Exact Name: Captain Adain Erylian [color=#CC0000]Affiliation: 101st Ghosts of Razgriz [color=#FFFFFF]Why do you want this: My Roc, well....the past three, have not done so well against recent defenses against the 'sairs. Some ghosts have one and let me say you hombres make some effective equipment. Perhaps in the future contracts can be coordinated for equipment, I'll speak with the Admiral if you'd like. [color=#CC0000]Reputation with Mollys/Hessians: Allied/Green [color=#FFFFFF]Your donation:The only universally accepted currency, Credits.
[color=#FFFFFF]I, like the Commander here, have seen your transports and appreciate your support of La Nacion. Perhaps having this incredible creation of a Barghest could instill even more fear in our enemies, having physical proof that we have allies who are willing to support us.
It's good to hear from our friends at the 101st. I have no issues at all with granting the technology requested, especially with the assistance your people have given us with restoring Old Faithful.
Consider your request granted, and there is no fee for this, I'll cover the cost of the ship on my own dime.
Swing by Arra sometime and have a drink with me and the lads and then pick up the ship at Coleraine. I'll have the boys handle the authorization.
The usual of course, no shooting Mollys or the technology self destructs and so forth...you know the standard drill.
First of all, I must say that I'm quite impressed by the efficiency of a Barghest, but now I come to you with another request.
Exact Name: Stefan Mortensen [color=#CC0000]Affiliation: 101st Ghosts of Razgriz [color=#FFFFFF]Why do you want this: In the last few weeks, I'm having a lot of difficulties with Sabre. That made me to come to a decision to try one of those pretty Werewolves, with your permission, of course. [color=#CC0000]Reputation with Mollys/Hessians: Allied/Friendly [color=#FFFFFF]Your donation: Credits, obviously
[color=#66FFFF]Cordiali saluti.
Stefan Mortensen, 101st Ghosts of Razgriz Lieutenant Commander.
Posts: 3,127
Threads: 272
Joined: Dec 2009
Staff roles: Server Administrator
>>>Incoming Transmission
>>>Location: Planet McHatten, New York System, House of Liberty
>>>ID: Rocky Mayers
Greetings, Mollys.
I'm Rocky Mayers, a freelancer. I've heard about your movement in Bretonia, and I must say that your plight truly speaks to me. I primarily work for the Junkers, a group struggling to secure their own freedoms - a lot like you. However, Barragers just don't cut it, I'm afraid. So I'm here to ask you for two of your "Dublin Duster" guns and three of your "Trefoil" guns. I feel like they would be just the thing to give this little Falcon some sharper claws.
I find myself in possession of a Combat Service Freighter, as well. In addition to a reasonable donation, I would be more than happy to supply your bases with anything ranging from basic commodities to nuclear devices.
Hope to hear from you soon,
[color=#DDB994][font=Times New Roman]Rocky Mayers
>>>End Transmission
<div align="right]Attached File<<<
[color=#FFFFFF]Exact Name: Rocky.Mayers [color=#CC0000]Affiliation: Freelancer [color=#FFFFFF]Why do you want this: Shooting things [color=#CC0000]Reputation with Mollys/Hessians: Awesome, as far as I know [color=#FFFFFF]Your donation: Credits and perhaps more
I'll be needing an actual image of your Molly and Hessian reputations in order to process your request.
The license fee, should you agree to our terms, would be:
Dublin Duster: 4 million each x2 = 8 million credits
Trefoil: 8 million each x 3 = 24 million credits
Total: 32 million credits for a one year license that includes maintenance and repairs.
Funds are payable to [M]-Bank1
Show the reputations and proof of the funds transfer so that we can process your application.
In lieu of payment, If you can provide complete maps of Poole and Salisbury including stations and jump holes, as well as the locations of Exile bases in Leeds, Newcastle, and elsewhere in Bretonia we will accept that instead of cash payment.
[color=#FFFFFF]Exact Name: Hellish.Privateer [color=#CC0000]Affiliation: Freelancer pirate with Maltese blood [color=#FFFFFF]Why do you want this: I need some firepower when fighting heavy gunboats such as the Gallic and the Corsair gunboat and you have just the guns I need. I am requesting 7 Saoirse Molly gunboat turrets. [color=#CC0000]Reputation with Mollys/Hessians: http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u485/r...2/screen120.jpg http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u485/r...2/screen121.jpg [color=#FFFFFF]Your donation: You should decide on the amount I have to donate. I will gladly donate as much as you tell me.
7 Guns ya say ok they shall be yours. We however does not demand any donation this time- if you are good warrior you should be able to pay for them in blood- check [color=#000000]there Ya would claim for free on our board- 3 kills per each gun- it would make 21 free kills and you shall have your license- if you agree to this deal the guns shall be yours.
Arra Office
[color=#3366FF]message ends.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
[color=#FFFFFF]Exact Name: Alison "Athena" / Athena.Y.Dionysus [color=#CC0000]Affiliation: Lane Hackers [color=#FFFFFF]Why do you want this: I'm sending you a more in depth answer, here [color=#CC0000]Reputation with Mollys/Hessians:Green / Green [color=#FFFFFF]Your donation: Enclosed in the linked communication
Technology request from another channel has been redirected to here:
' Wrote:
[font=Century Gothic] .:: Incomming Transmission ::.
.:: Medium Encryption ::.
[color=#FFCC00][font=Verdana]Source: Cape Wrath
Destination: Belfast Production Facility
ID: Rey Vasques
Greetings, I believe this is the first contact between the Vasques and Mollys. I do not intend to bore you with details, but to keep things in order: We are an Outcast 'division'
specialized in cardamine smuggling operations and occasional raids on targets of opportunity. Due to recent influx of funds, we decided to increase our cargo moving capabilities,
and because of this we would like to purchase of two Pirate Trains and one Pirate Transport you are known to produce. We are willing to pay in hard coin or in supplies,
although the latter are hard to come-by due to latest developments in Taus you are no doubt aware of.
In any case, we are eagerly awaiting your response.