I've been born as a hessian on Vogland, i am 19 years old and now that i've got experiance as pilot in the reserve fleet, i'd like to join the army.
My father worked for Daumen nearly his whole life until discovering what they do to people when they try to quit their jobs. He became a hessian along with my mother about 6 months before she gave birth to me.
My father raised me to oppose the Rheinland goverment and the Big 3, constantly erging me to learn more and more of them so one day I could help the cause rise victorious.
Comm ID: Markus StrauÃ, RHA Recruitment Office, Vogtland Base, Dresden
Target: Volker Graffen
Since you were already born as Hessian I see no reason to explain you how things are working here. You have been accepted, welcome to the Red Hessian Army. However, if you are having some questions, please read the attached documents, they will help you.
My name is Falk Herrmann, I was born on the planet New Berlin and raised by my parents. However, life has never been easy for me, always down trodden by the rest of society for not being supportive enough of the rheinland's government.
The truth is, i'm not supportive, neither are my parents but they don't talk about it for fear of being cast out. But me, I'm different to them, i want to do something about it, the leaders of Rheinland have been allowed to continue for too long and it's time for them to fall.
My flight experience is not great, i was pressured into joining the RM by my "friends" but shortly after left.
[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]
Falk Herrmann,
Your application was rather short, so I'll make it short as well - How should we know you're not a rheinwehr spy or any other sort of ill-intentioned persona? Give us more information about yourself while the spezialoperationsabteilung also does a background check on you, and the oberkommando will decide your status afterwards.
***Incoming Transmission***
Comm ID: Falk Herrmann
More about me? Well, I'll start with school life. When I was going to school, I accelled in astronmy, maths, physics and polotics (though my grades were often dropped by one due to my controvertial views), the arts were always a weak point but i didn't care, i wanted to work as a scientist. But when I was excluded from the educational system i knew there was something more going on than just slight corruption in the leaders of Rheinland. With the extra free time I had after I was excluded from school i read up on polotics and found out about the Red Hessians. I thought I'd give fitting in to society one more time by joining the Rheinland Military but left soon after because once again i was realising more corruption within Rheinland. Now there's no where else for me to turn, my parents don't want me too but I know that your's is the only organisation that stands a chance againt the RM and believes in what I believe in.
[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]
Falk Herrmann, after running a background check on your profile, the results were clean enough and you're hereby accepted into the Rote Hessen Armee, and can now consider yourself a Rekrut of the volksrevolution. You're to report to Vogtland as soon as possible, and in the meantime, take your time to study the following documents as well as the Rekruts Handbook forwarded to you over private comms.
Hallo, my name is Bjorn Olafsson, why i am here? because things went wrong since long time ago... time ago i was a transportist based in my home planet, Hamburg... for years everything went right but then Republican wanted to contract me for their business, obviously, i heard stories about how bad are the working conditions in Republican, slavery masked as patriotism, so i refused the offer. Obviously, they showed a smile and went off... months later they tried the same, telling me about their advantages due to being bound to the bundestag, and all those babbling, and they told me about..."shipping business preferences" since they said to me that the government don't trust in freelancer shippers like myself, in that moment i didn't believed them, i thought it was a way of "aggresive broker" method to scare independent shippers... it wasn't, those (autocensure) prepared me a trap, they loaded my ship with embargoed materials... needless to say the Federal police had great fun stopping me, filling a denouncement for embargo breaking, suprisingly, the officer told me that the same morning the Republican Shipping presented another denounce for the same!, after paying an astronomical fine, i was offered, again, by the Republican shipping to work for them.... well, well after saying them in a fine way that they can put the offer and push it on their back sides i went back to hamburg... to find my ship, my small office... in flames.... i managed to save proofs of the corporation attempts to "contract" me and raised a denounce against the corporation, trying to have an indemnization...
The judgement was a bogus, the corporartion won it and even managed to claim me for damages and prejudices!, after paying another astronomical fine, i nearly ran out of cash... since then i tried to reivindicate my rights, and also payed an autonomous detective.
Even greatest was my surprise when he told me that my case wasn't an isolated one, it seemed all the Rheinlad corporations did the same lately, miners, iron workers, shippers, everyone stomped under the corporation's feet, he told me that latest months he had almost 10 simmilar cases to mine, and all of them ended badly for the denouncing part, kindly he didn't wanted to charge me for the consult, and, sadly suggested me to find a job somewhere else, since the corporate corruption roots up to the bundestag itself. I remember to being mumbling something about the need to change things... discretely, he passed me a paper... it was a propaganda of the Red Hessian Army, encouraging the revolution...
If a method doesn't work... maybe others do... and a revolution is what Rheinland needs desperately.... and i'm eager to push for the revolution..
About me: I am Lukas Eberhardt, I grew up to service with Republican shipping as my whole family has been going down that line and my last position was the one of a first officer on a large civilian barge on an ore transport convoy. On the last mission, the unthinkable happened; while talking to other hessian and Bundschuh members via comlink about their real politic goals and having a peaceful chat, two gallic vessels entered Omega-7. While the Rheinland Military was having a good old useless drinking session over in Braunschweig, the only people there were the bundschuh and the red hessian vessels I was talking to who put the crew of our freighter under their protection. A fight over my vessel started and sadly the gallic cruisers overwhelmed us and cornered us close to the jump gate.
I got saved in a pod from our destroyed ship, but the captain, my mentor, best friend and father figure died in the attack. The weakness of Rheinland cost his life, and the incapability of the Military. They are not concerned about the people, just about their wellbeing. I later talked to my saviours and they invited me to join the greater cause in Dresden and in Vogtland Base.
So here I am, in my transport, waiting for clearence to land on Vogtland.
I am prepared to do anything it takes to restore the honor of rheinland. I have lost everything, all that is left to me, is the fight for a free, liberated Rheinland!
With Regards,
Lukas Eberhardt
[Transmission Closed]
//OOC part of this:
Skyp3: tn.penguin
Time zone: GMT and GMT+1 (depends on where I am at the moment)
Comm ID: Markus StrauÃ, RHA Recruitment Office, Vogtland Base, Dresden
Target: Bjorn Olafsson, Lukas Eberhardt
Herr Olafsson; Herr Eberhardt,
Both of you have been accepted into the Red Hessian Army, we're looking forward to work with you. However, before you start we'd like you to read the attached documents, they contain valuable information that will help you. Willkommen in der Armee.
My name is Rand Al'Thor from Stuttgart. I was born twenty-three years ago when my mother and father were simple traders across the lands owning a small business. When I turned three, my family's business was prospering however it was constantly attacked by pirates. Later, when I turned 5, my mother and father were going on a business trip to New Berlin but their ship was destroyed by so called "Pirates". When I turned 16, I learned though that the police were secretly paid in that attack by several corporations because they didn't want competition.
These greedy corporations and corrupt government could not go unchecked so at age 19, when I had some cash, I left Stuttgart to Dresden. In a bar there I learned that there were a group called the Red Hessians fighting these corporations and corrupt government. Now I wish to join to help you do that! I've had some experience flying small fighters and trade ships. I flew several small trade ships from Frankfurt to Newberlin trading goods to buy a small fighter which I flew to Dresden.
---Transmission Ends---
//S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address (required for coordination purposes): Leonidas8227882
//Your timezone (for informational purposes): -5 GMT Eastern Coast USA