' Wrote:There's a question, Is Ronin going to be a NPC faction or not?
Interspace is NPC faction without having any NPCs. I cannot see the connection here.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
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' Wrote:Funny, I thought that's what the CR said when you built their shipline.
first...i made IMG ship line not CR one....and i made it in the days when CR was ONLY IMG faction....for 4.86 i made yet another IMG ship line :P
so get your facts straight...I only made IMG ship line TWICE:lol:
I also remember times when entire community went "I want, I want" - to me and only few of the rest modelers....they wanted something they didn't had before....they got it and while mod may be better for it, IMHO gameplay is going down hill since 4.83
New version of the mod is unbelievable (compared to 4.85) but it wont do anything for improving RP and fun of the players. No matter if "elite" factions will be opened or not.
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' Wrote:Won't that just breed more claims of "Elite" factions?
' Wrote:I can go the other road as well, and point at the Order, Zoners, etc. Would you like that instead?
Or maybe just restrict them all to Gunboat and lower.
This is an example of a flaw in our community. A problem exists. Solutions are proposed but never implemented because of the fear of whine if they are. On one hand you have people who will whine that it is an elite faction because the indy players aren't allowed cap ships. On the other, if you leave it as is, it will be a faction like the Order, Zoners, Outcasts, Corsairs who have many issues with their cap ship usage and there is whine about that.
We can't please everyone and we need to stop trying. Nothing is going to get done if we try to please everyone.
@ Zelot
I personally think that the official faction should have only a handful of capital ships used to represent those cut off from Kusari etc etc. Independent players can stick to snubs as they are more of the rank and file soldiers. There would be a clear leader and that is the leader of the official faction. My opinion, for what it is worth.
' Wrote:This is an interesting discussion. I myself am dealing with just such an issue now, as I try to figure out how to implement the new Ronin faction come 4.86, and I really am conflicted on how to do it. Do I make it an open faction, allowing anyone to fly as an indy? Or do I make it tightly controlled with no-one outside the player faction being allowed to use the ID.
For me there is a balance to a thing like this. If I go with an open ID, it will likely be restricted to just snubcraft. If I go with a closed ID, capital ships will be allowed.
Why is this balance necessary? The RP of the group is that it is very small and mainly snubcraft, if it is given an open ID, there is no way to control the number of people playing the role, but it would be very very bad and counter productive to the storyline of the faction were those players to play lots of caps.
What do you all think? How can a faction who's rp is that is is small and tight night cope with no ability to limit numbers?
Yeah you should open it for all players. I would love to play as ronin when .86 comes out. Who knows maybe I won't have time to be in official faction, or maybe I just won't like people leading it (or they won't like me, we're all humans). Sure you can restrict indies on snubs and give official capital ship or two for their RP purposes and such.
But closing faction which alot of players would love to play would be unfair honestly. Many factions have "serious" rp and they have open ID and such, and those indies maybe act like morons sometimes....but we're still playing a video game remember ?
And if any of those indies goes too much oorp, there are faction rights which can be implemented if one doesn't follow original faction roleplay.
Not even gonna bother with quotes, and I am only gonna post in this topic once.
When refering to "you people" or "you", or any reference to others, it is a general term and not aimed at anyone specific. If "you" feel hurt by something written below, then maybe "you" should really think about what hurt you feelings, do some soul searching and get over it.
Was fun reading it, lots of LITTLE kids whining about not getting to play with the BIG kids toys.
Or the LITTLE kids complaining cause the BIG kids won't let them in their CLUB HOUSE. (when the club house clearly states in bold letters over it's door: "Looking for new members, please APPLY to join")
Elite factions are like businesses. You don't get in to them to be on the payroll without turning in an application first. So all of you complaining about it, you're just to lazy to do the work. It has nothing to do with freedoms, there are none in disco, everything has rules. If you don't like it, don't play. OR a better thought, be constructive and WORK at getting things changed for the better. Crying about it only proves you ARE the little kid, and little kids don't get to play with the better toys cause those are for RESPONSIBLE Players.
I've been reading several threads, this one, one about public nomads, a few others that all have lots of crying about OP ships/weapons/equipment.
