So after another viewing of Surrogates DVD, it got me thinking. We have robots, we have a plausible neural net technology that I think I argued for in a thread somewhere for someone, so I ask this question.
In this universe, are we as humans able to control artificial 'copies' or robotic images of ourself to do carry out our daily lives? In essence for the server, are the human pilots safe at home, while their artificial selves take the deaths and destruction?
In a sense, I think its the perfect bridge between combat and role-playing characters that keep 'coming back', so to speak. Though communication from the 'human-pilot' to the 'artificial-surrogate' across space is up for debate though do you think the concept is worthy in Discovery?
Sure why not. That technology seems rather primitive to jump drive technology or one-size-fits-all nanotech. We could even use em to lampshade the fact that everyone seems to come back after four hours.
Very interesting question , recently saw the film Moon , and the same thing went through my mind !
I was thinking (expendable) clones in some cases ....
We have advanced sentient AI, anthro-morphs, and a whole bunch of other things I can't think of right now. Surrogates seem like a very plausible thing to have here in Disco.
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' Wrote:So after another viewing of Surrogates DVD, it got me thinking. We have robots, we have a plausible neural net technology that I think I argued for in a thread somewhere for someone, so I ask this question.
Just to note - neural net probably doesn't mean computers wired into your brain. It's a description of a form of data organisation. Neutral networks are just networks, but constructed in a manner similar to the way nerve cells in the brain work together. They're just a much, much more flexible system of programming, really. See this.
' Wrote:Just to note - neural net probably doesn't mean computers wired into your brain. It's a description of a form of data organisation. Neutral networks are just networks, but constructed in a manner similar to the way nerve cells in the brain work together. They're just a much, much more flexible system of programming, really. See this.
Blarg, I had this argument on behalf of someone before! Whatever the definition of Neural Net, the communication technology is there.
Just read through the whole thing. Still not convinced it's brain-based. The infocards you quoted in favour of Marbug's theory seem to disprove it to me.
Holotainment Bands do prove that mind-based stuff is possible, but the fact that the "future health risks are unknown" suggests it's a relatively recent thing only commercially utilised in a single niche commodity. Meaning, not widely and long used in a (brain) neural net.