Brother Montoya is right, my suggestions were just that and subject to approval from the other Elders.
Mr.Rakghoul I understand your frustration... but please understand, we cannot guarantee the safety of any AW member on Yaren station. Weapon stand-down in wide open space is one thing... but a base is a cramped affair with many nooks and hiding places where one can be shot in the back.
Please don't take this as any kind of threat... I'm afraid it is a fact of life, and you must be aware, hatred of AW runs deep among my people. We don't want a situation where hot-headed impulse will momentarily rule over rationality and honour.
You must also excuse our cynicism. Yaren base just happens to be the centre of our most secret ship research, and I find it a bit too convenient AW needs docking rights there. I doubt our ship dealers would be fool enough to sell our prized bomber to an enemy but stranger things have happened.
To : Elders, Brothers and JG Rakghoul
From: Sephardi
I understand what JG is dong, I understand their desire to unite the Omicron systems in defence against the Nomad threat, and I have found JG to be honorable and trustworthy in the past. The same cannot be said for AW and what do we expect to happen if AW violates our terms? Is JG going to put there lives on the line? Who protects corsairs in this deal but the corsairs? In addition I see TBH being asked to do all these things to try and show trust to AW. What is AW doing to gain our trust, what are they putting on the table? You want something from TBH, what are you offering in return? You ask us to put the lives of our families at risk, and for what? I have not seen anything offered by AW to help build trust. And what they tell us is that if we let them use Gamma space, in return if we see our enemies in Theata, next to gamma, we can do nothing. A much more reasonable request would have been for us not to attack traders in theata. Isnt that what it's about for Zoner, protecting free trade? So why is it that what AW is just about protecting Outcast? My answer? Because AW has become more outcast then zoner, and these are the people you ask ust to trust in our space with nothing more than your word? I do value the word of JG that is not up for debate. I'm just not sure when push comes to shove, how JG will be able to control AW. Another question, why not ask TBH for help against the nomads? TBH is closer, would not have to fly through AW space, and has a station in the system along with Brother Lucendez who has become an expert in nomad technology. Instead you ask AW, who has to fly through enemy space to get there, and must go further to get there, resulting in harder logistics and longer supply lines. It all seems alittle fishy to me. Again just my oponion, but I have been in enough battles with AW to be really really uncomfortible with this idea.
Comm ID: Juan Lucendez
To: The Brotherhood and Rakgoul
I would like to clarify my role in Omicron Delta, I do not research Nomad weapons and have only the most basic of understanding of their technology. I chose Yaren because I thought that, with allies everywhere it would be peaceful, I was a fool to think that. Although I have battled several Nomad patrols, even these new breed of Nomads whatever they're called, I have not tractored in any Nomad remains on purpose. (I don't like being controlled, and I don't want even the faintest chance of infestation happening)
However, this doesn't mean that I wouldn't be adverse to responding to a Zoner distress call, and would defend Freeport 11 with my life. In my head, if Freeport 11 falls, then Yaren is next and I don't want that to happen. Delta is a duel Corsair/Zoner System and because of this we have good relations with the Zoners in that area. Hell, most of the patrons at Freeport 11 have been either Corsairs or Order anyway. I am urging the leaders of both the Jupiter Guild and The Brotherhood to get an alliance set up only locally for the Delta system, that way Zoner neutrality wouldn't be threatened in the rest of the Sector and the Zoners can still call up a staggering alliance to battle the Nomads. If we can get an Alliance of the Omicrons or something to that effect that would embrace Order, Corsair, Zoner and possibly AW -locally- to Delta, we would be allies in Delta, but revert to previous alliances outside. AW couldn't dock at Yaren, but if they docked at Freeport 11 and made it their home for the duration of hostilities, I think they would come to consider the Freeport their property and thus be the guard of their system. Besides, its not like Gamma is the only way into Omicron Delta anyway, talk to the Order and see if they can provide passage. I don't trust the AW either, but if they break the alliance in Delta, they would not only have to answer to us, but to the Zoners.
