COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок
TARGET ID: SCRA High Command
The CPS Velebit has been officially relieved of Operational Command over Project: Umbrella. The CPR-Kerimov has assumed station, and taken custodial care of the project. Lt. Commander Razin and Commissar Harval are aboard overseeing that aspect of the operation.
I am transferring my office to the CPW-Trotsky, to oversee Project: Umbrella’s two additional operations Operation: Propylon under Commander Mao, and Operation: Templar under Lt. Commander Quinteillia.
Propylon is the construction of a dedicated research facility for the project.
Templar is the Scout/Recon operation to the High Omicrons.
Velebit’s logs have been submitted, along with my full report, to the Duma oversight Committee as well as to High Command.
Transmission to: Recon Squadron
CC: SCRA Fighter Corps Command
Comm ID: Captain Totenkopt, CPR Death's Head
Comrades, I am making a change to the naming conventions for Recon Squadron. Henceforth, all pilots will be known by their callsign alone on their primary recon vessel. For instance, my fighter shall be renamed to SCRA|Recon.Leader, Lieutenant Commander Quinteillia will be known as SCRA|Recon.Two, and so on.
For my own Death's Head, and the new vessel from the Order, the prefix shall be SCRA|CPR-Ship.Name.
The reasoning for this is simple. Recon pilots shall become targets, elevated as we are above the common scrum. I have no desire to mark you as a target for the capitalist hordes. Consequently, when you fly under your own names, as members of the line squadrons, the enemy need not know that you are one of the best, and will have no reason to mark you as a target.
The second has to do with the future. When the new line of snubfighters is out of the testing phase, and is engaged in actual field deployment, you shall have your own, very limited, line of craft. These craft are works of art in every way, and you shall be privileged to fly them. Your persona in a recon craft will be very different than your persona when in a combat ship, and your callsigns shall reflect this.
In addition, should you wish to, you may all hold a spot in a line unit, as the recon mission is not suited for all situations. If you do, forward your names to me, and you shall be assigned a spot in Red of Gold, as appropriate.
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
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CommID: Lieutenant Commander Julio Quintillia
Message Source: Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor
Message Target: High Command
Hola comrades.
Op. TEMPLAR is proceeding well, with initial scans of the Omicron Iota system being run successfully. The survey of the high Omicrons is proceeding well, with the Objective Primary having been located, alongside several other noteworthy landmarks I saw fit to record.
After arriving at the Omicron Minor system, I was met by a member of Order High Command at the helm of the Osiris class battleship Amun'Ra. It was joined not long later by a Major of the Primary Fleet who was at the helm of the Jinkusu class vessel the Order|Pyramid. The pair then assigned a Primary Fleet lieutenant to me, going by the name of Order|Ciana.
Lieutenant Ciana then guided me back to the Omicron Delta system, where we proceeded to the Omicron Iota system. Jumping through, we encountered token defences in the form of some kind of massive weapons complex. It possessed potent turret weapons, as well as what appeared to be a chain firing turret based cruise disruptor. Once the platform was outranged on thrusters, there were no other immediately noticeable threats.
Following my guide, it wasn't long before we found my primary objective, the Nomad Lanes inside a massive nebula that had entirely engulfed the south-west quadrants of the system. It was guarded by another two of the weapon complexes, so I got my scans from out of their range, then moved in closer to take visual recordings. After these scans, the Lieutenant suggested we return to friendly space, but I insisted that we should continue. If the data gathered would assist the Revolution, I'd happily put my life on the line. I'm not sure I could say the same for my guide though... We proceeded to fly along the lane, deciding against trying to activate it. At the end of the lane, there was a open area in the asteroid cloud that the nebula contains.
This appeared to be a nexus area, where four of such lanes converged. Around here I began to start picking up massive energy readings that I assumed were anomalous. The Order pilot must have found this funny, because she led me a little further forward, which was where an entire Nomad city loomed out of the clouds. It commands both awe and horror in equal measure, amigos. There was also a Nomad Jumpgate, which I took scans of, but otherwise shied away from and did not try to activate. The Lieutenant said that it can be activated by senior Order agents though.
After taking a few pictures, I got back on the Lieutenant's wing and followed her to the end of a second lane, finding some sort of power conduit. It seemed to be funnelling energy into the lanes, so it would be fair to assume it was powering them. Strangely, this installation was unguarded.
We were proceeding to the end of the third lane when we ran across a thick minefield. The mines were ancient in appearance, and could be dodged, but it required the utmost care and attention. At one point, I was careless enough to set one off, at it instantly decimated my shields. I dread to think of what would have happened should I have set off a second then.
