I actually made the decision to leave a while ago, but there are people here that I respect, people that I had ongoing role play interactions with, and activities going on in different factions, I am writing this mainly for them because they deserve an explanation as to why influential characters in their RP suddenly disappeared.
This was the first gaming community I've met, and what a great community it was, if I didn't have anything important that needed to be done in real life, I'd be online, all the time, I am guilty of post poning activities in real life or go as far as to cancel them to spend time with people here, that's how great it was, I neglected my education so I can spend time here, and that is not healthy.
I started playing here when I was about 13, I left several times due to different reasons, wether it was real life issues that needed attending or I felt I needed a break but I always came back, the idea of being able to buy a space ship, and fly in space anywhere I want to and do whatever I want to, explore different star systems, engage in politics, trade, conflicts, illegal activities, the ammount of freedom and choice that Discovery Freelancer provides, coupled with real human interraction instead of just NPC's was a drug for me, I got hooked and I always came back craving for it.
I am 21 now, and in the 8 years that I've spent with Discovery community I withnessed most of my friends and people I enjoyed interracting with leave, I am one of the old relics that still stuck.
I didn't make this decision lightly, I basically grew up with this game, it's a big chunk of my childhood, but looking back, this is not the Discovery that Idiscovered when I was 13.
It changed a lot, and not for the better.
We are all familiar with this, because it has become the norm.
Seems like everything today generates drama in discovery, from serious topics to the smallest, insignificant jokes, this thread will be a reservoir of drama, heck, my previous avatar generated drama.
I used to have an avatar with a troll face with vampire teeth and blood drawn over them in paint, King Boo told me to remove it because it was "unsettling" and when I refused, he removed it himself.
Still, this is a small price to pay for the years of fun and quality content that this community came up with, but when said drama interferes with role play and impacts faction development and progress, it makes one consider whether or not the price is still worth paying.
Which leads me to the next topic:
People have somehow gotten the idea that they can impose themselves on others, "I don't like what you got there so I'll destroy it" I've seen this happen with character developments, influential people in this community didn't like how other people were role playing their characters so they did everything to destroy them, from refusing to role play with them on forums, to in-game harassment and even ooRP trolling.
OORP grudges
I didn't take this one seriously until it happened to me.
Sure I've seen discussions and rants on the forum about OORP grudges, but I kept the mindset of "surely people realize it's only a game, they could've gotten angry at something that happened and needed to blow off some steam but they'll come around"
Except they didnt.
When a 35 year old man rages in the shoutbox because he got his trader char blown up, insults me over skype and targets my characters months after the event happened, there is an issue.
I'd say it was an isolated case if more persons didn't act in a similar manner.
Another example is an account created in 2015 with no forum activity whatsoever, a dead account, suddenly becoming active, posting the location of a hidden pob beyond the system navmap to the enemy so they can get another fleet involved in it's destruction, because an Outcast just randomly happens to find a base beyond the edges of the solar system in Sigma 17, yeah it was purely by chance, surely not somebody who failed to destroy the base repeatedly so he tries to get another faction involved.
And the fact that this has been blatantly posted on the forums, and reported, and no action has been taken goes to show the standards that this community has fallen to.
What happened with Exile's tips for retaining your Disco sanity? Such acts are do not only point to legitimate mental issues but they are toxic and destructive for the community as a whole because people invest their time, energy, creativity and effort into a project meant to deliver fun activities and engagement with the community only to be trampled upon by grown men behaving like the stereotypical 12yo CoD player.
Degeneration of RP level
Opportunities for role play is the reason why I tolerated all the negative aspects that became the norm in this community in the recent years, sure they were always here and every community has them, but lately these negative aspects have grown so much that they overshadow what few decent people are left here, ruining the experience for everyone.
As I fly my pirate char, in the last few months, I did not have ONE encounter beyond the bare minimum required to not get sanctioned.
The encounters I had were:
1. *no interraction at all*
2. *f1*
3. *i no pay pew pew pew*
4. *engaging pirate*
5.*uses player list to look for name and logs off*
6.*uses player list to find my location then logs combat char*
7.*pretends is afk while slowly drifting towards the lane*
I am not oversimplifying it, I really had no other encounters in roleplay beyond that, and others can relate.
It has come to the point that I had to actively seek out people on the forums and contact them privately in order to plan role play worthy interactions where such interactions used to come by themselves randomly.
Ok, those may all be new people and they are not familiar with the concept of role play, looking at the sanction thread I see a lot of "new people" getting sanctioned/warned which should mean, we have new people coming in all the time, but if we have new people coming in all the time, then why is the server population not rising? Heck it's in constant decline even.
Either those "newbs" are not actually new, but older players trying to get away with breaking the rules by pretending, or they really are new players, but they don't stick around.
Heck, why would anyone want to stick around here if they join these days? Reasons anyone who joins for their first time now leave right after explained below:
I brought a friend
The community gave me thousands of hours of fun, so I wanted to give something back in it's time of need by advertising it to people, trying to bring in fresh blood.
I convinced my best friend to give Discovery a try.
He played for a few days and loved it until he suddenly stopped logging and when I asked him about it he said "f*k off with these people"
Pushing my friend off the server was the last straw.
Unlike your average noob he took the time and effort to read and understand the server rules, asking for them to be explained and started getting a grip on Freelancer role play before he made his first char, he was excited to try the different aspects of the game until he got harassed, trolled, targeted ooRP because he was flying with me and the poor power traders wanted to get revenge on the bad pirate who shot at their 5'ker and what easier way to get a blue message than from someone who doesn't know how the controls work yet?