Also, I would like to make public a run-in I had with a Nomad code-named the Harbinger. It seemed to communicate telepathically rather than utilizing the comm system. I was patrolling Omicron Delta like normal one evening when I spotted the Harbinger on my scopes. Naturally I decided to tail it. The Harbinger seemed interested in Freeport 11, and I was prepared to engage if it did try anything, but instead it just kept to a safe distance and eventually left. Later, I decided to follow him and eventually discovered a Jumphole leading to a system only referenced as "Omicron Lost." Feeling rather spooked about the whole thing, I jumped in only to find the Harbinger waiting for me on the other side. Even though the Nomad had the element of surprise, he only floated there and watched me, as I him. I continued to attempt to communicate and got hit with a barrage of mental speech. I don't quite remember the details as the communication was forgotten like a bad dream soon afterwards. I do remember feeling that he thought I was "insignificant." I pressed him on what he meant by this but asked me to leave. I complied and left the Harbinger alone, burning H-fuel to Yaren and thinking it all a bad dream.
I hope this information helps not only the Corsairs but also any human battling against the Nomads.
Lucendez out.
//Transmission End.
"The thirteen saloons that had lined the one street of Seney had not left a trace. The foundations of the Mansion House hotel stuck up above the ground. The stone was chipped and split by the fire. It was all that was left of the town of Seney. Even the surface had been burned off the ground.
Nick looked at the burned-over stretch of hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered houses of the town and then walked down the railroad track to the bridge over the river. The river was there."
Brothers, Today, several of my sources in Outcast occupied territory informed me of a slightly disturbing event. Apparently the Outcasts are becoming more unified. 2 events happened recently worth note in this regard, First, 2 Outcast factions our hated enemys the ROS and Epongi have merged their forces into one group. This new group has annonced it's purpose to incress hostilities anganst us. The second event is the opining of a new communications complex on Malta, the important fact about it is that it is tasked with enabling better communication between all the Outcast factions as well as independent Outcasts. A better orginizied enemy is a better prepared enemy.
To: TBH Elders
Comm. ID: Elder Ares, SCRA Commander
Message Begins//
Apparently, through no fault of our own (or yours), the SCRA garrison on Crete is having something of a morale issue due to the actions of independent Corsairs disrespecting my pilots and even firing upon them.
Let me make this clear to you... I don't want my pilots to abandon Crete and Strongpoint Gamma due to its strategic importance, and the current weakness of her defenses after the destruction of the Altaneria.
I will not pull them out, but to keep my pilots' morale up I will have to loosen contraints upon them somewhat. If independent Corsairs fire upon us or provoke us, they will have to be destroyed. I am informing you of this to let you know that my pilots and I bear no hostilities towards yourselves.
Surely you understand why I have to send this, since we Corsairs do have something of a discipline problem at present. Again, I apologise but we we are not to be provoked.
Comm ID: Juan Montoya
To: Ares and Elders of the Brotherhood.
Hmm... I see.
I wont talk this over here on unsecure channels. I will speak to you about this in person.
I will be in the Brotherhood bar soon, and hope to understand the particulars of this scenario. This message has also been forwarded to the other Elders, if they wish to join the conversation in the bar.
---<Incoming Transmission.---
From: [\JG/]Rakghoul...
Image of Rakghoul came onlline...
"We spotted the Harbringer 2 cycles ago in Omicron delta.
Zoners deployed a Battleship and a Gun boat to intercept it. AW was not available for this encounter.
Our comms caught voice s of a Battleship captain Cursing and challenging the Harbringer.
Harbringer's signal was lost and then found again at Omicron lost.
When the Zoner ships arrived at the battle location in Omicron Lost, we found an Order battleship still smouldering from the battle, barely alive. We dispatched a small shuttle with engineers and nanobots to do a quick repair and make it flyable. The captain of the Order Battleship reported the following:
First of all, HARBRINGER is dead. It had been trying to learn our language all this time. Cant say whether to start some relations with humans or just to threaten us. But as it died, it broadcasted a message. I will play it for your review...", Rak motioned to a holo started playing.