At the end of the third lane, there was astrange artefact. I could not discern any purpose to it, although it was, again, emitting high energy readings. I thought it could prove useful to Op. UMBRELLA, so I recorded that too. It was strange in that it was surrounded by what appeared to be ark lightning. After this, myself and the Lieutenant broke out through the minefiled perimeter once again, and made our way to Delta. From there we proceeded to Minor, where I am now.
The CPW-Trotsky has completed its first test of the new Hessian enhanced engine array.
The field trials took the vessel out to the Cambridge system and back again under heavy escort by the Red Hessians. The Corsairs never even got close to seeing it.
The new cruiser proves remarkably agile through asteroid fields, as demonstrated by the Trotsky “threading the needle” in Cambridge.
Arsenal outfitting will commence at Sevastapol Depot once this broadcast is complete.
Also the X-02 was launched at the same time, to be re-designated Kurt-Eisner and take standing station over the Omega-5 jump hole, relieving the venerable Destroyer class vessel that will be retired from service.
X-03, the CPW-Savelovski and the X-04, CPW-ComIntern are nearing hull completion and ready to be launched. X-05, CPW-Nasser, under construction at the Red Hessian shipyars will be completed soon after.
Analysis of the Order RECON technology is proceeding well, the system already being outfitted to the CPW-Hanoi for initial trial testing, while larger units are being fitted to the CPW-Trotsky, CPW-Savelovski and CPW-Nasser. Additional technological secrets, unlocked from studying both the RECON ship and the Imperator class Gunboat Harvester_74 will be incorporated into the ship line as it proceeds.
I am also to report that the CPW-Havana and CPW-Karl.Marx have put into Sevastapol Depot to undergo an extensive refit to ensure that our flagships are fitted with the very latest advances in Coalition technology.
Test flights of the new SV-05-Gamma fighters are due to begin at the end of the month, and it is hoped that the new fighter line will see front line action shortly.
AUDIO RECORDS - Surveillance Camera 14, Hallway G-7459, Sector J, Zhukovsky Station
Censored for archival purposes
Commissar-Lt. Vicenta Gonzalez: Is this the bomb? Maintenance Officer Boris Tomoslav: Da. (pause) Gonzalez: It looks like some poor person will be glad to have his portable music player back. Did the bomb squad have a look at it? Tomoslav: Da, they said negative. I thought, "Negative! Is not good! We should call Provost." (pause) Gonzalez: ...You [REDACTED]. Negative means it ISN'T a bomb! Tomoslav: Is not bomb? Gonzalez: No, estupido! Subversive music, maybe, but not a bomb! You ever waste my time like this again, I will personally smack you so hard in the cabeza you'll be eating through a straw for the rest of your life! (retreating footsteps)
Once more it is my pleasure to accept advancement from the great people's movement. With this I will be furthering my advancements into the vile Kusari in the hopes of redeeming its wayward and lost people.
And severing the grip Samura uses to choke their freedoms.
On that note I am now reporting that secondary testing is underway of the emplacement of a scaled RECON unit within the Hanoi. The technology being provided by the Order is clearly of Alliance design in nature, though with signifigant improvision and development in strange ways. Strange, but ingenius ways. It is clear that the engineers who developed this technology were worth their merit.
Past initial compatibility issues we have not found much to complain of. Save minor fluctuations within the central power grid. All fluctuations should be ironed out within a fortnight. Current operational capacity of the RECON unit is estimated at 72% and climbing with each trial. Sensor efficiency is already vastly improved from where it was before. It is clear to me that this piece of equipment will greatly support all future operations.
Cmdr. Gabriel Mao.
[font=Agency FB]
Re: Parcel destined for Khonsu, ultimately in care of Doctor. Transmission of parcel was a complete success. I transitioned to Omicron Minor unmolested. Several hostile targets were sighted and marked in records. None however chose to engage.
Upon arrival to Omicron Minor I was greeted by the Khonshu, as well as the Doctor. Admiral Tovig Kelt was also present and presented routine questions regarding my presence. He seemed very interested that I was there unannounced to him. However he ultimately accepted my explanation.
As well the admiral asked me to pass on a message to Commisar-Commander Katz in regards to past discussions of a joint Order-SCRA operations. Similarly questions arose of any developments involving the Wild. Visual reocrds enclosed.
Cmdr. Gabriel Mao.
[font=Agency FB]
Incomming transmission
From : Lieutenant Yuri Aliabiev / Gold 10
To : SCRA high command
Priviet comrades, today I do my patrol as asked by the chief of system patrols organisation. After done a first patrol around the system I meet the comrade viachestlav, the harvester 74. After discuss with him, We decided to make a last turn before a new figther take my place in the patrol and that he must go for some test.
After checking the O-5 jumphole, who was clear, we head to O-50 jumphole, when we arrive, the hole was clear, but we received a message from the CPW in position that something was jumping to our system, but too late, the ship, a corsair one, was already using cruise engine, the comrad viacheslav diruspted his engines but he escaped successfully and using the JH an other time. We decided to rest a little more, seing if he didn't jump again, and then we turned back to zvezny godorok to dock.
