The life of a pirate is already misrable. I know you want avoid 2mil or dai guys. There is already rule for them. You can already report them for lack of roleplay.
But, pal, do not try to limit those pirates who really do piracy. Brutal, not nice, rought, amoral, fierce, agressive, but most importantly reasonable and the one which roleplays. I understand that some of thoese encounters then your character is being pushed around and threatened, asl well as insulted and lamed you might not like, but this is rp and you must somehow find the way to win as much from the situation as possible. Keep in mind that a player plays the pirate (if it is not 2milordie one). Alltought pirate always dicatate situation, your life is in his power. But you may nagionate if you dfind a way to do it. (oh just do not try "what about 1 000 000" find a diffrent way) if you smomehow give a nice rp which will really be enjoyable I have strong belief that a pirate will give back you some of the money.
Like I needed to blow up one guy in pieces for wrong cargo. Later I gave him few mln refund after all. Since I understand how sometimes is painful to loose the whole cargo.
slaves to malta
cardi to NY
= 17.3m net in a P transport
thats the easiest smuggling route there is...
i know traderoutes giving 14m net (4500 cargo) in 20-25minutes.... multiply that with 2-3 and you get 28-42m/hour... that aint bad at all.... and thats LEGAL trading.... and if you get an escort you got only 2 or 3 systems were you might meet a pirate, and they usually ask for 500k-2m.... because their RP pirates
' Wrote:Dear Robin.
The life of a pirate is already misrable. I know you want avoid 2mil or dai guys. There is already rule for them. You can already report them for lack of roleplay.
But, pal, do not try to limit those pirates who really do piracy. Brutal, not nice, rought, amoral, fierce, agressive, but most importantly reasonable and the one which roleplays. I understand that some of thoese encounters then your character is being pushed around and threatened, asl well as insulted and lamed you might not like, but this is rp and you must somehow find the way to win as much from the situation as possible. Keep in mind that a player plays the pirate (if it is not 2milordie one). Alltought pirate always dicatate situation, your life is in his power. But you may nagionate if you dfind a way to do it. (oh just do not try "what about 1 000 000" find a diffrent way) if you smomehow give a nice rp which will really be enjoyable I have strong belief that a pirate will give back you some of the money.
Like I needed to blow up one guy in pieces for wrong cargo. Later I gave him few mln refund after all. Since I understand how sometimes is painful to loose the whole cargo.
In my trader i have even said to pirates (when running plutonium) that if they let me go right away ill pay twice of what they just demanded.... add in a VERY good reason for that and well... it works... many pirates say no.. ok then you pay and go on
A pirate should have to give sufficient time for a trader/miner to respond with something besides giving the pirate the money. Anyone who does 10milrdai obviously doesn't want that and thus if you try to role-play with them you will be destroyed. If you don't give into their exact demands you will be destroyed.
Most people here have given the best advice: Report them.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
Well, it seems like we have a discussion such as this once a year, or, something like that . . .
I play a pirate and also a trader . . (Haven't done the new mining thing yet) . . .
When you play a pirate, check out who you are pirating. If you know hes got some cash (by LVL of the player, and type of ship) then demand high numbers . . (let's not get too greedy though) . . .
If your dealing with a Rhino, or, a ship that's not a major hauler, then be reasonable. For me, I never demand more than 2 million for a big ship, but I know these numbers depends on the player, where they are, and what they got . . For a small ship, nothing wrong with just asking for a few units of the cargo. . . . Don't plan to finance your pirate ship by pirating alone . .
When you play a trader, work with the pirate. If you really can't afford their demand, tell them your reasons (In RP, of course). You will find that most pirates will work with you. If you got some wealth to share, than share it. RP that you believe in their cause and you want to help; or, you can try to work out a longer term contract with them. (pay extra for a few trips past them . .)
No matter how hard you try, you will always find a player that just won't cooperate with you. The best thing to do is just let it go. In time, they will come around.
I feel that there is no need to make any "rules" about how many credits, or whom should do this or that. We got enough rules here and any more will just make this game less enjoyable.
Just treat each other with respect, and, be willing to work with one another. That's about all I got to say on this . .
--- " I might not be much help, but by God, I'm all the help you got" ---
EFFIN' ROLEPLAY GUYS ... off to flood we go for that - Hoodlum
There will be a day where eventually all traders will become pirates and so they'll have to pirate each other and turn the whole Disco RP server into one massive PVP server.
There will be a day where eventually all traders will become pirates and so they'll have to pirate each other and turn the whole Disco RP server into one massive PVP server.
' Wrote:If a rule was introduced limiting piracy to, say, ten million credits, you are guaranteed that everyone would pirate for ten million credits. If we said the limit was twenty million, then everyone would demand twenty million. Whether or not a demand is unreasonable depends on many things, and can't be judged just by numbers alone. It's best to let players do that kind of thinking for themselves.
Absolutely ... not to mention that if a rule was introduced limiting what a pirate can demand ... there would have to be an equal rule limiting the bounty that can be placed on a pirate (including limiting the number of times a pirate can be destroyed for the same bounty).
' Wrote:A pirate should have to give sufficient time for a trader/miner to respond with something besides giving the pirate the money. Anyone who does 10milrdai obviously doesn't want that and thus if you try to role-play with them you will be destroyed. If you don't give into their exact demands you will be destroyed.
Most people here have given the best advice: Report them.
Um ... the same goes for lawfuls interacting with pirates et al. Gets pretty old running into some lawfuls that wanna just go straight to guns when they see a pirate or other questionable ship. One of my vessels was destroyed in less than 1 minute after I halted (as ordered ... and CD'd to the point of no motion). I barely had time to type a single sentence before all heck broke loose. I'm gettin to the point of not caring about these traders complaining ... give me time when you encounter me with your armada of lawful vessels and I'll give you time when I demand cargo or credits.
All the same stuff can be said about lawfulls, semi-lawfuls, and cretain pesky pvp whores harassing smugglers. Deal with it in game. Make a lawful bomber and start blowing up tridentes. Make a merc and offer escorts. Do something other than whine on the forums.
Example #1: IMG harrass smuggler => Miners get robbed.
Example #2: Tridente blows up Samura => Samura hires escort => Samura doesn't get pirated anymore.
Its simple either hire an escort or go get some revenge.