Heres 6 Quick-Starts of getting on the top in Discovery Mod Servers
1: Dont keep gear that came with a ship unless checked.
Some players keep some gear, which is fine, but not if you want to go somewhere without being shot at. Always buy a freighter from the start, why you ask? Cause you'll be screwed later on if you stay in a LF for anytime. Since Penn System has a Helium field, which everyone knows of, Its easy to make money fast and in the same system. After getting about 60-80k creds, Get a Rhino, trust me, it may be hard to manuver, but its your best bet getting a bigger ship.
2: Avoid "Contested Systems".
God, I cant forget that time in Leeds, some GRN ships tried to kill me, thankfully, Kusari Exiles were distracting them. Contested systems are basiclly warzones, not a DMZ, like Cortes and Kepler, for examples. This is for people who have a faction thats hostile to them and a friendly faction is invading that area. Although the friendly faction wont fire on you, you can still get some friendly fire. If theres the big guns in the area, your in a deadzone. Try to avoid those areas if you have a peice of crap ship. Rhinos are not for these areas, fighters, maybe.
3: Travel around a bit.
People have the idea they can just goto where they want without worrying about how to get cash and all that. This way of thinking is retarded and stupid, credits are everything. Before joining a Faction, do some trading before you go off doing what ever. Better ships require more creds, you dont have it, you dont get it. There is a used ship dealer on the Discovery Forums, but not recommended. Earn your cash by lawfull or illegal trades, any method to get a crap load of credits is what your first goal should be. In between, buy a better, less expencive ship, like a Camara, and keep going. Go from planet to planet, get prices of everything so you know where you can get the most for your cargo. And Wormholes(Jumpholes), Look for em, they might make your travels easier and jump closer to a destination.
4: Dont dock to a trade lane someone else is docking with.
This I have seen and happen to me, alot. If someone else is there before you, wait for them to be about 5 Klicks out, then jump. Transport ships do this alot and people who are in a hurry. If they complain about it, tell em they should have waited. This will allow you to travel without worrying about crashing into someone. But there will be times when someone justs sits there like a idiot in front of the exit.
5: Drop of the TLs(Trade Lanes).
This is something people dont do. Jumping off in the middle of a trade lane jump can save you trouble and find a alternate route if needed. You would do this if you have hostile targets on scopes and you have cargo you want to keep or just dont want to deal with em. Since most scanners can pick up player and hostile ships at 15 Klicks, you have to be ready to jump off at a moments notice.
6: Choose your ID carefully.
This may not seem a big deal at first, but its alot of trouble later on.If you remember reading #3, get the cash for ships of that faction. The Coalition ID is for those willing to take a pounding from enemies and usually dont leave the system they're in. Dont choose a Liberty Rogue ID and then fly to a Libert Navy base to pcik some weapons up, automatically hostile. If you want to work with House Factions, but dont want certain Criminal Factions to be hostile to you, read mission breifings carefully. It can matter.
These are things that aren't normally talked about and usually aren't thought of ahead. I did this cause there is alot if people doing stupid stuff and complain about "Oh, I have a Coalition ID and I got shot at!", Well, its your own damn fault for choosing that ID in the first place, isn't it. Im not going to rant on any further, just make sure to read it if you want to get the really big ships :rtfm::rtfm::rtfm:.
'A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.' A Lao Tzu quote
(also could add some exact mining locations).
If lucky, can ask a player to fill your Rhino for free. that's 2+ millions already, if you reach your destination. and since you're low level atm, no pirate will bother you.
Hate to burst your bubble, only dim-witted pirates will kill you for anything you have. Reason I dont fly around with Nukes and special CMs. Also made this cause its for people who dont want to waste time with FL Companion and want to do it the old fashion way without addons. #4 however, I can say for alot of players, do the exact oppisite of this. Im sick of some transport going, "Hey, I got more cargo!". If you are these people, first of all, f#$% you cause I dont give a damn, and 2, I will start causing problems for you by buying a bomber and then wipping the floor with your dead corpse when Im done with your ship and destroy your cargo. Thats the only thing that gets me. Anyway, anyone else with helpfull things, no hacks, otherwise you are a loser to begin with, help so we dont have to put a sign up looking like this:
' Wrote:...who dont want to waste time with FL Companion and want to do it the old fashion way without addons.
If by "waste time" you mean "be more efficient," then sure. If you use a /restart, you already have the contents of all the lawful bases and you don't need to fly around looking at them, and FLCompanion can help you be a whole lot more efficient when finding trade routes.
Plus, it's not an addon.
Based on your comments, I don't really think you were qualified to make this guide.
Not bad I guess, considering how new you are. You do need more experience with some things though, like contested systems can be a lot of fun. Also light fighters are not useless, they can be very powerful if used right.
Regardless, a nice idea for making a little guide for new people. Kudos there, but you should play the field a little bit more really so you can get an idea of what is actually going on.
I can testify that using the used ships section is a very, very, very good idea, unless you plan on spending half a lifetime hauling cargo to get the ships you want.
Nice effort, but I would advise any new player to not take this guide too serious