"<begin transmission> gwaqussssskh.......akhhhrr.....more...ships......kaaaasss shhhfffftttt......clones.....<transmission lost>"
"Please stay alert in Delta, cause it almost seemss like the nomad beast was mocking us as it died. There is something very dark brewing out there guys. If you dont want us guarding the Corsair base in Delta, put additional forces out there to cover it. AW will stay away from your base but JG will approach it if needed.
Just FYI, we never wanted permission to land on the base. We just needed allowence to tackle the beast if it flew closer. We were just trying to help TBH out by protecting the skies around the base."
This is all hopefully in hindsight, but if Shepedi still wants an answer to his questions, please let me know.
---<transmission out>---
The brotherhood will be deploying the Velasco (Osiris) and a fighter wing momentarily to guard our interests in that region of space and to assist the Zoner force if needed.
Comm ID: Juan Montoya
To: All Corsairs, SCRA, and TBH Elders but EXCLUDING other TBH brothers.
Now, I have observed from afar, not taking any action to compromise my position as an Elder, but enough is enough. You will ALL bow down to the power of the Brotherhood. Time and again we have tried to keep the peace in Gamma, only for our friends to be shot. It causes instability, and I will eliminate this instability completely. I don't give a damn anymore about the rights of the individual Corsair. All Corsairs will respect the absolute power of TBH rule, diplomacy, and actions. If any of you slip up even once, you will be unwelcome within the rest of the Corsair continuum.
All of you rebellious pilots soil our name, or what was left of it. I have tried to be nice, to let you learn from your mistakes. But, enough is enough. If you will not fall in line when you see me being nice, you are tempting the devil. And I have been tempted. I have restrained, until now.
Fall in line, independents, or operate on battlestation Cadiz, battleship Fes or with our allies. If you will not fall in line through these measures, you are not fit to be Corsair. I am sick of the careful diplomacy we set up being destroyed by your rash actions. I am tired by the unseen powers of this world stripping you of your craft and equipment. I am tired of putting up with this. No more. Never again. I am hereby authorising the pilots of the Coalition to open fire if any hostilities are provoked, verbal or physical in any sense. Dont like it? Dont speak to them!
If you are not with us, you are against us. This is my decision alone, and I will be stopped by no one. I will sort you out, or kill you all with my own hands.
Corsair tradition be damned, I will do this myself, by myself. It is the only way to sort this out. I have tried being nice, and now I will be nasty. If I see one step out of line this weekend, I will destroy your craft myself, over and over again until you go away never to return. None of you will be spared my wrath.
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~Transmission code Alpha~
Incursions into Gamma have been made by our enemies! The Outcast Destroyer 'StormUnit' has been sighted and engaged numerous times throughout Gamma. He first entered from Alpha, he seemed to have acsess codes to fool the Crete docking ring though, because he docked. He says he was 'Looking for something.' I'll be damned if a Outcast lands on Crete and gets away with it. I persued him into the Malvada cloud requesting he leave. He didn't. I engaged resulting in critical damage to my Titan and my ejection. I was taken back to Crete by one of our patrols and my ship will be towed back later. In the hanger I switched to my gunboat and relaunched, a little shaken but still combat worthy. He came back again. He was engaged by an Osirus piloted by Skylius ((pardon my spelling)) and driven off through Theta before dissapearing into Alpha.
He then returned again. This time he flew into Crete and commited suicide as me and a small group of Corsair gunboats and fighters engaged him. Somehow he got back to Malta and relaunched with another Destroyer and CAME BACK AGAIN. be destroyed him again. As before, back to malta relaunched came back... We destroyed him. Last time he's come back again was just now. With two UOG bombers. He was destroyed again along with both bombers. Not sure if StormUnit will return but if he contuinues to I'm sure Malta will run out of Destroyers. I got last shot on him twice but it was mostly due to the actions of the others he was destroyed- I must have lucky guns. I suggest the security status of Crete and Gamma be raised for a few days to see if there are any more ships trespassing in our space, I would also be worried about how he docked. Is there a tratior in docking control? At any rate, my craft will be acting as homeland defence for the foreseeable future.