Dane, I'd urge you not to repay him. He spent the 500 million of his own free choice, merely as a means to move into a position to create an issue. That was his choice and you shouldn't and don't have to pay him back for making his choice. All it will do is help fund his next plan to disrupt game play on the server.
Yes, Dakun, I do think you'd spend 500 million just to create an issue and get back at those you feel have wronged you and Uzed. You spent plenty of credits when you made the NORP group, just to annoy people.
' Wrote:He banned a member of the BDM, threatened them and threatened Rheinland.
Because BDM cannot read the treaties that they sign and follow them?
If I smuggle and LPI FR5 me it is Dakun guilty?
' Wrote:He brought huge amounts of trouble to Freeport 1, both from Rheinland and other sources (Some OORP trouble too unfortunately)
Rheinland should not give a **** about FP1 and zoners there, at the same way that Bretonia should not give a **** about Freistadt and IMG RM problems there ,if they want to give a **** then they need to go trough Bretonians first(witch means war), since they signed the treaty.
Bretonians also should not give a **** about the blood diamonds, if they gave a **** they would add them as contraband, since they are leagal in bretonia and omega 3 is bretonia protectorate....
I dont see why there is any problem at all except hate for the Dakun player not char.
' Wrote:He messed up badly inRP.
I guess Rheinland BDM and Bretonians messed up badly inRP. About refunding and stuff I dunno it is zonerzoner stuff and zoners are smelly in general so I dont go there. And no I have no zonerzoner char, nor I am Dakun friend or something but it is annoying when you call white black...
If he made mistakes in the past and got sanctioned for it ok, since he received his penalty for now he can play and RP and should have the same rights to play and RP like the rest of you.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:I just warned him that buying blood diamonds would make him look like a Hessian supporter, and it's led to all of this? In my eyes the blame should rest on Dakun's stubbornness for not take the advice and his character's (or his, however you want to see it) inability to handle such a situation without taking an overly aggressive stance, feelings of dislike for him from other people who had the ability to become involved, a general overreaction from most people involved, and myself for pointing it out in the bloody first place.
To be honest as a very very "neutral" fellow because I only lurking the forums, from what I read you gave me the impression to be a thorn in his flesh. I liked his RP. For f... sake, the man wanted some merchandise. He didn't care who produce it. It;s not like he wanted nukes or other mass destruction weapons...
' Wrote:Because BDM cannot read the treaties that they sign and follow them?
If I smuggle and LPI FR5 me it is Dakun guilty?
Rheinland should not give a **** about FP1 and zoners there, at the same way that Bretonia should not give a **** about Freistadt and IMG RM problems there ,if they want to give a **** then they need to go trough Bretonians first(witch means war), since they signed the treaty.
Bretonians also should not give a **** about the blood diamonds, if they gave a **** they would add them as contraband, since they are leagal in bretonia and omega 3 is bretonia protectorate....
I dont see why there is any problem at all except hate for the Dakun player not char.
I guess Rheinland BDM and Bretonians messed up badly inRP. About refunding and stuff I dunno it is zonerzoner stuff and zoners are smelly in general so I dont go there. And no I have no zonerzoner char, nor I am Dakun friend or something but it is annoying when you call white black...
Organisations like the BDM are not like the police. They are not there to enforce the law. Freeport 1 was treated as an entity separate from any house or things like that. Dakun was supporting the hessians both symbolically and financially by ordering Blood Diamonds and the BDM received a tip about that. (we did not meta-game the info, we were contacted via comms channel) So as a proper German CIA in space we use a threatening tone to convince him to cancel the order. He did so. But instead of keeping it at that he removed my (BDM Direktor when this happened) docking rights from the station and threatened to let his base be used a staging point for Liberty. We kindly pointed out some things why this couldn't be done and was not so wise. What then happened for crap I dunno. I know that an agent went to O-3 without permission and because he didn't respond in group chat or anything I had to fly there as well to look what was going on and I found out he was in combat.
Was the treaty broken at that point? Yes. Did that breaking of the treaty have anything to do with Dakun being treated in a hostile manner? No.
And yes there were consequences. I have since stepped down as leader from the BDM, but this is rather irrelevant. What is relevant is that Dakun was treated by the BDM as he should have been. Intelligence factions are not traffic cops. We deal with things outside our borders as well. And we did it in controversial ways yes.
' Wrote:We deal with things outside our borders as well.
How you deal with things when you signed that you wont do so in Omega 3? And how dealing with things is not braking the treaty? So Dakun have nothing to do with it but you broke the treaty because of him, and the Bretonians gone "Ok it is np":lol: but Dakun legal blood diamonds are not "np".:lol: And you all kissed and hugged yourselves except making a huge diplomatic problem- it is Dakun fault after all...
Ordering legal goods with wrong forum name is bad....
Or the black is white now?
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:How you deal with things when you signed that you wont do so in Omega 3? And how dealing with things is not braking the treaty?
Or the black is white now?
BDM did not exist when the treaty was made me thinks btw. So we couldn't sign it. That does not mean we should not uphold it. But if we break it there are RP consequences. There were, so what exactly is the problem? And Intelligence factions do things other houses don't like all the time. Then there come RP consequences, as there should be. Like with the LSF who were in Kusari.
So honestly: What is the problem exactly? We broke a treaty? Yes we did. There were in-RP consequences to it as well.
Quote: So as a proper German CIA in space we use a threatening tone to convince him to cancel the order.
Yeah. CIA goes around threatening people they shouldn't smuggle or use drugs.
Actually, they gather the information. It's not like "Hi I'm CIA please don't buy those drugs we'll arrest you".
And then you expect him to offer you a seat in the bar? You weren't even supposed to be there, he had every right to cancel your docking rights.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.