To: [color=#FFFFFF]Little Miss Grumpy Comm. ID:Commissar Leon Mendel Priority:HIGH Subject:Oh no you don't
---Communications Opened---
Oh well then, since you were so polite to me in disbarring my communication through your channel, I felt the need to open my own. That wonderful thing known as redial.
So, and forgive me for being crass, I do so hate to be impolite...
So, you have opened your summit to every Tom, Dick, Hairy Zoner out there, some of whom have stations no bigger than my garage, and yet you feel that the Coalition, of which there are citizens into the hundreds of thousands, are not worth your time because we are... and let me get this straight, an "Illegal" Government?
Funny, I didn't realize the United Nations had reconvened, I mean some two thousand years of hiatus, I am sure it would be bound to come back into session eventually... shame no one bothered to tell the poor representatives from Togo... they're still waiting on that UN resolution banning fish.
So in the absence of the United Nations, League of Nations, nor in fact, the Alliance (Which I assure you was so soundly thrashed you'd need a level nine mage and a resurrection spell just to get a whimper out of them) who exactly is the party to render us "Illegal"? The other Houses?
In Which case, Mc Liberty is an Illegal Government to Susage Land, Sushi-ari is Illegal to FishandChip-tonia, and visa versa... so that argument kind of falls flat now doesn't it? But then I wouldn't expect much out of an intelligence such as yours, too much peroxide and silicone seeping into that brain of yours?
The Coalition Duma, the government of the Coalition, is the due and legal government of it's people. Of which Katz is the Premier, you don't have to like it, but then I don't imagine you like much these days, you seem a little sour.
Where was I, oh yes, Sirian-Politics 101, because, after all, you need to know something about Politics if you are to host a summit... So your farce of a Summit has excluded the Coalition, fair enough, it sounds like all the popular kids aren't going to be in attendance anyway, you've excluded one house entirely, catered to the Zoners... who, let's face it, love any excuse for a party, even if it is going to be yours. And you have also disbarred the Colonial Remnant, another legal representation of their people...
My we are off to a diplomatic start, aren't we? I mean, at this rate, you're summit is destined to become a two hundred mile an hour train wreck, and you haven't even started.
Oh, and next time you hang up on me, remember, I don't play nice, and I definately don't shut up when told to do so by a middle aged spinster with her hair in too tight a knot.
I have seen bloodshed from one end of the galaxy to another, I have seen men kill men for just looking at them wrongly. Diplomacy seems to too often be thrown out the window by many parties, well you see, we here in the Coalition wished to be present during the Summit because we are a legitimate government. Just as any other House in Sirius we are free men and women who serve a People. Rheinland, Kusari, Liberty, Bretonia, all have been allowed access to the Summit... yet you have denied us entrance, nay, you have mocked us. You have said that the opinions of hundreds of thousands of Coalition Citizens means nothing. Nothing more than a small station of Zoners, in the big view of things. These Zoners, some having authority only over a few thousand people, have been allowed representation.
I have seen what you have tried to do, what the governments have tried to do, and it sickens me. To take our liberties, to take our lives! I will not stand for it!
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:None IDENTIFICATION:Harlan Draka, Lieutenant SOURCE:Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system SUBJECT:Summit
Ms. Allen, as a Lieutenant of the Coalition, and as a citizen of Sirius, I find your response to the Commissar's message unacceptable. Instead of welcoming us and engaging in diplomacy in this war-torn sector, you mocked us and cast us away. To you, our hundreds of thousands of hard working men and women mean nothing. That cannot be allowed to stand.
Sender ID: [color=#000000]Major Sergei Levashov Subject:"Illegal Government"!? Priority: [color=#FF000]High
Kicking us away, that's what is illegal here. I have no idea what you are thinking of right now, but I'd rather not want to know that, since it would be just a big bunch of chaos. Nobody will silence us.
I have a voice!
[[[color=#33FF33]Transmittion Terminated]]
[10:46:32] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): And actually, the KU Dessie is the best GB.
[19:29:19] Joseph (Aphil): SCRA|CPW-Capitalism.
You have the audacity to call us 'illegal', given the bed of corruption and lies your own company and employers lay in? I was a Corsair before I took up my vocation to serve the People, senorita. I know what goes on aboard the Hawaii. I also know what goes on down on Curacao. Decadence while the poor starve. Debauchery while the masses suffer from exposure. Illicit operations utilising black market organs, ripped from the bellies of innocent men. Blood sports and drug abuse, to cater to the Sirian 'elite classes'. You tolerate, no... permit and participate in these crimes, then have the audacity to decry the People's Duma as illegal? It seems you're hypocrites as well as liars and criminals.
They are not the United Nations of old, their assembly has no legitimate right to rule over anything but themselves. I don't mind not being a member of their club - mine's better.
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:None IDENTIFICATION:Ben Warner, Major SOURCE:Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system SUBJECT:Summit
We are illegal? Your people didn't have any objective making war with us hundreds of years ago as a legal government. Your hundreds of years late if you want to brand us an illegal nation.
[color=#FF0000]>>>[color=#000000]RECOGNITION ID - Lieutenant Ketsu Shigemori >>>[color=#000000]PRIORITY -GREEN >>>[color=#000000]SUBJECT - WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED
Know that I was once a brave and loyal son of Kusari - My father worked in a factory, because a thousand years ago, his ancestor was a simple laborer. He works there still. My mother is indentured to a household, to be a servant, to continue paying a debt accrued through words three generations past. My sister is denied high education because of her sex. My story is not unique.
I am a loyal son of The Coalition by choice. I see a bright future for all of Sirius and am not afraid to put my life on the line, so that every single person may have a better life. I will gladly die, for my Premier, for the future, and for the new dawn...the red dawn.
Every single soldier of the Coalition has a Voice. And with ONE VOICE we will proclaim...with one throat.