' Wrote:You seem to think that for some reason your characters 'deserve' a fair chance against everyone they meet in space...
Its like if I'm beating you in a chess game. You can't claim "Hey I only have my King and 2 Pawns left, you need to get rid of your Queen and those Rooks to make it a 'fair' fight." But Veygaar, it would never get that bad...
Yes it is really fair if one of the players starts with 2 queens,the reason that I think that everybody characters deserve a fair chance against everyone is because except the "elite" factions the rest of the sirius technology is nearly perfect balanced.
Why you will not see me screaming "nerf " Krakens- yes Krakens are the best faction hull bunsters available but on the other side the corsairs have the best shield busters available- this is called a balance.
When somebody posses and misuse technology that is not balanced all together with the rest of the Sirius technology it is caller unfair advantage. It is the same if someone chainfire using his weapons groups and someone who chain-fire using scripts, if you want to see the difference pick fighter and meet me in Conn I will show you what I mean.One is np, the second one goes into rules as "harming the gameplay".
' Wrote:Do not try to alter the game to meet your demands. Get what you want by playing WITHIN the predefined game. You came to Disco, not Disco to you...
True, same as the rest of the players. That's why all of them deserve a proper fair balance of the weaponry and equipment.
' Wrote:Roleplay is for pussies
Go make ship and lets RP together, you only spam in skype K?
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:If you have an issue with the factions that are invite only, consider this; it is far easier and more fun to be in a faction where everyone gets along.
Yeah, they get along because they are selectively chosen by the faction so they do. You know, like the [LN] was doing in the brief time Terrance was leading. They kicked various members so they can get along. Lovely isn't it?
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[color=#FFFFFF]Deal with it people this is not communism we can't be all equal some people will always abuse TEH POWA they have, all you can do is rage quietly and cry in the corner about Bi[A](ss). If people spend as much time playing as they are complaigning DiscoRP 24/7 would have been a better place
' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]Deal with it people this is not communism we can't be all equal some people will always abuse TEH POWA they have, all you can do is rage quietly and cry in the corner about Bi[A](ss). If people spend as much time playing as they are complaigning DiscoRP 24/7 would have been a better place
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Said "Elite factions" are that way because it should be something to work toward, not just OMGWANTIGOGETIDANDPEWANDMAKERETARDEDRPANDTHENGETBOREDANDLEAVEDISCOCAUSEALLISSUX.
It offers something to work toward, and if someone's worked hard for it, done their 'homework' there is no reason that they can't join these factions.
It is something special, thats why one should set a goal for themself and say "I want to join X faction, I'm going to do some research and do this properly." It will feel much more rewarding and stand you in good stead.
And go and improve your chances of being accepted.
There are no absolute "invite only" factions.
Seeing as getting to the stage of being invited can be considered one's recruitment phase.
Player factions all have advantages and disadvantages. It may be as hard to join the LN as it may be to join the HF. That's not the point. The point is that these aforementioned factions have been integrated in the Discovery lore, so now they're represented not only by players, but by NPCs as well. Which should make them available to indies as well.
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' Wrote:Player factions all have advantages and disadvantages. It may be as hard to join the LN as it may be to join the HF. That's not the point. The point is that these aforementioned factions have been integrated in the Discovery lore, so now they're represented not only by players, but by NPCs as well. Which should make them available to indies as well.
I see your point.
However. And this is not intended as a flame/troll/no u to anyone.
Put yourself in the shoes of a leader of one such faction.
If you've worked hard to see your creation through to it's current state, and it is something that you feel strongly about. Why would you want the "Unproven, unwashed" masses to be able to turn your faction into "Just another ol' bunch of morons."
If it makes sense that there aren't meant to be ten billion of the said faction roaming around IRP, then restrict it so that it reflects, and use that in such a way that you can get people who know what they're doing into the faction.
This brings me back to the point that I made earlier.
If you want to join a faction that is "elite" work for it. Makes it special not only to you yourself when you get accepted. But also to those at the wheel. Puts them at ease knowing that the people that are representing their faction's name and image aren't going to 'destroy' it.
Imo, having 10000... SCRA/HF/Keeper,Etc... "indies" running around doesn't make sense.
There are many things that don't make sense on Disco, as you might be aware of. And some of them are more disturbing than the number of Hellfire Legionaries on the server. Like, I dunno, the fact that everyone and their mother have an Osiris, and that there are 60 juggernauts in space, that corsairs and outcasts have capital ships and the GMG have battleship turrets? Those are just brief examples.
You know, I have reason to believe that the people who founded these factions have long left Discovery, and that their factions were very different in their beginnings to what they are today. The problem is that you're dealing with people, and sometimes no matter how hard you work for getting in a faction, the leader might simply not like you, and reject you. And even if that's not the case at this particular moment in time, it could happen in the future.
This is from a dev's perspective. You build a faction, you integrate it in the mod, it's part of the mod so it should be standardized. Why? Because that's how the rest of the factions are. If the faction is in the lore of the mod, then it means that people are familiarized with it, they can inform themselves about it from the game directly through infocards, rumors and all that, and therefore can play legitimately without having to forum lance or to 'prove themselves' that they're 'worthy' enough for it. Just like Gallia was implemented.
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