Target ID: King Sparta Comm ID: Thomas Anderson Subject: Get yer bloody chaps out of Leeds.
Ahoy, now what pisses me off more than pathetic pirates are the ones that don't follow our bloody treaty.
I'd suggest ye start followin' it or I'll be takin' it up with me Cap'n. I caught yer boy Vilkas in Leeds t'day, and I have more reason t' believe that he was piratin'. I've read the bloody treaty and I know what it says. But it really pisses me off when ye lads decide t' break it.
Not t' mention yer smart ass boy decides t' threaten me. Do somethin' about it or my Cap'n will be hearin' about this, and I'm sure ye won't be happy.
Now if this moron was in a bloody Transport it'd be a completely different, however he wasn't. The ball rests in yer court as the old Earth sayin' goes
We have a deal ye bloody twerps. My transport was attacked by yer chaps on the way home t' Cambridge. I wasn't feelin' the need t' stay near Corsairs so I took a little side trip t' neutral space.
Ye happen t' be morons. All of ye, the Cap'n will listen t' this Transmission and will see the still shots of yer pathetic rat, engagin' my ship.
From: Captain Henry Morgan Location: <routing data corrupt> To: King Sparta
Now, I admit I'm surprised that I'm hearin' what I am from me lads. When we made our accord, I expected it would last longer than a week or two, and we've been keepin' in good faith with the agreement. Now, though, I'm hearin' that yer lads are pirating in Leeds, as well as attackin' me lads, both of which are clearly in violation of our accord. If ye're wantin' to keep things on an even keel, then I suggest ye get yer lads in line.
Tough things, I heard, one the other hand that you have an outcast vessel and piloted it to Crete.
I've got no idea what's really goin' on here amigos, but we'll get to the bottom of both things. One OPG in leeds isn't a doomsday, besides, Trafaglar base is talking that you aren't around enough. Now, we've brought the cargo you needed to Trafaglar and from then didn't hear from you. Now I get messages transferred from elder that you are harassin' people in Corsair space.
What exactly is happenin' around?
We've been doin' our usual run t' and from Crete, as always. Normal piratin' has been stayin' in Leeds.
That idiot that claims t' be an Elder decided it was alright t' demand what we were doin' in Omicron Gamma, as I've explained t' the old fart, we've been runnin' food t' ye chaps and artifacts back t' Bretonian space for distributation. Oh, and I did that with the utmost respect, until he started pissin' me off.
So in other words, we haven't been harassin' anyone. It's ye chaps harassin' us.
Also, a bloody Border World Light Fighter doesn't count as bein' a bloody Outcast vessel! Would ye chaps be happy if we started usin' yer fighters? No, ye wouldn't, the only fighter open t' us on the market without usin' those crappy civilian ships is the bloody Border World line. So get that crap about it bein' Outcast out of yer head. It's a bloody Buccaneer ship if we're usin' it.
Last, this isn't about a bloody OPG bein' in Leeds, this is about ye blokes keepin' t' yer part of the deal. Which so far has failed, on yer side. The Buccaneers have yet t' go int' Gamma guns blazin'. We maybe pirates but we're not bloody morons. The fact here is ye blokes harassin' us, and ye know us Ivan. Ye know us well enough t' know we'd defend our interests and not harm one of our vital supplin' lines.
But whatever, ye chaps want t' do a disservice t' yer nation, then so be it. The Cap'n will know what t' do when ye decide t' open fire on our transports after the hospitality we've given t' ye chaps.
For starters you could keep your temper down, because i'm offering a same to you.
border world ships aren't outcast ships but I can't see why would you need a combat vessel in Gamma. Are your transports in danger of something there? No wonder somoene mistaken you for a free target.
We'll keep em out of leeds, you keep em combat ships out of Gamma.
I'm willin' to accept that your lad piratin' in Leeds was an isolated incident, so we'll let that one go. As fer flying with an escort on the run to Crete, those combat vessels aren't intended as a threat towards yer people. As ye're well aware, there's plenty o' other people along the way that wouldn't appreciate our trade with ye, including the Bretonian authorities, and a few o' your other enemies.
Leave em in front of our doorstep, that's what I'm sayin. No BAF, Bounty Hunters or anything in Gamma that can't be thrown off by Corsair nation. Better not to cause tensions, yes?
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To: Ivan, OPG
From: John Crown, Lieutenant
Now, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but these Brotherhood people addressed a communication channel towards us Buccaneers over a private frequency, much alike this is a communication to the OPG over a private frequency. If you want, I'll send something that'll give you access to it. Our technical man Milton called it a 'Shifting Temporary Transmission Cypher Algorithm', whatever the hell that is.
Basically, these Brotherhood people have declared that they'll be happily attempting to pulp any Buccaneer ships they come across, including our food convoys. This is after one of our convoys refused to kow-tow to some fella called Miguel. He a trouble causer? Either way, to me that means there is indeed a good reason for our transports to have escorts - after all, you're not going to stick your neck out and take on these Brotherhood morons for us, are you?
However, I'm sure we can reach a compromise - I'd propose that in return for your men beating off any misguided Brotherhood pilots who would happily burn the food we're offering, we'll leave our escorts (those in Borderworld ships anyway; you people seem to have some sort of phobia of them) at either Freeport 5 in Omega 41, or Freeport 9 in Omicron Theta depending on our angle of approach.
Of course, I somewhat doubt you'll be happy with that.
Oh, and about that 'Outcast' ship that you commented on, that was a Borderworld Light Fighter. Hardly an offencive weapon. The reason that Light Fighter was used is because it doesn't prove any threat to the Corsairs of Gamma as an offensive weapon, but it would have been able to harry any enemies to give the transport time to get away.
And here is that transmission thing. It'll expire after you've closed the communication channel, so be sure to back up any content you want to review later. As a foreword, Miguel the Corsair started this, and I was understandably irritated. The mental domination he brought upon himself was entirely of his own doing - we were provoked!
Way to screw it up. I honestly don't know what transpired there, but if you think about going back to Gamma, make sure you clean up behind that faux pas first. After that we can continue enforcing the non aggression pact from both sides. Best of luck.
- Ivan