This corsair ship seems to be a VHF, on the scanner, it was marked as "Candyman" and was wearing a corsair IFF. I hope thoses informations will help us to take that pilot.
Report File Transmitting. Subject : Deep reconaissance mission. Sender ID : Lt.Cmd Nitchiev Lanakov / Codename Gold Eleven
Be greeted comrades.
As ordered by comrade Commissar-Commander Katz, I conducted a scouting mission deep inside nomad territory along with Lieutenants Yuri Aliabiev and Alexandra Volkova.
Our target was a supposedly abandonned station of some sort, somewhere in the Omicrons, past Iota.
The first objective of the mission was to link up with Lieutenant Volkova, who had stayed in Omicron Minor.We met up in the outskirts of Freeport 11 in Omicron Delta, having encountered little to no opposition on our way.
Nontheless, the further we pushed into nomad space, the stronger our opponents became.
We were regularly attacked by swarms of nomad fighters and bombers, but fought back only when we had our back against the wall - We couldn't just leave one of us in such a place.
We crossed Omicron Iota the fastest we could.While danger was everywhere, none of us could restrain his amazement at the sight of the system, especially when we entered the North-East nebula leading to Omicron 99 hole.
There the opposition was overwhelming more than once and we had to stop repeatedly to fend off our attackers - which we successfully did.
When we finally made it to Omicron 99, we were once more struck by the magnificence of the system.
We could only see an endless sheet of bright pink, rather unusual sight in space.
Then, we focused on a small, yet shocking cloud in the heart of the system : No one could miss it due to its very dark color, creating a huge contrast with the general atmosphere.
The second we entered it, we were harassed by multiple formations of strike craft, increasing as we approached a very wide structure, the likes of which none of us had seen before.
Our main problem was that said structure was not dead.It's turrets, pointing at us, were inflicting most of the damage we took, resulting in a very extreme combat situation.
That did not prevent us from accomplishing our mission.
While Lieutenants Volkova and Aliabiev proved their mastery of combat in very hostile territory by downing dozens of enemy targets, I used the strong survivability of the Revolution Bombing Craft to approach the facility and take whatever data I could. Lieutenant Aliabiev had the time to do the same : the following report contains data from both my craft and his.
First footage of the station appearing in the mist.
Interesting features are its circular shape and, of course, its wideness.
I conducted a wireframe scan of the object, and the results are puzzling.
No subsystems have been detected during the scan, which was the only way of having a look at the entire structure. The devastating weapons which were firing at us seem to be completely linked to the station - meaning that there must be no way to deactivate them without deactivating the whole station.
Here is some proof of the bravery of Lieutenant Aliabiev, daring to venture closer to the station.
That way, he managed to get accurate pictures of some interesting parts of the area.
Here is the below of the station. You may notice an interesting source of energy at its center, consisting of particle waves. Most probably the power supply maintaining the station's weapons.
The side of the object. We couldn't approach it any further, but it would seem that there is some carved space running all around the station. Its purpose is unknown.
During the battle, Lieutenant Aliabiev also caught sight of an alien jump gate close to the station. Its destination is not known to us as we couldn't afford taking any more risk at that point.
Indeed, our crafts had suffered from the fighting, radiation and sun damage : A star in this system is rather hidden and very tricky ; it nearly consumed us.
Lieutenant Volkova was consequently deprived of shield and guns. She asked us to leave her with the hostile beings and resume the mission, which I refused. I ordered our squad to go back home as fast as possible, without making any pit stop ; With the data we had, being ambushed by a bunch of corsairs or hunters would have been most inconvenient.
On our way, I hailed an Order Osiris-Class Battleship, whose captain agreed to provide us with basic repairs - enough to survive the trip to Volgograd.
The radiations on the way also killed off my shield generator and my last guns. Only Lieutenant Aliabiev had managed to keep his ship in rather good shape.
At our arrival to Omega 52, Lieutenant Volkova's ship and mine were barely flying wreckages.
Consequently, I called for help in securing the data and material we had salvaged from our mission.
Captain Benes of the CPW Gdansk came to us, and picked up everything we brought back - Parts of the ships we destroyed, including "pilots" and equipment - missiles, for instance.
Footage of the transfer.
After everything was safe, I ordered Lieutenant Volkova to perform the SunDiving Repair Technique (SDRT) and proceeded to do the same - Both our ships are now fully operational.
Considering we suffered no casualties and brought back several pieces of information and research material, I consider this mission to be a SUCCESS
(06-14-2019, 12:25 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: If everyone was a bit more like Lanakov, the entire world would be more positive. Including pregnancy tests.