In regards to the Leeds Militia question thread I started: Here (in a Eric Cartman accent), how does one go about starting a faction?
I realize I need a background draft, logical RP on all fronts, and a reason to be there. This, I believe I can shell up with the assistance of others.
Now recruitment? I am a procrastinating and sometimes forgetful person, and a disorganised one at times, only two of my five events I've ever done have turned into 'win'. Take the recent Manhattan Massacre, and that Starflier Battle Royal last year as examples.
And for those in the factions I have been with, you know I am not the best faction sort of person, this goes to the IMG, LWB, APM and LPI, and the Order, even though you never reply to my mail... :rtfm: I curse thee! Anyway, I digress.
How does one really start an organized group of players into a sub-faction that is accepted by not only the official factions, but the general community as a whole?
' Wrote:In regards to the Leeds Militia question thread I started: Here (in a Eric Cartman accent), how does one go about starting a faction?
I realize I need a background draft, logical RP on all fronts, and a reason to be there. This, I believe I can shell up with the assistance of others.
Now recruitment? I am a procrastinating and sometimes forgetful person, and a disorganised one at times, only two of my five events I've ever done have turned into 'win'. Take the recent Manhattan Massacre, and that Starflier Battle Royal last year as examples.
And for those in the factions I have been with, you know I am not the best faction sort of person, this goes to the IMG, LWB, APM and LPI, and the Order, even though you never reply to my mail... :rtfm: I curse thee! Anyway, I digress.
How does one really start an organized group of players into a sub-faction that is accepted by not only the official factions, but the general community as a whole?
Well..since you cant make threads and all, recruit ingame instead...via skype...tell your friends your ideas, hopes, desires, well, hook up and slap something together, once it is rolling nicely, once you got feedback, then see if you really think that making it official is worth the trouble...a small group of friends may be better sometimes.
since unoficial factions cant have own recruiting thread.. you have only 3 options
1. ingame recruiting
2. be anoying spamer and PM ppl on forum
3. try luck in flood ... but be prepaird for hell on earth if you choose this opton because flood is a real rectum of this forum settled with strange creatures always ready to rape your topic and fill it with s*hitload of internet memes, spam and lulz... their favorite animal is mudkip
I dont see the reason for more anti-kusari forces. But heh anyhow, the player number will be quite the same. If not the militia squad then BAF or QCP. But all in all I think you should try how does it work in game and then think about officlial faction.
' Wrote:In regards to the Leeds Militia question thread I started: Here (in a Eric Cartman accent), how does one go about starting a faction?
I realize I need a background draft, logical RP on all fronts, and a reason to be there. This, I believe I can shell up with the assistance of others.
Now recruitment? I am a procrastinating and sometimes forgetful person, and a disorganised one at times, only two of my five events I've ever done have turned into 'win'. Take the recent Manhattan Massacre, and that Starflier Battle Royal last year as examples.
And for those in the factions I have been with, you know I am not the best faction sort of person, this goes to the IMG, LWB, APM and LPI, and the Order, even though you never reply to my mail... :rtfm: I curse thee! Anyway, I digress.
How does one really start an organized group of players into a sub-faction that is accepted by not only the official factions, but the general community as a whole?
lol you are in the LWB?!
serious edit:
Just set out like making it a real faction, then just never apply for officialdom? I started that cryer thing by talking to a few people about it, then writing some big post that basically said what we were about, what we wanted to do and so on, and then kind of just got on with it. Cryer's a small faction anyway that doesn't have much to do with much, but I get contacted when something comes up, and get to hang out in the Liberty CEO chat and such. Think we're basically working ourselves in to the woodwork.
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Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
I'll use the Buccaneers as an example. Not so long ago we didn't exist, and now we're bigger than some official factions. [Peers pointedly at the denizens of the Blue Lagoon]
We saw a niche, or a gap in the market if you will. Or rather, meester Thacker did. So he fired up Skype, and presented the idea in the Bret Lawfuls chat. A few people thought it was a good idea, so he got two or three members that way.
Those one or two people were then idly talking with other people who then also thought it was a good idea. Meester Thacker then told me as well, and I thought it was a good idea. Then there were five.
After that we set up a Google Doc and made a Skype chat where we could bounce ideas off each other. So, we'd each be added to the Doc with editing permissions and scribble bits down.
So, once we had a semi-polished proposal we thought looked good, we made this, which resulted in much feedback and jubilation and cereals, culminating in the streamlining of the proposal and filling in the cracks that couldn't just be painted over and ignored until the estate agent comes round and points it out. The other side-affect of that thread is we got a lot of recruits.
Following that up we did this, followed a little while later by this. Both the former and the latter are great ways to raise publicity, and the more people are aware of your existing, the more likely they are to want to know more, and if they want to know more, there's a chance they might want to sign up.
Then there's ingame and more Skype badgering to do. Try to snare friends and then press-gang them into service. And most importantly, pick trustworthy people to help you set up. There's nothing worth than having a treacherous second in command undermining your efforts while the group is in it's infancy.
If you want help with story, contact LeMaitre, BAF Leader. He's really great with this stuff. He writes diplomacy, background stories, all this ... and it's the good stuff.
Some very good tips on here, and thank you. Skype? Uh... I have it, but I rarely use it and to this day still annoys me, but I will use it if called upon.
I barely know people here apart from their avatar's and signatures, I guess that is my hands off approach to socialising here, not intended, but its annoying in its own right when you need some help. Yay me on that front.
And if anyone ever decides to try and talk to me on here, feel free to do so, and my addresses are shamelessly posted in my profile. Just tell me who you are if you do add me, I've had some rather annoying spam in the past, another reason for my hands off approach.