RBT-61h "Hummel" Rheinland Battleship Turret

From Discovery Wiki
Rheinland Battleship Turret
Equipicon capturret.png
Hull Damage 6397
Shield Damage 3198.5
Hull Damage/s 14553.19
Shield Damage/s 7276.59
Refire Rate 2.28
Energy usage/s 43839.29
Projectile Velocity 600
Range 3850
Efficiency 0.5
FLStat Rating 724.68

RBT-61h "Hummel" Rheinland Battleship Turret

One of the most massive weapons in the Rheinland Military fleet, the Hummel is a large, long range, heavy damage siege gun. Its size limits it to the heaviest warships in the Rheinland fleet.


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