Sure on forums everyone's "WELCOME STAY WITH US JOIN THESE FACTIONS BLA BLA BLA" very friendly, but once he logs ingame, he sees the other side of Discovery.
I've set him up with a trader char only to see him getting blown to pieces by alts looking for an easy pew, introduced him to piracy to see him get ganked and have him meet the dumb mute power traders in 4-5k'ers that act like they'll starve in real life if they spare a mil or a few minutes of role play.
All in all, his time here has been less than enjoyable and he didn't get much of that supposed role play..
If that's how you treat new players, no wonder nobody wants to invest themselves here, some of you can barely control their climax reading this, well, what was once a great community is as good as dead now, just wait a little while longer and you'll be the only ones in Sirius so you can jerk each other off in the privacy of empty space.
"I've been flying an Edge Worlds capital ship for over five years, sitting in front of a station 24/7 talking to Nomads I'm so much better than you hurr durr f*k off with your indie char and your diplomacy and factions etc...I am vet! I am best!" basically sums up the behaviour of some vets here towards fellow members.
There are more issues that have cropped up and I could go in depth but if you don't get the idea by now, it's pointless to go any further.
I will donate my credits to an individual of my choosing and he will get to split them with whoever he wants.
If you want my stuff, PM an admin about it once the credits have been taken off the chars.
This place can get to you, but hang on to at least a trader or whatever your favorite ship is and try and keep it active. Sometimes this game can be therapeutic to hop in and fly around for a few hours now and then. Stay out of official factions and the drama they bring, but taking a break is good. I sort of hated the fact i deleted all my assets back in 2015, swore i would never come back to this game, and well i did. But now i just have a few ships i hop on when i need a break from real life and other games. There are many good people in here, and yes many toxic self centered ones as well. But do not let them chase you away completely from something you enjoyed. Take a break, log in when you get time and keep your accounts active. Even just a few minutes of undocking and flying around, maybe say hello to some old friends if they are on. Anyways hope things go well for you away from here, but no matter what this place does tend to suck some of us back into it no matter how much we try and get away. Just recommending so you do not make a snap decision out of being annoyed with some people. Take care and good luck out there.
Sad to see you go. Lancer stuff can absolutely get to you, no doubt, especially if it's grating over a long period of time. But if you ever want to give Disco another chance and want someone to fly with, I would be happy to accompany you!
A lot of this is stuff that sucks but I keep a sort of "go with the flow, is what it is" etc etc mentality on it. The edginess thing actually really gets to me too though, and has put me off from interacting with certain people/groups at times, I was wondering when someone else would notice that.
All in all I think this one is a net loss for the community. I'd say come back any time, but I doubt that any time will be soon.
As a new player, this is a distressing read. I joined up for the role-play and I must be fortunate as I have had some good RP during my limited time here. It saddens me to see that the OORP and bullies have ruined what should be a great community for you and others before yourself. But as a new player I can't comment on things I have not seen thus far. I only hope that the server moderators read this thread and endeavor to rectify this issue before it kills what is a great game and years of hard work for the modders that created it.
And although we never met in game or on the forum I wish you the best with your future, where-ever it may take you. I feel like I've missed out on a good experience by not have conversed with you in RP.
(04-08-2018, 01:34 AM)Durandal Wrote: A lot of this is stuff that sucks but I keep a sort of "go with the flow, is what it is" etc etc mentality on it. The edginess thing actually really gets to me too though, and has put me off from interacting with certain people/groups at times, I was wondering when someone else would notice that.
All in all I think this one is a net loss for the community. I'd say come back any time, but I doubt that any time will be soon.
It's this kind of attitude that's wrong with Disco. "Just go with it, it is what it is" is wrong. It needs to be ended or else it will simply get worse and worse until eventually Disco dies from it. It's like ignoring cancer. The problem only gets worse until it kills you unless you take immediate and effective action to stop it.
(04-08-2018, 12:49 AM)Ivan Norovich Wrote: I brought a friend
Sure on forums everyone's "WELCOME STAY WITH US JOIN THESE FACTIONS BLA BLA BLA" very friendly, but once he logs ingame, he sees the other side of Discovery.
I've set him up with a trader char only to see him getting blown to pieces by alts looking for an easy pew, introduced him to piracy to see him get ganked and have him meet the dumb mute power traders in 4-5k'ers that act like they'll starve in real life if they spare a mil or a few minutes of role play.
All in all, his time here has been less than enjoyable and he didn't get much of that supposed role play..
If that's how you treat new players, no wonder nobody wants to invest themselves here, some of you can barely control their climax reading this, well, what was once a great community is as good as dead now, just wait a little while longer and you'll be the only ones in Sirius so you can jerk each other off in the privacy of empty space.
You can't believe how right you are with that, i created a LSF char and no one from the different official LN factions wanted to interact with me, the last straw beign that while patrolling in Texas i found a =LSF= battlecruiser and got near to greet and ask a few things, only to be received with a NOTHING TO SEE HERE, GET LOST, and the cruiser proceeded to stay in the place like truly wanting me to leave the area, man, that was very bad and made me quit the game for a week, finally i decided to return and ignore them too, and only interact with the rest of the indies (LNS), how i am supposed to be able to improve my rp and all those things, if no one wants to interact with strangers, only their friends?
Also, all those weird player created factions and special roleplays, i am supposed to read pages and pages of nonsense just to be able to interact with those people? And only to after a few lines get ganked just like recently happened to me in NL where i was already in a lot of disadvantage and they paid a passing freelancer to attack me too?
And this is with my month in the game only, i can truly believe most of the problems you talk about are real and that you experienced everything, fortunately there's good factions and good people too, just like the one or two i am involved right now.