace 2(i dont have a copy, can anyone tell me where to download it?)
Worms armageddon
metal gear solid
f-zero (SNES)
that cool cowboy game for sega, which i cant remember the name....a blue guy, and a guy in a mexican blanket
duckhunt all of them
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An old thread but worth answering. I'll go back to the first game I ever played and had a very active clan and one hell-of-a-time playing it. Starsiege. I know a few of you remember it. Too bad it died out.
' Wrote:An old thread but worth answering. I'll go back to the first game I ever played and had a very active clan and one hell-of-a-time playing it. Starsiege. I know a few of you remember it. Too bad it died out.
hell yea... my first game was Rambo when one DISK one of those large ones was the OS and the second was the game.. Comendore PC that was a large box:)