IF you have a problem running into another factions ship that can whoop your SKILLED butt purely by SUPERIOR Equipment. Then go play a game you can set to EASY, or that you can use a cheat code on. Life isn't fair, Games aren't either. Usually when you face a superior (whether that's skill, equipment, stats, whatever) opponent, then you have to THINK and use your BRAIN to come up with a way to beat them. Sometimes that means RUNNING AWAY to survive.
I mean.. I've played games where I had to die 20x before I finally go "Oh.. that's the trick to beat the boss", I've also played games where it's written into the game that you CANNOT BEAT the boss at this time, please come back when you've gained 20 levels.
Some factions are gonna have superior equipment. Whether that be better guns, more armor, better shields, faster ships, etc.
What you call Elite Factions you should really call Antagonist Factions. Factions meant to be harder to get into.
- (Hmm.. fill out application, submit *more than likely approved if you took the time to think about the answers you put in the app* OH MY that was so hard Q_Q I wasted 5 minutes of my life filling it out.)
They are held more accountable (again it's that RESPONSIBILITY thing, funny how that word keeps coming up) for their actions, which means they also have to make sure the people IN their faction are RESPONSIBLE too.
- Unless I've totally misinterpreted the rules. An official faction can be sanctioned as a WHOLE for the actions of those IN their faction.
By having the higher standards of responsibility, sometimes they get some special equipment, or rules.
Think of it this way, good vs evil. Evil usually starts out winning because they don't don't play fair, they don't care who they hurt, they don't care about anything but winning. The good guys start at a disadvantage, but usually end up winning because they have the majority of the world on their side, they just have to motivate them into working together. Do you see the good guys complaining that the bad guys have bigger guns, or blow up a building of people? Sure, but it's more of a "darn them, they'll pay for that.. let's do what we can to make sure the don't do that again."
You people on this forum are doing more of a "That's not fair.. Q_Q, Admins/Devs, make them stop cause it's not fair... they ruined what 'I' wanted to do, and that's not fair."
If you want a game where everything is identical, go play chess, or checkers, backgammon, go... hell I can probably list 2 or 3 dozen more games that are completely equal for all players at the start, and it's purely skill, knowledge (and occasionally luck) that determines who wins.
So to end this, Either take this for what it is, a game, games are NOT fair.
It would take less effort to APPLY for a faction than the time you've already wasted ****hing and moaning about it not being a public faction. Public factions have to be perfectly balanced because not everyone is as responsible as everyone else. Why do you think Governments make so many laws. "Because they have to protect STUPID people from THEMSELVES".
LIFE is hard, Life is UNFAIR, Life is LIFE, not A GAME. Everyone wants equality in life, everyone wants to be rich, with no worries.
There are different types of games, most people play games to blow stuff up, or solve puzzles, or for the challenges and reward of beating something difficult.
But they all have something in common: there has to be DIFFERENCES.there MUST be antagonists, and protagonists. There must be sides.
Some sides have more powers/abilities/tech, but are smaller in numbers. Other sides have low/no powers/abilities/tech, but just roll over you with sheer numbers. If you want to be a god and never loose no MATTER the circumstances, this GAME is NOT for you. Leave, go use your cheat code or trainer somewhere else where you can live in your own PERFECT world.
Enjoying a game isn't always taking the easy route, sometimes you have to take chances and trust in luck, sometimes that luck takes a big bite out of your backside.
Quote:Think of it this way, good vs evil. Evil usually starts out winning because they don't don't play fair, they don't care who they hurt, they don't care about anything but winning. The good guys start at a disadvantage, but usually end up winning because they have the majority of the world on their side, they just have to motivate them into working together. Do you see the good guys complaining that the bad guys have bigger guns, or blow up a building of people? Sure, but it's more of a "darn them, they'll pay for that.. let's do what we can to make sure the don't do that again."
I'm a good guy. And I'm motivating the rest of the guys to be good and kick your evil butts.
You call it whining about unfairness because you are evil. I call it 'motivating people to hate you'. Why do you have a problem with people hating you, when you get to use all the stuff and being so evil?
PS. - Chess is not an equal game, the white has a slight advantage. Wins 52% of the time.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.